Part 64: Chapter 35- Finale Part 2: Phantasmagoria
Chapter 35- Finale Part 2: Phantasmagoria
We traveled the world seeking the wishes of those we'd met in our travels. We started in Platina, with the Commander.

Lyner, I've been thinking...
What have I done for you as a parent?
I know that I've been pushing you to study hard to become a Commander...
But, I never stopped to think about what would make you happy...

It's my joy to see that you're happy and that you enjoy your life...

...And, I want you to have a long life, so take care of yourself.

Thanks, Dad!
Next we headed to Em Pheyna.

My feelings and wishes...?
I wish that people could live peacefully in this world without needing commandments.

As long as there are commandments, we must follow them.
The ancestors created the necessary ones, based on their experiences.
So, we are supposed to be able to lead a better life by following them.
But... I started thinking that we need to modify certain commandments to suit our needs.

I realize that we need you... Harmonica.

I'll see you soon.

But, I gotta get going. I have a few more stops left.

I'm sorry for what happened in the past.

Next we headed to Nemo.

That's hard to choose. I have so many of them.
I wish that someday, people learn to appreciate the songs themselves.
I want people to be touched by a song. To laugh and cry with it.
I want to go out shopping and do fun stuff just like we did before!

I want you to marry that nice guy standing next to you.

I'll come see you again, Claire.
I want to hear you sing again.

Finally, we headed for Firefly Alley.

The president of Tenba, who has the strongest influence over the Lower World, has time to joke around.
Which means that world peace is finally here.

But, you sound like an old lady from my neighborhood.

We've gathered many feelings and wishes from the people.

If we'd picked Misha in Phase II instead of Aurica, we'd have gotten a scene with Spica instead of Claire.
We returned to Platina. There was much work to be done making the Crystal, and Ayatane had one more person he thought should be represented by this. The others didn't seem to understand what he'd meant, but I think it's the only right thing to do.

Excuse me, everyone.
I have one more person that I want to craft feelings and wishes. Am I too late?

The world was coming together...

Including the Teru Tribe, we should all communicate our technology.
With our three forces combined, we can accomplish bigger goals.

People were making plans for their futures...

The final wishes were collected...

And while I was making the Crystal...

Lyner, I have a dream.
I... love music boxes. I want to make them for a living.
I want to make and sell them in a peaceful village with grassy plains...
With a wonderful husband who loves music boxes, too.

Do you like... music boxes?

The next morning, everything was ready. We prepared to head for the Rinkernator, where the whole world would hear our song...

All our hopes... all our dreams... all together here...

So, the most interesting thing about the credits is at the very end. Check the names in the world design. If you followed my Soul Nomad thread, you might well recognize the second name, toi8, who did the character and world designs for Soul Nomad. If you look at the art from that game and compare it to, for example, the splash screens behind towns, you can pretty clearly see the similarity.
It was time to say goodbye...

Please come to our village and visit us soon.
Since you're bad with direction, you might have a hard time finding us.

Take care of yourself, Lady Shurelia. At least till I see you again...

Okay, so this next scene is seriously unfair as hell. There's no way to win if you finished Shurelia's Cosmosphere, because either choice coming up here feels really horrible. Mela Lee, Shurelia's voice actress, sells these lines so well it's painful. The only way to avoid this horrible fate is not to even play Phase III, because even if you don't finish Shurelia's Cosmosphere she still acts like she's going to say something, which is just as painful if you know what she wants to say but doesn't. But don't take my word for it.
But... I don't want to say goodbye, ever...

Lyner, I'm sorry...
I want to be with you...
I want to share my life with you!

I've been holding back my feelings since I heard that you were leaving with Aurica...
...I'm sorry.

I'll honor whatever decision you make.
I don't want to force you into something you don't want.

While you were busy making the crystal for us, I asked Lyner to follow my dream.
I did it without considering your feelings...
Now that I know of your feelings for Lyner, I feel so ashamed...
I was being selfish while you were hard at work for this world...
Lady Shurelia... thank you for being honest with your feelings.

We... we'll definitely visit you...

Welcome to my...