Part 43: Supplemental: Aurica's Soulspace Level 9
Supplemental 13- Aurica's Soulspace Level 9
Get out the streamers and ticker tape and such, because we're about to complete Aurica's Soulspace sort of. There's actually one more level but it's an Atelier Series cameo level Get ready for some nice touching moments and such.

All kinds of random people around Level 9, because it's the culmination of everything in the Cosmosphere.

Flamia: Today is a special day for Aurica. I just had to be here!

Flamia: I don't know...

It must mean she's finally becoming an indepenent lady. It only makes me happier. Heh heh.

I'm very fond of ladies. And I also have confidence in my tenderness as well.

So, that's it. Become as happy as you can.

Watch Rabbit: I'm here to celebrate with Aurica. This world is very busy now.

Watch Rabbit: I think she's preparing for the ceremony at home.

Chronicle: Of course. It's a special day for Aurica.

Chronicle: Why don't you look for her yourself?

I think, when I touched her, Aurica was so surprised she screamed a voiceless scream... And it scared me too.

If you don't know, forget it. Just remember, don't touch her neck and collarbone! Get it!?

For example, she can just blow Misha away with just a snort, you know?

Life Shower: No. She's not here yet.

Life Shower: Yes. There will be a ceremony here. We have a lot to celebrate.
Now let's get the main part of this underway.

???: ......

???: ...!


Lyner, you led me to this world... so, I want you to be there with me.

I can't find my white dress!

Sylph: I'm Sylph, a free roaming traveler.

Sylph: No. If I do, the ceremony will begin.
And then Aurica will be bound to Lyner.

Sylph: The ceremony is for the two of you to exchange vows.
Aurica, if you attend the ceremony, you won't be able to live your life freely anymore.

Sylph: You might not even be able to be alone whenever you want to.
Do you want to throw away your freedom, just to go through with this?

I still want to have the ceremony with Lyner.

Plus, I can do other things that I couldn't do with him before.
Sylph: So, you've made up your mind. Then, I won't say anything.
I'll give your dress back.
But, I still have one more thing to say. You still miss your freedom.
Lyner, when she starts to feel that way, please let her be free for a while.

Sylph: Aurica, don't be afraid to be honest with him, and tell him when you want to be alone.

Sylph: It feels great to let out all of my emotions. Now I feel much better. Good luck, you two.

She sure is taking a long time...

Come on, let's go to the Church for our ceremony.

We get the Sylph's Dance red magic out of that, which is a powerful Wind based magic. It's a good high end sweeper.

???: The time has finally come.
Aurica has been through plenty of hardships and Paradigm Shifts, but she's finally made it here.
She finally reached her deepest point, the access point to the Tower, Ar Tonelico...

???: Yes. Didn't you know that a Reyvateil's Cosmosphere is connected to the Tower's Binary Field?
They're connected right here on Level 9.
By connecting to the Tower directly, she can boost her power significantly.
Now, she can access the Tower directly. It's their greatest power!

???: Now, let's begin the ceremony.
* cough*
Aurica Nestmile...

???: Do you promise to love and support Lyner, and to stay by his side forever?

???: Lyner Barsett...

???: Lyner, you've helped Aurica down her path of development. Do you promise to support her emotionally, so as to maintain peace in the Cosmosphere?

???: Good. Now, hug Aurica to solidify your vow.

???: Yes. It is of utmost importance.
The Cosmosphere is very delicate. It'll leave a huge scar on her psyche if you don't.
Aurica needs to maintain a strong, healthy connection with the person who helped her develop.
Where a man and woman help, support, and improve each other...
That's the kind of relationship you and Aurica must create.

I was only able to discover it because you believed in me, and always stayed by my side.

???: Now that you've exchanged vows, let's go get the power.

???: No. First, she must touch the Tower. Come on.

???: Yes. This tower acts like an umbilical cord, connecting Reyvateils to Ar Tonelico. The Binary Field is just around the corner.

???: You may have seen it on a lower level, but you couldn't access it before.
It may have seemed close, but you couldn't reach it. Not any more.
By touching the Tower, Aurica can access her greatest power.
She'll be able to access the Tower directly.

???: Yes. She used to absorb power form the Tower to turn into Song Magic. But, she couldn't affect the tower.
But, that's all about to change. She'll be able to affect the Tower by crafting her feelings.

???: Now, Aurica, go touch the Tower.

I can go on forever.

We get Ceremony, a very powerful Costume, and Ar Tonelico, the most powerful Red Magic available to Aurica. It smites some poor bastards with the power of Ar Tonelico itself. Now we can do a couple of things. We can buy additional uses of our Song Magic for DP, which is always nice. We can also now go to Level E, which I'll show off next time.

???: Aurica is finally connected with the Tower, right? Now she's capable of creating any world she wants.

???: I mean like a playful world that has nothing to do with her mind.

???: So I want to create a gate to that world using this Stonehenge. We have no use for it now, so... what do you think?

???: I knew you were going to say that.
It's no fun to just create the door, so let's play a game.
I'll create some challenges for you to clear. And if you successfully clear them...
I'll become one of Aurica's Songs.

???: Not quite. To be precise, I'm the one who governs Aurica's mysterious side.
But, that's not important right now. Let's open the gate.

The virtual world, Level E, is a topic for another day though.