Part 58: The Singer Angel, Episode 4
The Singer Angel, Episode 4
Last time on The Singer Angel, Lyner and Leila defeated Team Mir! On today's final episode, we see the exciting conclusion of The Singer Angel! Or do we?

We defeated an evil organization called Team Mir. And the relationship between us is going great. Nothing can slow us down.
It's been a week since the incident. Today's gonna be a day I'll never forget...

Lyner, wake up...


Lyner... Wake up!


Good morning, sleepy head. You're finally awake.

Sorry... I need to sleep... a little longer...

Wake up! You'll be late for school!

Oh no! I'll be late!

How can you oversleep everyday?

I'm not doing it on purpose!
Okay, I'm ready! Let's go, Leila!


I'm sorry, but we're almost there. We ran the whole way. I don't want to be late now...
All our effort will be... wasted...

Leila...!? Leila! Hey, are you okay!?

Is she okay? What happened to her?

We were running because we were late for school. As soon as we arrived, Leila...

I see... I hope it's nothing serious. Maybe she just got dizzy...

Does she even get dizzy? She's a program, right?

It's just a simulation. If that's the case, it's nothing serious.


Leila!? Are you okay? Wake up!

...Lyner? ...Did I pass out?

You collapsed. How do you feel? Do you feel alright?

Yes, I'm fine...

You should take it easy for the rest of the day.

You're right. I better take a break.


Lyner, you'd better get to class. You can't afford to skip anymore of them.

Yeah, yeah. ...See you, Leila. I'll be back soon.


...No reason...


I need to check up on something. I'll be back.

Then I...

You don't need to come! You better study!

...Why is she yelling at me?

Aurica, what's up?

I heard that Leila collapsed. I just want to see how she's doing...

You're worried about her?

Of course. I'm worried about you, too.


You looked upset all day long. It was like your mind wasn't even there. Did you pay attention to anything?


Tell Leila that I hope she gets better soon. See you.

Huh? Aren't you going to see her?

I don't wanna be a third wheel. You better just stay with her, okay?

Aurica... thank you for worrying about her.

That's great. I was so worried. I don't know what I'd do if anything happened to you.

Is that why you weren't paying attention in class?

Don't joke about this! I was really worried about you...

Hehehe! I'm just kidding. I'll help you study later.

I don't know whether I should be happy or not...

Well, I should get more rest. I'll see you later.

Alright. Take it easy today, okay?


Misha! What's wrong? You don't look so good.

There's something important that I really need to tell you...

What is it?

Lyner... I'm sorry... I... I made a fatal mistake...

What is it? You're scaring me. Is this about Leila?


What is it!?


Please tell me!

Remember when we broke into Team Mir's headquarters and saved Leila...?

Yeah. What does that have to do with anything?

And, when I destroyed their storage of viruses...?

Yeah. And thanks to you, there haven't been any virus attacks since then.




The process defragments viruses. Viruses need it to survive...

Wait a minute...

Otherwise, they'll eventually run out of power and disappear.

...Are you serious!? I thought you made that machine! Why didn't you know about that!?

It's not my fault! ...I can't believe that I didn't even know about something as important as that until now!
If I knew about it, I never would've destroyed it.

Misha... is there anything we can do!? You have to do something... you always know what to do.

I'm sorry... I can't help you this time. I don't know anything about the actual process...

She's gone! Did she go home already?
Did she disappear? I can't believe it...
Leila disappeared... and I couldn't do anything to help her...


What are you doing? Let's go swimming!



Leila... are you really going away?

Leila, are you really going away?
Are you really going to disappear soon?
...I know! I should go to the old Team Mir headquarters. I may be able to find some clues.

...No. I don't know what to do...

Lyner, you shouldn't sleep here. You'll catch a cold.

Leila! What are you doing here...?

I don't know. I just felt like coming here. I thought it might make me feel better.
But, of course it didn't work.


I know. Don't worry.
I don't know why... but, I don't want to say goodbye to you today. I don't want to leave you ever again...


We're connected.


I just wish that time would stop.

Leila... did Misha tell you anything?

No, she didn't tell me anything. But, somehow, I could tell. It's my body.
I'm sorry... I didn't know it would all end this soon.


Lyner, will you hold my hand?

Of course.

Your hand is warm.
It saved me many times, when we were fighting viruses.


Leila... Can you tell me how long you can hang in there?

I don't know... but I can still walk and talk well enough. But, doing those things wears me out.

I'll make one of those dreams come true. I'll do anything. Just tell me.
Do you want to go somewhere? Do you want to eat something?


What is it? Just tell me!

I want to be your bride. Even if it's only for one day...

Okay. I'll make your dream come true.



Today's your special day. Don't tell me you forgot.

Oh no! I better hurry up and get ready!

Oh boy...

Why are you wearing that?

To trick you into thinking it's just another school day. Then, you'd wake up right away.
I better go back and get ready myself. Don't be late.
Go to the chapel!

Yes. Today is a special day for Leila and I. I better hurry to the chapel...

Misha! What are you wearing?

What do you think? Do you like it?

Yes. You look very nice.

Thanks. Now remember to tell that to Leila.

I'm impressed! You're not late! Unbelievable!

What's with your costume?

Huh? I'm dressed formally.

You look weird.

What? But Misha isn't dressed any better.

No, she looks nice...

I know it's just supposed to be the ceremony, but everything looks so real.

Of course it does, because it is. I even begged the priest of this chapel.
This is going to be the biggest day of my life... whether it's "real" or "just the ceremony."

...I'm sorry. I just...

It's okay. You didn't know, so it shouldn't be a big deal.

You look beautiful.

...Thank you.

Let's continue with the ceremony.
Lyner Harasett, do you promise to love, honor and cherish Leila Togasaki for as long as you both shall live?

...I do.

Leila Togasaki, do you promise to love, honor and cherish Lyner Harasett for as long as you both shall live?

I do.

Great. Now I want to tell you both something.
Never forget that revenge is passed on for generations.
And you can find yourself the victim of hatred at any time.


You never know what can trigger those feelings. You may suddenly feel the urge to abuse someone for no reason at all.

You're not a real priest!

Of course I am. I'm simply not a human. Just like you, Shurelia!

You're... a virus!?

What's going on?

Hello, Leila and Lyner... Sorry for ruining your special day.

Claire! How dare you show up here! I won't let you get away with this!

And I won't let you get away with destroying my headquarters, stealing Shurelia, and ruining my life.
I'll never forgive you... That's why I chose this day to get my revenge... the happiest day of your life.
Leila... You're going to die.

Claire! You...

You'll die because of Lyner and Misha!

I already know that...

I see... but I won't let you go that easily. I want to defeat you myself.

I feel the same way... Lyner, give me some power.

Leila! I can't let you waste your power!

I'll be fine. If I transform, I won't need to use my own power. I'll use your Harmonics instead.

...Are you sure?

Trust me...


(She did it again...)

It's time, Falss... time to unleash the greatest virus of all!

Yes... Uhhhh!!!
This time we fight Shadow Mir. As with all the fights it has such a small pool of health that it's no real threat.

Kill them all... Die...

You are just a virus. You can't feel anything. You're a heartless program!

I was created by someone, but I truly want to save Lyner, and the world...
I don't care what you say about programs and feelings...
Because I know that this feeling is real.
My desires and feelings are all real!

Ahh! Let go! Unhand me! What are you doing!?

You're half human and half virus, so no human can defeat you. But, that won't save you from me!

No...! If you do that, you won't survive either!

Let me show you how strong my feelings are. Then, you'll understand how badly I want to save this world.

Ahh! This can't be happening! You're just a stupid program. You have no feelings...

Leila! Enough! Don't waste your power!

Are you insane!? You'll die if you keep doing this!

It doesn't matter. I'm already going to disappear anyway. Right?


What is the most important thing to you? It's yourself, right...?
You'll never understand how I feel.
I have something that's more important than my own life... and I'll do anything to protect it.


I still don't know much about you. I didn't get to spend much time with you. It's too soon to say good bye...
So I want to give you this world. It's the least I could do.
I want to give you blue skies and green pastures... the things we should never destroy, precious Mother Earth...
I'm destined to disappear anyway. I want to do something for you before I go.

I never asked for you to do that!
I just want to have one more minute, one more second with you... That's all I want!

I'm so happy to hear that... I'm glad I met you...
I feel the same... Lyner...
...So... Good bye...



...Lyner, thank you...
Thank you for sharing your feelings with me...

It felt like a dream. Almost as if Leila had never even existed...
No matter how hard I looked, I never found anything that proves she existed.
But I kept looking. I didn't stop to eat or drink... I just kept going...

I see...
Woman: Huh? I don't know. There's a lot of blue-haired girls.

...Y, yeah... sorry...

Damn! I was desperate!
Woman: Are you looking for someone?

...No. I'm sorry I bothered you...

I'm sorry.

You look even worse than the last time. What do you eat? Are you getting enough sleep?

I don't have that kind of time to waste! I need to find Leila!

Lyner, you have to face reality! Leila doesn't exist any more!
You can't live in the past. Please stop punishing yourself...
I'm worried about you... Please, take care of yourself...

Aurica... I'm sorry. I didn't know you worried about me so much...

If you die, I... I...

I'm sorry I made you worry.
You're right. If I die, you'll be as sad as I am. I don't want anyone else to suffer like me.
I'll start taking care of myself, for your sake.


My daily routine gradually returned to how it was before I met Leila...

Long time no see. How have you been?

Thanks for asking. I'm much calmer now.

I'm glad to hear that. I wanna give you something. Here you go...

...This is... a memorial pendant?

It contains Leila's program. You can have it.

Is this... a back-up?


...I see.
I'm sorry, but I can't take it.


This isn't the Leila I knew.
Even if it's an exact replica, it's still not her. It doesn't have her feelings, does it?

I'll be fine. I have Leila's memory in my heart.
I have everything, the happy times, the sad times... all of it.
My body memorizes every inch of her. From the moment we met till the second we parted.
So... I don't need this.
Thank you, Leila. It was a short period of time, but I'll treasure every second we spent together. I'll never forget any of it.
And, Leila's always inside me.
She doesn't fade away. She'll always be the warmth of my heart...

That was it?

I guess so.

...I'm a little surprised by that ending.

Me, too... but that was the final episode. There aren't any more.


I linked the data for Shadow.
You can now use Shadow as Red Magic.
Is this really the end of the Singer Angel? Find out next time on Shurelia, the Singer Angel!