Part 25: Chapter 14: Soul
Chapter 14: Soul
Welcome, Administrator.
It is almost time. I need a dynamic output of the situation in the girl's Cosmosphere.
Coming right up, Administrator.
Location: Dive Shop Horai

Horai: All these people? Are you sure she'll be okay?

Horai: Alright. I've never let this many people dive together at once before.
But, let's start the dive.

No matter what happens to me, you must have faith in me... and continue along your path.
Please, be careful...

The monster trapped Misha inside a crystal.

That's not true... Sure, some humans are terrible...
But, even the worst humans are better than you!
You endanger human lives... and souls... just for fun.
I'll kill you for that right now!

Don't worry! I'll save you...

I don't understand! What's going on here?


The rest is up to you.

Let's end this!

It's all up to you, now.
Boss Battle: ELMA-DS and ELMA x3:
Now we get to fight ELMA-DS again, accompanied by 3 ELMAs. The ELMAs are weaker versions of the large one that pretty much universally use Bugs Fang. ELMA-DS has gained a new attack that he'll use at low health that hits a single person for a very large amount of damage. He uses Harm Wave more often, though, so he's actually easier to kill.

We exterminated those viruses completely...


All's well that ends well...
Location: Platina Cathedral

Are you okay?

I don't know why...
But... I feel relieved...

I think we need to learn more about the people down there, and they need to learn more about us.
I know it won't be easy... but I think it's something we need to do.

Perhaps we can trust the people of Horus more...

Should that happen, then...
You people will be the messengers of a new era.
Everything's not okay, though. This is only the beginning of our problems.
Location: Platina

Where is Misha?

Hey, look at this statue. It's the same as the one in the church. But, they're so far apart...
I wonder if, a long time ago, your people and my people ever lived together.

I came here to save this world, and that's it...

There's a gate in the center of the tower that connects the Upper and Lower Worlds. It's called the Frozen Eye.
Lady Shurelia is going to open it.


Will you show me around the city? I've never been to Platina before...

Location: Asparanika Park

Man: Welcome to my store. Oh, hi, rich boy! Long time no see.

Man: What are you talking about? You're the son of the Commander. That makes you a rich boy.

Man: I thought you two made up.

Man: That's too bad. Anyway, it's been a while. Have a Funbun on me.

Location: Department, Shopping District

Store: It's not a general store! It's a fancy shop!

Store: Then make him buy you something next time.

Store: Here, I'll give you a special gift for being a regular customer!

Store: Don't worry about it. We're celebrating today! Besides, you shop here regularly.

Shop: Ah... you know, the whole city is celebrating now!
Here, take this! It's today's special, on the house!

Shop: Don't worry about it. Today is a day to celebrate.
Come back again!
Location: Linkage, Housing District

Location: Cathedral.

Knight: Lyner, how are you today?
Commander Leard is in a meeting right now. But, would you like me to get him?

Knight: ...I see.


First of all, thank you for exterminating the viruses.
Platina is peaceful once again. Unfortunately, the peace is only temporary.

In this case, the root is the Mother Virus, Mir.

Now, we need to form a search party. We'll need some excellent soldiers.
Lyner and Ayatane, you're both worthy candidates for this mission, of course, but...
You'll have to decide for yourselves if you want to go.

That's why we're gonna start with Tenba. Are you sure you want to go back there?

I'm... sorry...
You haven't even decided if you want to join the search party yet.
But, I was thinking that if you did come... we can spend some time together, again...

But now, it's time for me to go shopping! It's been forever since I got to shop in Platina.

Location: Apsaranika Park

Remember, I told you I was coming along to help Misha.
And, I know you're gonna join up too, right? Heh, like I really have to ask.
Well, I'm going for a walk.
Location: Department, Shopping District

I'm really curious about what's up there...

Anway, that's how things stand with me. Sorry, that wasn't much help at all, was it?
Location: Linkage, Housing District

And that would be a shame. Especially since Biship Falss is looking forward to meeting with you again.

I'm sorry for being in such a rush...

I'll see you later. I hope you can greet me with some good news.

I don't think she went outside. Maybe she went to the Gather through the underground tunnel...
Location: Gather

What am I going to do? Well, nothing, I guess...
There aren't any oracles who want to partner up with me, so I won't even be able to go on missions.
Say, do you know about the Trio of Elemia?
Have you heard their legends?

Anyway, this is how it goes...
You have to be paired up with an oracle to go on the mission to welcome the Trio of Elemia.
But, I can't find an oracle who wants to be my partner, because my class is so low.
So, I only get to do jobs that everyone else is too busy to do.

You helped us out a lot on our journey.

Location: Platina Cathedral

I can't put my mission on hold, just to join a search party.

I would worry about you so much that I wouldn't be able to concentrate on the search.

What about you, Lyner?

So now we have a choice. Do we:
Join the Search Party for Misha's Song
Pay back the Church for their help with Aurica?
Both paths are equally important to the story, and our choice here is a major factor in determining the ending we get. I will eventually play both paths, but the choice here will determine our main path for the game. Voting will last until Thursday.