Part 15: Episode 15: Tourist Trap

Hosted -
Let's History!
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Notes -
- That QTE with Leo has an incredibly short timewindow, and lots of folks get bummed out over missing it. Oh, and I looked back through the video later on for the "pink bits" in the blood, and it was just very, very shiny blood.
The Truth (Part 1 of 5)
Hosted -
Let's History!
Youtube -
Notes -
- You'll notice a few notes throughout the video. Usually, I spot these when I'm compiling the video and unless it is horrendous, I don't go back, re-record the audio, and re-output it since, well, that would add a lot more time on to this. The note regarding the chamber/muzzle was a mental gaffe on my part. The gist of paper cartridges is that they made firearms much easier to utilize, and were used prior to metallic bullet casings. They consisted of gunpowder, the projectile itself, and a greased paper wrapping/cone (usually). It eliminated the need to measure out gunpowder and ready the ammunition or other treatment. Bite the end of the cone, pour the gunpowder in to the muzzle, and cram the greased paper in to it (assuming that the bullet itself is still wrapped up in there), then you're good to go. I love guns and firearm history, but I'm sure a TFR regular would take me behind the woodshed on this stuff

- Regarding the Antikythera Mechanism, I had to trim out a good chunk of notes. If you've got a few minutes, read up on it here. It's pretty neat stuff!

- Props to Golden Battler & Revenant Threshold on this (regarding the final glyph):
Golden Battler posted:
That last character actually looks a lot like a Torii.
- Here's the music I used, in the order they're played:
- Jesper Kyd - Approaching the Target 3
- Jesper Kyd - Dream of Venice
- Jesper Kyd - Venice Industry
- Hitoshi Sakimoto - Valendia Knights of Peace ~ Duke Bardorba's Manor
- John Powell - Nach Deutschland
- John Powell - New Memories
- John Powell - Coming Home