Part 53: The Singer Angel: Episode 2
The Singer Angel: Episode 2
Previously on The Singer Angel: Young Lyner Harasett had his life turned upside down when he met Leila Togasaki. When a giant robot attacked the city, she transformed into Shurelia, the Singer Angel! The next day at school, Lyner has no idea he's about to have a hell of a time in class. On with our show!

I have quite an ordeal to face today, I have to deal with an assassin from the evil Team Mir.
So, who do I have to fight this time...? I'm too depressed to care.

Oh, are you a student here?

Who is this girl? Judging by her uniform, she's a freshman...

I met her during that crazy incident yesterday. I saved her, and she saved me...


Wow, I'm sorry you were caught up in all that mayhem yesterday! Hi, I'm Aurica. It's nice to meet you.

Nice to meet you, too.

Are you alright? I'm so sore from yesterday, you know... hahaha...

...I'm fine.

Let's go! You still want to copy my math homework, right?

Oh, yeah! We better go!

I'll let you copy my homework, but then you have to go shopping with me, okay?

Are you serious?

Thank you for yesterday. I'm going to be late. I have to go.

Hey, wait...


(Man... how many times does he have to give me this lecture...)

Alright... turn in your homework. It was the basic section on p. 23.

(Damn, I didn't even have time to copy Aurica's...)

If you forgot to do your homework, come to the front and beg for your life!

(The teacher is pretty scary, as always. I should be okay for now...)

Excuse me! Oops!




What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be in class?

I'm ditching. I'm not very good at math.

I see...


Do you... mind if I sit next to you?

Go right ahead. But, aren't you supposed to be in P.E.?

I'm not good at it...

I'm surprised to see you here. You're a freshman, right?

Yeah, I'm surprised, too.


Oh... I thought she was your girlfriend. It caught me by surprise.


Well, you told me that you didn't have a girlfriend. I thought you lied to me.

Oh, no! I didn't lie. We just grew up together. That's all.
But, I'm a little surprised that you aren't good at P.E.

Why are you surprised? I wish I was better at sports... but, I really can't help it.

You do fall down pretty often, for no apparent reason. That just might be your talent.

Don't make fun of me.
I can handle volleyball... but, I don't like summer sports...

Summer sports?

Yeah... I can't swim...

Hmmm... so you can fight all kinds of hideous monsters, but you can't play sports...

It's different. You helped power me up. Besides, I just chant.

You're right. I'm just surprised how you transform.

Why is that?

No... that's not what I meant. I just feel sorry for your boyfriend. If you have one, that is...

My boyfriend... I see...
Don't worry, I only transform when I want to.
...Do you want to hold my hand to find out?

Why do you want to hold my hand?

I'm only kidding...

And there she goes again.
I should probably get back to class, too...
Huh? Why is it so noisy? I've got a bad feeling about this...
Everyone's on the floor, again?


Aurica! Are you alright? What happened?

We started feeling dizzy during math class... and then we all collapsed...

Aurica! Are you okay? Aurica?

I'm Misha. I want you to come with me!


Lyner! Hurry up!

What's going on?

It's an attack from Tear Mir. Mir took over the school. You know what I'm talking about, right?

Team Mir... you mean, the ones who steal Harmonics...

Yeah, they're an evil organization, plotting to take over the world with viruses.

I can't believe it...

Go get Leila right now! We have to fight!

I'm on it. But, who are you? How do you know all about this?

I'm just a friend of hers. Go find her already!

The school's been taken over by Team Mir. Everyone in the classrooms are out cold...

What!? Ok, let's go!

Is this room done? You guys are excellent students...

The poor kid. Why don't we save this one, too, Leard?

Who are you...?

Mmm, you're so full of energy. I love it! I bet his Harmonic power is especially delicious.

Harmonic power!? Are you a virus?

Do you really want to know? I'm sorry, but I can't tell you. It's a secret.


Young children's Harmonic power is especially sweet and addicting.

Who do you think you are?

Why, I'm the future queen. In case you hadn't noticed, I'm collecting Harmonic power to reawaken Mir.

She's Claire, the leader of Team Mir. And, those are the viruses!

You... Misha!? What are you doing?

The leader of Team Mir? So, you're...!

Are you ready?



Let's do our best!

Oh, I get it. You're the Singing Angel... This is interesting. I've been wanting to fight you for some time now.

Leard, take them out quickly.


Lyner! Please lend me your power...


(I'm not going to say anything ridiculous like that... it's like insulting yourself...)

Ha ha! I'll suck all of your Harmonic power dry! Every last drop!
The fight this time is with the Apostle of Mir from Aurica's path. It's hardly a threat, as usual for these.

Nooo! All the Harmonics power... it's gone!

We'll get you this time! Is everyone ready?

Sorry, but you can't beat me that easily.
We'll meet again! And next time, your sweet Harmonic power will be mine!

Haa ha ha ha!


She got away...

Who was that?

She is the infamous, evil queen Claire, the leader of Team Mir.

The leader of Team Mir...
So, how do you know so much? Who are you really?

I told you, I'm Leila's friend...

This could be my fault...


It has to be a coincidence.

Yeah, it's the opposite. Everyone was saved because of you.

But, everywhere I go, Team Mir shows up and attacks...
This all has to stop, now!


It's just too much for her right now... fighting Mir, saving the world... Did you know she's only 15?


...Shouldn't you go chase her?


You know, chase after her, talk to her, the whole routine. You are her partner, right?

Well, yeah... I guess.

If she discovers the relationship between Mir and herself, she may not be able to recover from it...
Lyner, you're the only person who can help Leila. Don't let me down now...

What was I doing?

Oh, you're conscious. That's good...

Who are you? Is Lyner okay?


Oh, wait, there she is! Togasaki!

Harasett... what are you doing here?

I've been looking for you. You left pretty abruptly...

I'm sorry. I just got a little scared...
About myself... everything around me... Team Mir...


There's a lot of stuff I don't know about myself. There are some large gaps in my memory. I don't even know how I became the Singing Angel...
I don't even know why I'm fighting.

Just calm down. You may not have the answers now, but there's plenty of time to find them.
Not to mention, I can help you with that...


Well, that is, of course, if you let me...

You're too nice...


Why are you so nice to me? I put your life in danger several times now.

Well, I don't really know. But, I couldn't just leave you alone...


That's not a very good reason.

Well, that was my best shot.

I can never marry anyone because I don't even know who I really am.
You shouldn't hang out with me too much. Your friend might get jealous.


I'm sorry for everything that happened today. I feel so much better after talking to you.
But, I should get going...

Let me walk with you. You never know what might happen...

No, that's okay...

C'mon, I need to go that way anyway.

Huh? Oh, it's not that far. It's about a five minute walk...

I see...


Can I stop for a while?

Really!? Well, I...

That's okay. That girl you grew up with might be there... I'm sorry...

Huh? No, she won't be there. It's just that...
It's really messy! You'll faint... or run away... or just hate me...

You're so funny! It's supposed to be messy. You're a boy.

No, I mean, it's worse than anything you'd ever expect. And, it's also really small.

It's big enough for one extra person, right?

...Well, yeah, I guess...
By the way, the image on the calendar in this room is Karulu Village's backdrop.

No, it's okay. This is how a boy's room is supposed to look. And, it's not like you have a girlfriend to help you clean it.

Do you have to bring that up?

Can I cook for you?

No, no, it's okay. You must be tired by now...

I'm fine, don't worry. I just really feel like cooking. Especially since I haven't cooked anything in a while.

There aren't any ingredients or spices to use, are there?

That's okay. I don't expect you to have any. I saw something worse earlier...

Huh? What is it?

I don't even want to say it. Don't worry, I took care of it already.

...This is going to bother me until I know that what it was...

It's going to be summer soon. You need to watch out for bio hazards...

What? Is it all the bugs? I thought it was just because it's summer time...
Ah, forget it.

Thank you for waiting.

Uh, whatever they have at the convenience store.

You know, it's not very healthy to eat out all the time.

But, it's convenient.

* sigh*
It's really bad for your health to do that. Do you want me to cook for you every now and then?

Are you serious?

What? You don't want me to?

No, no, no! I just don't want you to have to go through all this trouble just for me.

Oh? Well, that's no problem...
It's getting hot in the evenings now, too. Summer is coming. Sometimes, I just feel blue...

...What about swimming?

I can't swim at all.

Well, I can teach you how to swim. There's a new swimming pool at that park that's overlooking the sea. We can go there.


Great! Let's go on the day of the summer festival. Then we can see the fireworks at night!

Fireworks! Oh, I'd love to see them! I've never seen real fireworks before!

Do you promise? I'm going to be looking forward to it!

Lyner? Are you okay?



Oh, you have company...

...What happened?

I think that was the end of the episode.

That was it?

Just try to ignore it. People thought differently in the past...

Are you kidding me!?

Next time, we'll continue where we left off.
I linked the data for the Apostle of Mir.
You can now use Apostle of Mir as Red Magic.
Apostle of Mir is a song nearly as expensive and powerful as Ar Tonelico. It's nice to have.
How can Lyner possibly balance relationships AND Team Mir? Will the deadly viruses interrupt the summer fun of the festival? Will Leila ever learn to swim? Fine out all this and more next time on The Singer Angel!