Part 11: Update X: An Alchemist and her Troubles
This Assignment is special in a couple of ways. The most obvious is that this one has nothing to with alchemy, as the description entails. All you need to do is beat three Vulture groups in Nearby Forest to pass. Especially around level 20 with upgraded equipment, this is painfully easy. This is an Assignment you can pass in a grand total of four days, if you travel to the Puni Woods area of Nearby Forest and beat all the Vultures there. Also, you get a star as soon as you defeat a Vulture group. No need to relay that information back to Sterk. What that means is that you have a lot of free time on this one, which again I'd use for building up friendship levels. Since the last couple of updates, we've added Cole, Tantris, and Pamela as brand new characters to level up, as well as the old guard. Spend this Assignment building up a lot of money if you need to, because there's quite a few high-value requests in this one. I'd also advise plunging deeper into The Catacombs, because the Forgotten Bone item that can be found there is needed for forging your own Gnardi Rings, which you really should start equipping on your allies.
This Assignment is your last breather before the second half of year 2, where new locations are going to start pouring in. I can already tell you we're going to be getting two new locations next Assignment, and a third one at the start of Assignment 8. Add that to the increasing number of character events that will be happening in that time frame, and we're going to have a busy rest of the game. I also shouldn't have to remind you to keep Hom busy busy busy. Every second she's not doing something is time you are wasting. As for the other way this Assignment is special...well, you'll see. Let's get moving.
But first, let's take care of some events that came up last Assignment. This scene happens in the Square when Lionela's friendship level is 30 or greater. Video goes until the screenshot of Lionela growling.
I do like how Lionela's behavior is so predicatable that her puppets can tell what she's going to do. Poor girl just can't win.
Hmm, maybe that's the reason Aranya and Horoholo look like cats. Even though it's a small detail, I do like how all of them have scarf-things around their necks.
Laura Bailey makes an absolutely adorable growling sound for that line. Really makes the scene.
This next scene has a strange trigger. It's obviously sometime after Hom appears, and when you return from an adventure, but other than that I can't say exactly what makes it show up. It happened for me in early March.
I do like the implication Astrid made Hom introduce herself as Rorona's younger sister. That said, I do find it odd neither Ryan nor Laura notice anything strange about Hom. Pale white skin and red eyes isn't exactly common.
Then again, Fate has a couple characters who are Homunculi who have pale white skin and red eyes. Maybe it's some Japanese character designer shorthand to make the audience know right off the bat that the character, even though they look and act human, is not human. Does anyone know of any Homunculi characters who have that skin / eye color combination?
I do like how good character designers can tell something about the character through their skin / hair / eye color. Like, I don't need anyone to tell me Ken from Street Fighter isn't supposed to be Japanese, simply because he has blonde hair.
*fade to black, fade back in*
*fade to black, fade back in*
This next scene takes place a month after Hom shows up.
*fade to black*
It's probably only me, but "Big Sister" is one of my favorite things to call a woman very close to me. It's not something I'd call a woman significantly older than me, but it communicates intimacy pretty well.
Even Rorona agrees. A big sister to me is someone who looks after their real or imagined siblings, provides guidance and direction, and even a little tough love if needed. I don't have any sisters, so it's a world I have no experience with, but I like to think that's what connotations "Big Sister" has.
*Astrid leaves*
*Rorona leaves*
This next scene takes place three days after Pamela starts staying the atelier and Hom is around. Video goes until the screenshot of Rorona yelling at Pamela.
You know what I just thought of? I always thought Pamela having a teddy bear in this game was just a random "cute" detail, but now I'm thinking about it, it's probably a bit more than that. This is Pamela in Mana Khemia.
Yeah. Considering that game was released in 2008, it just seems like too much of a coincidence to me.
It says a lot I can totally imagine Astrid making a self-destruct sequence for Hom just to freak Rorona out if she wanted.
*Hom leaves*
This next scene can happen as early as October of the first year, but only when Sterk's friendship level is 30 or greater. Video goes until the screenshot of Esty getting angry.
*Sterk leaves*
Normally I don't show content between scenes, but this next scene triggers when you talk to Esty after that conversation. The video above combines both of them.
Well, now we know why Meredith is getting so upset with Sterk. Sterk just strikes me as that kind of guy who knows that what he's supposed to be doing is stupid, so he's just doing what he thinks is right. But even so, knows that as a knight, he's supposed to be doing what he's told, because that's all he knows.
*Rorona leaves*
This next scene takes place in Tiffani's shop any time after the 6th Assignment begins.
Ah, good ol' Wholesale. How this mechanic works is pretty simple. When you make an item yourself, such as a Supplement or Barrel, you can bring that item to Tiffani and put it up for Wholesale. When the shop restocks its inventory after you put something up for sale, you'll have 10 instead of the one you dropped off, and the shop will carry it from now on. You can Wholesale up to 10 different items at once, so the big advantage here is clear.
Make some good general items, such as a Supplement, drop it off at Tiffani, and you'll have a limitless source of that item. Saves a lot of time, especially for good healing items. And you can attach traits that lessen the price to buy them. Make heavy use of this mechanic, and the rest of the game gets even easier. Tiffani handles sundry items, as well as healing items.
This next scene takes place in Sunrise Cafe at the same time as the above Tiffani scene if Iksel's friendship level is 25 or greater.
Iksel handles food items, as you might guess. If you're going for the Pie Ending, make sure you are able to wholesale at Iksel's, because some of the pies in the final batch are worth oodles of money for requests, and you can put them up for sale. Sure beats making some of them several times.
Third Wholesale scene. Happens at the same time as the others in Hagel's Shop if he's at 25 or more friendship level. Just as a note, Tiffani is the only shopkeep who is a guaranteed wholesaler. No matter what her friendship level is, you'll get that scene.
Obviously enough, Hagel mostly handles Bombs, but he also covers a few synthesis items. I'd advise for the moment to register some high-quality Bombs, so you have a good source for job requests, a source to take out obstructions out in the field, as well as a cheap source of firepower in battle. I'd also look into some high quality Ice Bombs, but NOT Lightning Bombs. In a few updates or so, you'll see why.
The good thing about Wholesale is that the items registered are replicated perfectly, quality and traits in all. So put some great traits on what you register, and you'll get a lot of mileage from them.
This next scene happens when you leave Arland on an adventure with Tantris only if you got at least 8 stars on the previous Assignment. Video goes until Tantris says "Alright, I'll be sure to take care of it."
For a really long time, I didn't know who Meredith's voice actor was. It was very vexing, because it sounded very familiar. But now that I'm playing this game again, I'm fairly sure it's Michael McConnohie. He's one of those voice actors who is a really nice guy in reality, but he ALWAYS plays bad guys in video games and anime. 99% of the time when he voices a character, that guy is going to end up a villain, or at least an antagonist.
But casting agencies can hardly be blamed, because he just sounds like a bad guy. The only exceptions off the top of my head is Renaldo from Castlevania: Lament of Innocence and his characters in Samurai Champloo and Cowboy Bebop, who were just kinda dopes.
..Use this.
This is the follow-up to that scene, when you return to Arland after the previous scene. Video goes until Rorona says "Now I'm even more curious..."
Meredith's just not good at this "villainy" thing. He could definitely take a few pointers from Astrid on how to torment Rorona.
There's just no getting past Astrid. Still, I think it would raise anyone's eyebrows if some supposed bum comes up to you with someone very expensive / rare and asked you to figure out what it is. Anyone except Rorona, I mean.
*Astrid leaves*
*Tantris leaves*
If you saw that scene, you'll be getting a special ending for this Assignment. I believe you still have to pass it with at least three stars, but Sterk and Rorona's dialogue at the end is completely different.
This next scene takes place when Pamela's been in the atelier for at least a month. Video goes until the screenshot of Pamela saying she's looking forward to it.
Brianne Siddall as Pamela is just so great. She has a really weird way of talking that really establishes Pamela as a total airhead. It's kind of a weird role for Ms. Siddall to play, because she usually plays much more active characters.
Next scene happens when you drag Iksel to pretty much anywhere in Traveler's Way. Video goes until the screenshot of Iksel talking about heating apples the wrong way.
It's tart, Rorona. Apples are my favorite fruit by far, but I don't like really tart apples that much. They're nice, but I prefer the nice, mild taste of regular red apples.
This next scene takes place a month after the event where Pamela says she's bored. Video goes until the screenshot of Rorona getting mad.
*fade to black*
*Pamela leaves*
Minor quibble, but if you watch the video, Rorona says this line as it should be, but the actual line is incorrect as written.
So after this scene, the fifth and final shopkeeper, Pamela, is open for business. Pamela's line-up mostly consists of synthesis items, but more complicated / harder to make items than any of the other shopkeepers do. You can also start taking jobs for her, but you only need to get her to 25 friendship level to get her to start Wholesaling. Other than that, you don't need to work with Pamela that much.
This next scene takes place when you bring Sterk and Tantris out. Video goes until the screenshot of Rorona saying "...This is gonna be really awkward"
...Have we met before?
Sterk here just seems to dislike anyone who even looks like Meredith. Can't blame him.
*Sterk and Tantris leave*
This is the reason we're headed out to Nearby Forest at the moment, not only to complete the Assignment. Battle against the Puni King.
The only really notable thing about this fight is that when the Puni King buffed itself, the game seems to have glitched and the camera shifted to focus on the area behind the King. Weird. Anyway, poor guy didn't stand a chance against me, and I even forgot to re-equip Sterk's second weapon.
This request also came up pretty soon after the one with the Puni King. He's hanging out in the one of the later areas of Ortoga Ruins. Battle against the Pseudo Dunkel.
Again, there was only one thing really interesting to talk about, in that Pseudo Dunkel missed every time it tried its status effect move. Not that it would have helped it much, but it just wasn't getting very lucky. Another good reason to take these quests is that the monsters themselves give some pretty Cole themselves upon death. The materials are alright. Hardly anything ever noteworthy about them.
And again, forgot to equip Sterk. I thought I diassembled Sterk's second sword, but it turns out I was mixing up this playthrough and my overwritten one.
But I think we can do for a more challenging request. Well, that's what I'd like to say, but this guy was the reason for this update's title. You'll see in the video I nearly bit off more than I could chew. This little bugger is hiding out in the main hub area of The Catacombs. No matter what, bring along some high quality Bombs. Since I'm using Cordelia and Sterk for this request, we get this scene upon leaving Arland. Video goes until Rorona says "Aww, come on."
What I like most about Sterk is he is a really responsible and level-headed guy. He might get upset pretty easily, especially when Rorona underperforms, but he is a guy you can always count on.
*Sterk leaves*
*Cordelia leaves*
So we've got a pretty big problem against this guy. He gets two turns in a row at the party's current speed levels, and he hits like a truck each time. I lost several times with Lionela and Cordelia before I replaced Lionela with Sterk. And even then, I had to equip Sterk with a Gnardi Ring that gives him like 80 more HP just to survive this fight. But, I have a simple strategy to even the odds. Battle against the Black Demon.
Brinksmanship, goon sirs. In order to fight fire with fire, we need to the jack the element gauges as far as they'll go. By doing so, both Rorona's Bombs and Sterk's skills will be powered up. So will the Demon's attacks, but details. In the words of the Super Street Fighter IV announcer, we are turning our opponent's strength to our advantage. In a straight fight, we wouldn't have a chance. And it worked. This time.
Again, a few more events happened during this Assignment, but the start of next Assignment is going to be fairly quiet, so we can cover them then. I'd rather not have 17 videos in an update if I can help it.
Special Ending
No matter what you think of Tantris, this is about the best way things could have ended.
There is another Assignment that can have a special ending, but the circumstances are quite a bit different to this one.
*fade to black*
Random Rorona illustration