Part 27: Chapter 15: Storm
Chapter 15- Storm
Welcome to the Tower of Ar Tonelico Public Access Terminal Network!
Why are you so damned happy? This isn't a time to be happy. Stupid computerized voice. Shut up and tell me what's been happening in Platina. Specifically follow Lyner Barsett, I want to get something special ready for him to thank him for his wonderful efforts.
Searching... records found. Loading...

I promised that I would come back...
Aurica took care of me after my emergency landing on the Wings of Horus.
The Church gave me some clues on how to find the Hymn Crystal.
And... they did everything they could to help me find it.
As you can see, Radolf and Aurica even helped me get back up here.
If not for the Church, you'd still be fighting viruses and I might not even be alive.
So, I have a duty to repay the Church.

This Church in the Wings of Horus has done more than its fair share to help him.
It is a sign of good faith to contribute to the Church until you feel your debt is paid.
Granting you permission to work for the Church will be Platina's gift.

Besides, it's not like we'll never see each other again...
I might not see you for a while, but I'm hoping for the best.

Touching. I need a body again so I can vomit when things like this happen. What else have you got?
Security footage at Frozen Eye recovered.

So the little brat really is going to help those fools of the Church of the Trio? Interesting. Indeed, this could provide quite a lot of entertainment before the end. Too bad that at the rate things are going that will be ever so soon.

The subjects stopped in Frozen Eye region.

...Or, is it because of what I said at the Gather?

I mean, the Church really did help me out a lot.
And, even when I first came to the Wing of Horus, they helped me when I was hurt.

Stop. Right. There. They must have gone to Nemo, right? Just, just skip to that. I feel myself getting dumber every time I have to listen to that kid.

And Lyner, are you here because of that promise you made to me?

Aurica, now that you have a partner, you are a true Reyvateil. Work hard for Lyner.

Falss; Oh, Aurica, I think it's time to administer the life-extending agent.

Lyner, I'm sorry. I'll catch up with you at the inn.

Oh to see young children, oblivious to the onrushing destruction. I'm sure that couldn't have lasted for long.

Man: I thought the wind was blowing harder than usual for the past few days. I knew this was coming.
Woman: They canceled all flights to Firefly Alley.

Oops. Did I do that? Mmmhmhmhmhm...
Ahem. Anyway, keep going. I want to witness these ants scrambling for safety.
Location: Nemo City Inn.

Adventurer: Oh, hoho...
But you see darling, if you don't do as you're told, you'll make that guy over there really upset...
Man: ......

Adventurer: Just do what we say! Reyvateils have no right to deny us anyway!

Adventurer: Who the hell are you?

Adventurer: How dare you talk to use like that! Let's get him!

Man: P...p...please... help me...

Besides, do you really think that was saving her?

I'm sorry. It wasn't supposed to be like this...

I just... I don't want to see you like that ever again...

And, I wanted to save you. I'd fight anyone to save you...

Why do you want to protect me?

Thank you... anyway.
You did your best to protect me.
But, when I said "body," you were thinking about something perverted, weren't you?

I want to thank you for that, too.
I have to buy some ingredients. Let's stop by the general store on Hoshinose Ave.

Store: I've never heard of Mondakubu.

Store: It's poisonous. If you don't prepare it right, you can die from it. We don't have it here, though.

But... I guess I can use an onion as a substitute.

Maybe he'll die of food poisoning.

First, I need to chop this...

It's mild yet spicy. It's blended together perfectly... It's almost addictive!

Sorry, he's still on morning service. We should explore the city for now.
Yes, let's see the maggots scramble some more. I never tire of that.

Engineer: I understand, but there is nothing we can do!
Man: It's your job to fix the problem! Huh!?
Engineer: So, you wanna fight!?
Guard: Stop you guys!

Stop! It's no use fighting over this!
Man: Then why don't you give us a ride to Firefly Alley?

Man: Isn't it the Church's job to find a way to help us? You are useless when we need you the most.

Woman: That's enough. Let's wait till the storm is over.
Man: But... all the inns are booked for the night.
Woman: Oh no... what should I do?

Besides, breaking up fights is one of the basic duties of the Church.
I can't believe that nobody was here to break up the fight.

Lately, the Church has gotten too excited about the Goddesses' return.
It should be protecting the public. That is more important than their return.

Adventurer: And, I'm one of them. I have to camp out again...?

The Church hasn't made any kind of relief efforts...

We can stop riots and provide accommodations.
Isn't that one of our duties?

Radolf, I thought I made it clear that the primary goal of this church is to welcome the Goddesses.
Right now, the knights and holy maidens are preparing for that mission.
We don't have time to deal with the public.

Then, assign Lyner, Aurica, and me to that mission.


In Silvaplate, there was a door that connected to the Tower.
If we can open that door, we might be able to reach Firefly Alley by walking inside the Tower.
Adventurer: Is that true?

Man: But if it opens, we might be able to get down, right?

Anyway, let's get to that door.
Adventurer: ......
Man: Did you hear it?
Adventurer: Yeah! That's a big scoop!
Subjects currently en route to Silvaplate region.
Oh? I've caught up with them? Full surveillance, I want to know what they're doing before they do. Not that what they're doing matters, with the Musical Corridor damaged it's only a matter of time before they're wiped from my world. Mmmhmhmhm...
There's really nothing they can do to stop me from using this connection and secrecy has flown out the window, keep this connection open. Don't bother deleting any logs, it's inconsequential even if they do know what I'm looking at.