The Let's Play Archive

Assaults Suits Valken

by CORE-Games

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Original Thread: Let's Play Assault Suits Valken / Cybernator



Rik, Mith, and Josh Play through a patched version of Assaults Suits Valken aka Cybernator, a run-and-gun mech game released for the SNES in 1992, the patch restores dialog and cutscenes missing from the American version of the game. I'm not sure what the policy is on posting links to patch files, but it is easy enough to find via Google.

The game takes place in the future, during a time when Earth's fossil fuels have begun to dwindle. There is a massive war taking place all over the earth for control of these resources, as well as for territorial rights on the moon. The two warring governments, the Axis and Federation, have the ability to go into space and create giant space stations and weapons of mass destruction.

Jake is the game's protagonist. He is a soldier drafted into the Pacific States' Marine Corp and pilots a Federation Assault Suit. The Suit has a humanoid shape, with arms, legs, torso, and head. It is equipped with a variety of weapons and other special accessories, giving it full land and minor air capabilities.

Jake Brain Main character. An AS pilot in the United Pacific States Marine Corps, assigned to carrier Versis' AS Squadron.
Claire Coral/Crea Coral Communications officer on board Versis.
Chuck Jonston/Chack Jonston Captain of Versis.
Herman/Apollo One of Jake's wingmen. He is a cocky but reliable pilot. He is killed by Berdach
Kurt/Mitch One of Jake's wingmen.
Commander Geltz / Francisco Flako Enemy commander of Space Fortress Arc Nova. He is a small sized, ruthless man who has no qualms for civilian casualties as he tries to drop the fortress to Earth during the third mission. He pilots the Granvia.
Major Alef Berdach / Beldark / Veldark Enemy ace pilot. He appears during the fourth mission and becomes the nemesis of Jake during the game. Pilot of the Bildvorg
Rick One of Berdach's wingmen, he peruses Jake into the atmosphere.
President Schermark / Claus Von Meister Barron Enemy supreme commander. A ruthless military dictator that started the war.
Duke Lieutenant in the 32nd AS Battalion.


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