The Let's Play Archive

Assassin's Creed II

by Geop

Part 12: Episode 12: Housecall

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Let's History!
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Notes -
- The Statue we saw of David was said to have been pretty edgy for the day. Something about it was pretty easily interpreted as, well, homosexual-related. Far more so than the usual statues of naked dudes, I guess The main reasoning behind this lies in the proportions and design. For starters, it's a pretty effeminate stance and posture (same with the hip proportions and stuff). David faced Goliath without armor, but nude? Uh, okay, sure. But why the boots and helmet, in spite of that? Lord knows.

- Also, I misspoke on dodge, it seems What I meant to say is that if you catch 'em from behind, a combo kill is possible. Not counter.


The Pazzi Conspiracy (Part 3 of 3): Cause and Effect

Hosted -
Let's History!
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Notes -
- An extra bit of info about King Ferrante: if anyone opposed him seriously (enemies, critics, etc), they were executed, mummified, and kept on display as an example (his "museum of mummies", he'd call it). He was also mummified, himself

- Here's the music I used for the segment, in the order they're played: