Part 78: Supplemental: Misha's Soulspace, Level 9 Part 2
Supplemental- Misha's Soulspace, Level 9 Part 2
So now let's get to the second half of Misha's Level 9. We'll start with making the Ocarina.

Misha, can I speak with you?

You might get mad at me again, but... I couldn't remember what kind of thoughts I put into making it...
So I put my current thoughts into this ocarina. It's not the same as the old one...
I want this ocarina to support you emotionally. I want to support you emotionally, as well. That's what I put into it.
I haven't been able to support you much, so I put my wishes in this.

Thank you for being with me all the time...

I wonder if it made any change in her Cosmosphere. I should go dive later.

As long as Misha wants me, I'll always be there.
I guess I could come back this for you. I owe you one, so thanks.
Now we get Hama as a Red Magic.

And I was the one who brought you to life, right? I can't just let it go...

It gives me mixed feelings...

Here comes the best scene ever in a Dive.

By the way, how far have you gone with Misha?

You and I have like... Kissed so many times... Why all of a sudden now...

You get nervous around me. Are you... a pedophile? ...You're so stupid.

Anyway! I don't think you would ever cheat on Misha and make her cry, but be careful not to make her cry by being too hard-to-get.
...See you later!

I'm so happy Lyner made you again. That was my last regret.

Mystery : Are we ready?

Mystery : Misha is here today because she has overcome many obstacles, and traveled through many Paradigm Shifts.
She finally reached her deepest point, the access point to the Tower, Ar Tonelico...

Mystery : By connecting her to the Tower directly, she can boost her power significantly.
Now, she can access the Tower directly. It's their greatest power!

Mystery : Now, let's begin the ceremony.
*ahem *
Misha Arsellec Lune...

Mystery : Do you promise to love and support Lyner, and stay by his side forever?

Mystery : Lyner Barsett...

Mystery : Good. Now, hug Misha to solidify your vow.

Mystery : Yes. It is of utmost importance.
The Cosmosphere is very delicate. It'll leave a huge scar on her psyche if you don't.
Misha needs to maintain a strong, healthy connection with the person who helped her develop.
Where a man and woman help, support, and improve each other...
That is the kind of relationship you and Misha must create.

I feel so safe when I'm with you... like I'm in a cradle. I know you'll always protect me...
Please... stay with me... forever.

Mystery : No. First, she must touch the Tower. Come on.

Mystery : Yes. This tower acts like an umbilical cord, connect Reyvateils to Ar Tonelico. The Binary Field is just around the corner.

Mystery : You may have seen it on a lower level, but you couldn't access it before.
It may have seemed close, but you couldn't reach it. But not any more.
By touching the Tower, Misha can access her greatest power.
She'll be able to access the Tower directly.

Mystery : Yes. She used to absorb power from the Tower to turn into Song Magic. But, she couldn't affect the tower.
But, that's all about to change. She'll be able to affect the Tower by crafting her feelings.

Mystery : Now, Misha, go touch the Tower.

I'm connecting with the Tower! I've never felt anything like this before...

I can go on forever.

So we get Tower Connection, which is Misha's Ar Tonelico. We also get the ability to go to Level E.

Mystery : Misha is finally connected with the Tower, right? Now she's capable of creating any world she wants.

Mystery : I mean like a playful world that has nothing to do with her mind.

Mystery : So I want to create a gate to that world using this Stonehenge. We have no use for it now, so... what do you think?

Mystery : I knew you were going to say that.
It's no fun to just create the door, so let's play a game.
I'll create some challenges for you to clear. And if you successfully clear them...
I'll become one of Misha's Songs.

Mystery : Not quite. To be precise, I'm the one who governs Misha's mysterious side.
But, that's not important right now. Let's open the gate.
You can get to that virtual world by jumping in here. You can come back to this side at any time...
Whenever you like.
So next time we Dive it'll be Level E, with a second Atelier Series callback. It'll be our very last Dive of all time so look forward to it.