Part 82: Final Chapter: Fare Thee Well
Final Chapter: Fare Thee Well
This is it, the final content chapter of Ar Tonelico! I've got another fight with Mir for you guys, the extra scene I didn't get last time I got everyone's feelings, and then Misha's exclusive scenes at the end. Let's get this kicked into high gear!
This time I fight Mir exclusively with Misha's Mystery spell after I've opened up Level 3. I'm using Jack instead of Krusche this time, and of course Misha.
Now let's go talk to the person Misha SHOULD have suggested we talk to but they're super lazy and don't have two versions of this, so you could miss it if you didn't know to look.

My feelings and wishes? I have a big one.

I'd be surrounded by guys who'll do this and that for me!

I'll be the Queen of the Underworld!
Well, I already rule Firefly Alley.

I want to climb to the top! I want to say that there's nothing I can't accomplish!

Spica's not got chump wishes for world peace or anything like those other losers, she's got her eye on the prize. That prize being total world domination. She's pretty much the best character ever which makes it awesome that it seems like she's in AT 2 as well. Now let's see Misha's version of the meeting the night before PHANTASMAGORIA where she tells us her dream.

But... once it's ready, we have to say goodbye...

I wanna be a singing princess...

I used to always have to sing alone in a dark room...
But, I really love to sing.
So, I wanna sing in as many different places as I can.
Besides, the world is full of wonders. This way, I can explore the world.

Uh... will you... will you travel around the world with me?

And then...

If I can be with you...
I won't need anything else...
Can you feel it? This is it. Misha's ending, post PHANTASMAGORIA.

I'll bring a wonderful Song back for you!


Lyner, I'm sorry...
I want to be with you...
I want to share my life with you!

I've been holding back my feelings since I heard that you were leaving with Misha...
...I'm sorry.

I don't wanna force you into a decision you'll regret later...

I'm sorry, Lady Shurelia... I want to go with Misha.

But, I have to be with Misha.

Alright! I'll bring back a whole buncha great Songs!

Your legend will be passed down the generations.
People will remember you as a brave man who crafted great Songs for the world.

And if you've watched that video, you get the appropriate final image of Ar Tonelico- Lyner being a jackass. Well, that's it for the story. I hope you've enjoyed watching and reading this as much as I've enjoyed making it, and stay tuned for some extras like the costume showcase and a discussion on breaking the game with S rank grathmelding.