Part 33: Chapter 19- Reincarnation
Chapter 19- Reincarnation
Note for this Chapter: Make sure you start the Hymnos up as you see them if you are reading as opposed to watching the video of the final stretch, as they truly give you the full Ar Tonelico Experience.
Welcome to the Tower of Ar Tonelico Public Access Terminal Network!
Summarize recent actions of subject Lyner Barsett to the present time. If possible cut to real-time surveillance data thereafter.
Records loading... Loaded.
Subject and companions sighted entering ruined facility at Singing Hill, followed closely by additional humans.

The Church used to be more... sincere.

Subject and companions paused in central area of facility.

There are many areas that are ready to collapse. Besides, this place is too huge.

It's impossible for just the three of us to find some important artifact for the ceremony. This is ridiculous.

In my opinion, the Church should think of the people first.
That's why we have so many conflicts.
The Church used to be different, before Bishop Falss became a bishop.

Bishop Falss started coming to the church 15 years ago. So, he's pretty new to the church for a bishop.
But with his incredible power and knowledge, he was promoted very quickly.
But, he does deserve to be respected. My only problem with him is his priorities for the Church.

Subject ventured out onto scaffolding. Additional subjects entered from both sides.

Knight: Radolf! You and your cohorts planned to rebel against the Church!
We shall kill you in the name of the Trio of Elemia! Prepare to die!

Knight: Radolf... I had so much respect for you... what a shame!
Now we must cleanse our hands of your dirty soul!

For a while we'll be fighting without a Reyvateil again, which can lead to long, painful fights.
Additional subject lifesigns vanished.

This place will be our graveyard.

Subjects left ruin Singing Hill and returned to Airport City Nemo.
Hmm, they're not all as stupid as Barsett, This might be a problem.

Subject and companions entered building 'Singing Moon Inn'.

They looked... different. Like they're getting ready to go to war.

Subjects left Inn and commenced climbing tower. Paused at Pheyna gate region.

Those knights in white armor broke through the gate, and went up.
The city wasn't damaged, but the soldiers who were guarding the gate...

I need to tell you something very important about this matter.
What they're trying to awaken is not the Trio of Elemia.
I believe it is Mir...

Lyner, I would like to show you something.
Flute, tell Lyner how to get to the Crescent Chronicle.

I will be waiting for you there.

Now, let me tell you how to get to the Crescent Chronicle.
Crescent Chronicle is located directly above Em Pheyna.
Damnation! Oh well, it matters not what Tastiella tells them, they can't stop me.

Subject continued.

Now, I shall open the first door for you.
Pass through this door and go to the next one.
I'll see you there.

Subject continued.
Don't care, just get to the good part.
Subject arrived at Crescent Chronicle.

Ehem, where a Reyvateil of the Lune lineage sings, protecting the world from viruses.

Now, may I continue my story?
A long time ago, the world was engulfed in a big war.
The war was fought between Humans and Reyvateils...
Mir led the Revyateils in battle.
Mir caused half of the floating continents to fall during the war, devastating the world.
I sealed Mir away...

Tastiella exists only to serve as my "eyes."

My only purpose is to keep Mir sealed away forever.

It is similar to Tastiella in that regard.
Anyway, Mir, the Mother Virus, has awakened...
Because Misha has stopped singing "Chronicle Key." It is the only vaccine we have.

Mir has accessed Aurica's Cosmosphere on many occasions.

...Now I remember. Lady Shurelia told me that...
There might be a hole in Aurica's Cosmosphere.

Lyner, hurry up and get to Aurica.
If she discovers it on her own, she won't be able to recover from it on her own.

How did you figure that out so quickly?

So, it makes sense that Mir must be born there, too.

Aurica... wait for me.
Recorded surveillance ends.
They're on their way... Commence live playback of current events in Platina. This will be very close...
Location: Apsaranika Park

Elemia Knight: Alright. We'll concentrate on guarding you, so you can get some rest.
Reyvateil: Thank you and I'm sorry...
Elemia Knight: Don't worry about it. I was expecting something like this to happen.
But, who are they anyway!?
I don't know... But, here they come!

Reyvateil: I don't have enough power...
Knight: What are you talking about? If you don't sing now, when are you going to sing!
Believe in the blessing of the Trio of Elemia and keep singing!
Reyvateil: Okay... I will.
Elemia Knight: Oh, no! Looks like this is it!
Don't give up! We have to fight till the end!

Location: Cathedral

As you can see, Kyle Clancy has returned triumphantly.
And, with great power!

And where's that idiot Barsett at?
Location: Frozen Eye.

Once we pass this, we'll be at the Altar of Apostles. I hope that Aurica is okay...

I can't protect her by just fighting enemies with my sword in front of her...
...I finally realize that now. Aurica... I'm sorry.
But, this time...

Those idiots Clancy and Rade need to hurry, I don't trust them not to be interrupted. Barsett may be a fool but he's proven himself powerful in battle.
Location: Altar of Apostles


I've got one last thing to take care of. I have to leave, for now.
But, I'm looking forward to the rebirth of the Goddess.

It's time for you to dedicate your soul to the Goddess.

Guard: Hurry up!

Goddess Tyria is waiting for you to sing, Holy Maiden Aurica...

It has begun! IT HAS BEGUN!

Location: Altar of Apostles.

Subject engaged guards and defeated them.

Subject entered Altar of Apostles, engaged guards within.


She's already about to transform into Mir.
Aurica doesn't have much time left in this world. But, she'll soon begin her new life as Mir.
And then, she'll rule the world from the shadows.

I just found out... if you keep singing like this, then you'll die!

I... I finally realized what it means to protect someone...
And this time, I really want to protect you... No, I need to protect you!

You can share your pain with me... I'll always stand by your side.
Aurica; Why... do you want to protect me? Is it because... I'm a Reyvateil?

I've never felt such warmth before.
But, you probably have been giving me this warm feeling all along...
I'm sorry... I didn't notice it before...
...I'm so happy...
Touching. But it doesn't matter now. There's no happy endings here. I WILL NOT BE DENIED! I AM BECOME FLESH!

The power to change the world is here! Now, the world will enter the era of Mir!


My precious... gene... it's borrowing... Aurica's body...


Connection lost.

Aurica! Are you alright!?

Personal Log: Lyner Barsett:
Mir had been stopped, but the Bishop was turning into a monster. I knew what we had to do.


Boss Battle: Falss, Apostle of Mir-
So, Falss is one of the harder bosses up to this point, although nowhere near as hard as his equivalent in Misha's path (three guesses who that is). He's got a reasonably powerful regular attack, but his real trick comes when he attacks multiple times in a row. He'll always heal during this attack and always end with a two stored attack. He's got a lot of health, so ideally build up to the highest harmonic level and hit him hard and fast with Red Magic. You get two new rare grathnode crystals for getting to 3 and 4, so make certain you do so.
Somehow, we triumphed. But Falss had the last laugh.

But, you... destroyed that hope...
You fools... deserve to slowly deteriorate with this world.

Falss... wasn't doing this because he desired it?

Either way, if we left him alone, there's no doubt something awful would have happened.

Lyner, Ayatane... I'm sorry.

But, the city was substantially damaged...

Was Falss right? Had we made the wrong choice? I don't think so. No matter how bad things may be, the viruses are worse.

We're going to the Cathedral soon, but we need to rest for now. At least it's all over now. Mir is sealed away again, so we can all live happily ever after.
Next time on Ar Tonelico: It's all over?