Part 74: Supplemental: Misha's Soulspace, Level 8
Supplemental- Misha's Soulspace, Level 8
This level is all business. There's no side stuff, it's packed completely with the story. This is Kasha the Armored Misha's level. In this level we get to find out that we're really stupid to trust Shinobi, too, because just like Aurica we never really resolved Level 6 and that's REALLY BAD. You'll see. Also, this is one of the longest Dives as far as actual story stuff goes.

No, I don't think so. Let's go outside...

That's what happens when you do a Paradigm Shift without being fully prepared. This is all your fault.

I won't return till this world is restored...

I need to find Misha...
And Hama's told us to go screw off. That's not so great, since while she's not able to help us much she's infinitely better than nothing.

Shura: Welcome to the doomed world. I'm Angel Shura. I govern innovation and power.

Shura: The ruler of this world failed to complete the Paradigm Shift. On the previous level, she attempted the shift without fully completing the level.
That mistake is causing her to suffer in this world, thus causing this world to be distorted.

Shura: This disastrous world is based on her feelings about failing her mission.
Deep inside, she didn't truly believe that she could run away from her fate.
That small distortion in her deep thoughts created this disaster.

Shura: She's locked up in the Moon Mansion, planning a way to deal with this situation.
We can only wait for her judgment. Only she knows what will happen to this world.

Shura: This world's fate is about to change. The worst case scenario is that this whole world will disappear.

Shura: Dealing with these circumstances won't be easy, but it's worth trying.
I'll come with you if you want. I can help you with the small things.

Shura: Yes. I don't want this world to disappear.

Angel Shura is Misha's Attack buff Blue Magic song, just like Slasher is Aurica's.

Shura: Well, it doesn't do us any good to rush. Do you know where the name Moon Mansion comes from?

Shura: Then, let me tell you.
The mansion was created when Misha was born. And, this place is the source of Misha's life.
Misha's driving forces are the gear, chain, and shaft.

Shura: But, she is pretty much like a machine. There's a program that operates based on certain processes inside her.
This castle is vital to her. That's why it lies so deep inside of her mind.

Shura: No. Her feelings and emotions are all real.
I'm just telling you what lies deep inside her mind.
Please accept this reality... Misha isn't a Human, she was created.
But, the emotions and feelings she has are just as real as a Human's.
???: That's why unfortunate incidents like this one can occur.

Rishi: Me, either. Unfortunately, your ruler must be eliminated.
Because her unstable feelings caused the paradox loop that led to this collapse...
Misha decided to eliminate all of her emotions.
Shura: ...Nice explanation.

Shura: My ruler, the one who governs revolution, will be erased. As a result, Misha will lose most of her emotions.
Risha: She'll become the most effective Reyvateil ever. She'll be able to craft Songs at any time.
Shura: And, all at the cost of her emotions.
Your decision is wrong.

Rishi: Then we are in disagreement...
Shura: We never agree on things, anyway.


But, everything's changed since you showed up! Her emotions started to grow and she refused to sing...

If I can get rid of you... Misha... I will...

Lyner... come with me. Hurry!

Angel Rishi is the defensive version of Angel Shura.

Misha!? Where are you!!

Misha! Misha!
This is really strange... something might pop out.

Dragon: I'm here to kill you.

I think I lost him...

Huff huff.
What's going on here? Where's Misha?
I can't think straight... Misha... Mish...

Here you are. I have to erase you from this world...

Your... life...

We don't care about the fate of the world. I know how to survive, even if the continent collapses or is blown away in a storm...
As long as you and I survive, that's all that matters, right?

You and I will be locked up in this room and we'll never wake up. You and I can stay here together forever.

So yeah. Misha succeeds where Aurica fails because Shinobi seems less sinister than Lilim, when in fact she's quite possibly worse. I mean, she advocates a course of action that will lead to total world destruction.

How dare you! You stripped Lyner down spiritually to the point where he has no choice but to depend on you.

Misha seduced you... I'm ashamed to see my father like this...

Something awful is happening inside Misha's mind. Her identity has completely split in two.
She has two personas that are completely different.
They aren't going to appear in the real world for now, but if we don't fix this soon, Misha will destroy herself.

She needs both of her personas. We must stop the fight!


I love this art because Kasha is really awesome.

Which means, Misha desired freedom more than anything else!

We can't save her! Lyner, save yourself! You have to go, now!

If you force me to destroy my own body, we'll create another paradox...

Just as you're protecting yourself, I'm protecting him!

I can't just let my daddy go erased...

I'm an ocarina. You made me...

I know that you put so much into making me. That's how I was able to become Misha's Mind Guardian.

I will not protect your world anymore. Denying Lyner is the same as denying me.
You won't have me to be your Mind Guardian anymore... Hmph!
I'm sorry, Lyner. I couldn't convey Misha's feelings to you very well...


Wait! Your Cosmosphere! It's empty!

If not for that, I never woulda woken up.

But, you're still here. I still exist because you stayed with me.

When all of my worlds were destroyed, I still remembered all the things you did for me.
I was so caught up in my own feelings that I didn't notice yours.
I lost every burden in this world, but I finally realized...
I'm still here, because I believe that I can craft for my own freedom, and world peace, as long as I'm with you.

I'm going to fight the viruses for your freedom.

I don't even know how to take you back to the real world.

So, why don't you try to create a new one?

Your feelings can control your world, right?

I don't want it to have any darkness. I just want to enjoy the sunshine...

Cinna: Sure. What are you trying to build here?

The Misha of level 9 is waiting to give you a warm welcome.

It's interesting that the penultimate step in both Aurica and Misha's growth is the utter destruction of everything that previously burdened them in the world followed by them rebuilding themselves from the ground up as whole people.
It's also somewhat amusing that both of Misha's personas are pretty unpleasant, while when you get down to it neither Seraph nor Lilim were really that terrible.
By the way, I am saving this for discussion after the final Dive, but Kasha is probably the best all around Costume in Ar Tonelico. It's strong enough that you could use it over even Misha's Level 9 without feeling too bad about it, and it looks awesome (although to be fair Misha's Level 9 costume is probably her second best looking one).
We're down to two dives now. We've got Misha's equivalent to Aurica's Level 9 and a Level E that gives us a costume we'll never ever use in practice because I can't bring myself to use it. Stay tuned!