Part 61: Chapter 34- Finale Part 1: The Mother of Viruses
Chapter 34- Finale Part 1: The Mother of Viruses
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Recording resumed.
I never would have dreamed a month ago that this could happen. If you'd told me, I would have said you were crazy, a dreamer. I've never been happier to be proven wrong in all my long years of existence. We headed for the Crescent Chronicle to speak to Tastiella. Our final ordeal was about to begin.

They don't want to know what other people want or need... what they strive to achieve. When people refuse to understand each other, conflicts arise.
People only see the harms others are causing them. They don't understand why something bad is happening.
And when you don't know why you're being hurt, your only course is to strike back.
But if you know why you may have to suffer, there may be a better solution to your problem.
Usually, people won't fight unless they have a reason...

Interesting. I will accept your answer.

...I'm going to save Mir.

With Ayatane's help... we found the Hymn Crystal that contains Mir's original feelings.

I, the Crescent Chronicle, have reached a decision.
You won't repeat the mistakes of the past. I have complete faith in you.
I shall open the door to the Crescent Chronicle.
And, I shall place the future of this world in your hands...
I don't have much time left in this world, but I will watch you try to save it.

I have been waiting forever for this moment. I have been waiting for someone like you to come.
400 years is too long to live constantly on guard.
I am happy that I will finally be relieved of this world, so that I can rest in peace...

We entered the Chronicle. It was time to face the most powerful Reyvateil... the most powerful being ever to live. There was no turning back.

I hope we'll always be friends. I just like being around you.
So... give it everything you've got!

We've had good times and bad... but just being there made it all worth it.
Looks like we've got one more bad time to get through. C'mon, let's go have some fun.

The stuff we're made of is different, but you made me realize that our lives are just as precious. And, my mother's, too...
Please, take good care of my mother... Mir...

But, today... I'll put my whole heart and soul into her song.
When that happens... I want you to face Mir with your heart and soul, too.
She'll feel the real you... I just know it...

Please do the same for Mir. Give her a life, too...

I've lived about 1500 years, but I've never felt like this before.
I'm not along anymore... I don't have to carry the burden all by myself...
It all started when I went with you on that journey.
Lyner... thank you for being born in this world.
And... thank you for finding me...

Mir's rage was beyond all description. She'd surrounded herself with a shell of pure horror, and set out to wipe us from Ar Tonelico.

Mir... can you hear the Song?
We... want to live peacefully with you.
I need you to break your shell... to show me your true self!
Boss Battle- Shadow Mir Part 1-
Phase 1 of Shadow Mir can be a long and painful fight if you're unprepared. Mir has three parts, her head, her arms, and her core. After any part attacks, it will switch to another part that's still alive and then heal a bit. Mir's attacks are powerful and often cause status effects. She can also drain MP from your Reyvateil. So how do we go about fighting her? You have a few options (and in the video I use a mixture of these strategies for the sake of showing off):
Red Magic- Hit her with high burst (15000%+) powerful songs like Ar Tonelico/ Tower Connection/ Child of Light. I use this to smack down one of her parts in a single hit, as with level 3 harmonics a 15000% Child of Light hits for 99999. You need at least three casts of the Song you want to use, and probably four because the core has more than 99999 health.
Buffing- This strategy uses a few quick Red Magic attacks to build your burst gauge up to level 3 then uses a buffing Blue Magic like Slasher or Blast Fill to make your high level attacks hit for huge damage. This strategy is very party and equipment dependent. If you don't have top tier weaponry it's probably going to take a long time.
Prophecy- This is a strategy I've always liked on Mir. Once you get up to burst level 3, keep Prophecy always up. There's nothing that Prophecy can do that is bad on this fight. It minimizes the healing you'll need to do with your front line, absorbs damage they take, and buffs them. It has some of the same limitations as the strategy above, though.
Your party selection should also be taken into account in your strategy. Let's talk up the pros and cons of each:

Reyvateils: Use whichever one you want, honestly. Shurelia is clearly best for a Red Magic strategy because she comes with three casts of Ar Tonelico and if you've gotten it has three Child of Lights which are plenty powerful enough as well. Blue Magic strategies can be just as if not more effective with the others, because they have far more casts.
The fight can be long, especially if you're not fully prepared, so bring a lot of healing items like Supernatural Ice and Food Juice if you've got them. The fight's very fair, just keep in mind that the health line you see is going to vary by her part. Also, Mir's one-liners are she attacks you are great, and Harmonious is amazing.
We cracked Mir's shell, and for the first time in ages Mir's true form was exposed to the world. I'd forgotten how fragile she looked, belying her unstoppable power. Mir wasn't finished yet, though. Not by a long margin.

Don't attack Mir... no matter what.

I won't hurt you. Please live with us in this world.

We can't stop Mir's Song Magic, so it'll be coming at you really fast.
I know it's gonna be tough, but you gotta hand in there, Aurica, Misha, Lady Shurelia!
The worst that can happen is that we'll all be destroyed, but I believe in you and Mir.
So... please!

Final Boss Battle: Shadow Mir, Part 2-
Here comes the final fight. Mir's just got two attacks. The first is Ruined World.

This hits one member of your party for about 3-4k damage. She'll use a couple of these, then use her ultimate attack, the most powerful attack you'll see in the entire game, Falling Sky.

See, what Lyner meant earlier is that her attacks can just target your Reyvateil without you having the ability to guard. Ideally you want your Revyateil to have about 3.5-4k health to be certain of surviving whatever she's going to throw at you. Make sure you're not using MP convert crystals coming in, because if you've got low health you'll never build up a good burst level to hit her with powerful attacks. It's all about hitting her as hard and fast as possible, because you can't sustain her hitting everyone as hard as she does forever. If you got through the first part without too much trouble this should be survivable. She's got very little health, so one big Ar Tonelico is all it will really take.
After a short battle that felt like an eternity, Mir faltered and fell to the ground. We could all sense a change in the air. Something was different about Mir... about the world.

Then, she shed a single tear, and began to sing...

As a matter of trivia, Mir's Hymnos is voiced by the same singer as Shurelia's.

Mir was no longer a threat. We had to tell everyone that the conflict that had plagued our world was finally over. There was still more sadness for me this day, though...

It was worth... living... four... -dred years... to finally... meet you...
Misha... you're the last... Star Singer...

Fla-...-ck, please ta-... the pe-ple of Teru...

Granny said she was happy. So... we should be happy for her.
Now that she's gone...
We gotta look out for each other, Flute.

We all have to get along, right Lyner? So, I'm trying to figure out what Flute is thinking...

We went back to Platina to tell Leard what had happened.


And, that's the biggest compliment you'll get from me.

You're more qualified to be a commander.

It was time for it all to end. There was just one more thing to do...

Why don't we craft a Song and turn it into a Hymn Crystal.

As long as you have solid feelings and wishes to put inside it.

I... I want Claire to craft it with me.

We're getting ready to get everyone together now. This Song will be the hope for a new world...
To be continued...