Part 16: Annual Festival Dialogue 2
Sterk Win, Mask de G Win - Cordelia

Rorona, how did you do it!? You won the contest!

Hahaha...I don't know, but I guess I did it, huh?

And think, you're the girl who used to cry after getting bit by an ant... I guess some people do change.

D-don't bring that up!

Well, I think it's pretty amazing. A girl who is weaker than an ant has become the champion of the Martial Contest...

Enough already!

Haha, I'm sorry. Let's go eat something to celebrate your victory.
Sterk Win, Mask de G Lose - Cordelia

Good job. You did pretty well for yourself.

Ugh...this sucks... And I got so far, too...

Don't be so greedy. Winning the contest was a fluke to begin with.


Anyway, we should go eat some food. I'm sure you want to sit down, too. Come on, hurry!

W-wait...I can't walk any faster! My body is aching all over!
Sterk Lose - Cordelia

Good job. You did pretty well out there.

Thank you...but I wish I could've won, since I got so far...

Don't get greedy now. It's a miracle that you got to the finals. Consider yourself lucky.

You don't have to be so straightforward about it...

Anyway, we should go eat some food. I'm sure you want to sit down, too. Come on, hurry!

W-wait...I can't walk any faster! My body is aching all over!
Generic - Tantris

Is that Tant? Hey, Tant, over here!

You spotted me out of all these people? How flattering.

Well, you're kind of hard to miss. Are you here for the festival?

Something like that. This sure brings back memories.

Oh yeah, you're from this town, right? Do you wanna walk around with me?

It would be my pleasure. I didn't expect you to invite me out on a date.

Oh no, I didn't mean it like that...

I'm just joking...but of course I'll come with you. I would never turn down an offer from a lady.

Okay, let's go.
*Tantris leaves*

Hmm...I guess this is kind of like a date.
*fade to black*

Oh wow, look at all the people. I wonder what they're doing this year?

There you are, Rorona! Found ya!

Aghhh! Esty!?

Ooh, are you guys on a date?

N-no! It's not like that!

...You don't have to deny it so strongly. Hi, nice to meet you.

Haven't we met somewhere before...? Oh well. Can I borrow Rorona for a bit?

How could I possibly say no to a beautiful lady like yourself? Just make sure to bring her back.

I promise. Okay, ready?

Wh-what!? Where are we going!? Nooo!
*Rorona and Esty leave*

Don't take it personal. I don't want "her" to find out.
Sterk Win, Mask de G Win - Tantris

Congratulations. My, you were amazing. You looked like a graceful goddess on a battlefield.

Oh please, I was just swinging my weapons around!

Is that so? Then you looked like a fairy, or even a cute witch, swinging that weapon in rhythm...

Then...? You're not making any sense.

All that matters is that everyone was enchanted by you.

*sigh* You're embarrassing me!

Alright, alright. Would you like to get something to eat? We can celebrate together. Come on, don't be so mad.

...Promise me that you won't make fun of me anymore.
Sterk Win, Mask de G Lose - Tantris

Good job. I'm impressed that you won the contest.

Th-thank you...but I didn't stand a chance against that last guy...

Well, it was bad timing for a bad situation. And he didn't have to go so hard on a girl... My job now is to heal your mind and body.

Wh-what? But, how?

I was thinking we should get some food and take a break. Did you have...something else in mind?

Wh-what are you saying!? I wasn't thinking about anything! Sure, food, right? Yup, let's get some food!

Hey, slow down. You don't have to be so embarrassed.
Sterk Lose - Tantris

Good job. I'm impressed that you made it to the finals.

Th-thank you...but I didn't stand a chance against Sterk...

Yeah, he really gave you no mercy. He should be more gentle to ladies.
Remainder of conversation is identical to the previous, starting from Tantris' "Mind and body" line.
Generic - Sterk

Hello, Sterk!

Hey, did you just get here?

Yep. Um, are you still working?

Something like that. Senior Esty ordered me to participate in the event.

Oh, what kind of event is it this year?

That's still a surprise.
*Sterk leaves*

Hmm...I better go check it out.
Sterk Win, Mask de G Win - Sterk

*sigh* How embarrassing... I really didn't think I would win the contest.

There you are.

Agh! St-Sterk!? C-Can I help you...?

I wanted to congratulate you. We didn't even have time to talk earlier.

Th-thank you...

I didn't think you'd be able to beat him. I don't even stand a chance after more than ten years of training.

No, really, I just go lucky... Wait, so do you know that person?

Oh, no, it's not like that... Just don't worry about it.

You're just making me more curious.

Anyway, I should train even harder so I can exceed your level. I better get back to work now.

W-wait! Why won't you tell me who he was!?
Sterk Win, Mask de G Lose - Sterk

Ugh, owww...

Are you alright?

Oh, hi! I'm not injured or anything, but...

Good. He really has no mercy...

Do you know him? Esty seemed to recognize him, too.

Oh, no, it's not like that... Just don't worry about it.

You're just making me more curious.

I'm sure you're worn out. Would you like to go grab some food with me? I'd like to hear about that skill you used to defeat me.
*Sterk leaves*

W-wait, who was he? Why won't anyone tell me?
Sterk Lose - Sterk

Ugh, owww...

Sorry about that. Are you alright?

Sterk? I thought you were at the prize ceremony...

I left as soon as I could... I was...worried about you.

Really? Oh? Please don't worry about me! I'm totally fine! See?

I'm glad to hear that. So, do you have any plans after this?

Huh? Not especially...

I'd like to take you out to lunch, to apologize for our battle. But I don't have much time, so it'll have to be a quick lunch.

Really? Okay!

Let's go look for a place. Hopefully, it won't be too crowded.

Sterk is being nice to me... Hehe, I guess losing to him wasn't so bad after all...
Generic - Gio



Excuse me, I wasn't paying attention... Oh, it's you...

Mr. Gio? What's wrong? You look like you're in a hurry.

I'm sorry, but I don't have time to explain. We'll see each other again someday.
*Gio leaves*

...Aww. It would've been fun to go to the festival with him. Oh well. I'll just go by myself.
Sterk Win, Mask de G Win - Gio.

*sigh* ...I still can't believe that I won! I'm not dreaming, am I?

Nope, this is not a dream.

Agh! Mr. Gio? You scared me...

I'm sorry. I didn't mean to. Hmm...

...U-Um... Why are you staring at me like there's something wrong?

I just wanna know how all that power was generated from such a tiny body.


Oops, this isn't good. I came to congratulate you, but I guess I'm still a little bitter. But I would like to speak to you again some other day.

That's fine with me...

Well, please excuse me now.

I've never seen Mr. Gio's face look like that. I wonder if something happened?
Sterk Win, Mask de G Lose - Gio

Owww... *sigh* This sucks. I even made it through the finals... He was so strong...and Esty seemed to know him. I wonder who he is?

Hello. How do you do?

Mr. Gio!? Were you watching, too?

Sure I was, from start to finish. You had some great matches there.

Thank you. But I lost in the end. Hmm...

Wh-what is it? Is there something on my face?

Oh, no. I was just wondering who's or the last the person I fought.
Interrupting again with some commentary, but this is not the last time this controversy will be brought up. I heartily encourage the thread to speculate on this in the meantime.

Oh, that... Well...from what I saw, we must be at about the same level.

As strong as Mr. Gio!? No wonder I didn't stand a chance...

Oh, you never know. If you were to train for another two, maybe three years... Oops, we shouldn't stand around here. Why don't we walk around and talk about the rest?

You're right. I haven't had a chance to look at anything.

Alright, then let's go. They might find me if we just stand around...
Sterk Lose - Gio

*sigh* My body is aching... He really didn't go easy on me... If I did a little better, I think I may have had a chance of winning... Man... Owww! Ugh, I should go back to the workshop and get some rest...
Generic - Lionela


Whoa, Liona!? What's the matter?


Basically, she wants to hang out with you at the festival.

But she's so nervous, she can't even form polysyllabic words.


Okay... Sure, let's go!

Are you sure?

Of course! Come on, hurry!

*fade to black*

Oh wow, look at all the people. I wonder what they're doing this year?

There you are, Rorona! Found ya!

Aghhh! Esty!?

And hello to you too, Lionela.

Oh, h-hello...

I don't mean to interrupt, but can I borrow Rorona for a while? I promise to bring her right back to you.


Thanks! Ready, Rorona?

What? Where are you taking me? Liona!
*Esty and Rorona leave*

Oh no, umm... Wh-what should I do!?

Well, we don't have any choice, but to wait for her to come back. You let Esty borrow her.

B-but...ughh...I'm sorry.

That was your only chance to hang out with your friend all alone, too.

*sigh* I'm so stupid...
Sterk Win, Mask de G Win - Lionela

Way to go, Titan Girl!

Congratulations! I didn't think you would win.

Th-that was amazing! Rorona, you're so awesome!

Th-that's saying too much...but thank you.

If I could be as strong as Rorona, then...


Nothing! Oh yeah, are you tired? Do you wanna rest somewhere?

Yeah. Can we take a break? I'm so hungry.

Okay, let's go then. I saw a good place to eat over there.

Wh-whoa, Liona! Don't pull so hard!
*Rorona and Lionela leave*

She's more aggressive than usual.

I think she was inspired by Rorona. That's good.

I hope so...
Sterk Win, Mask de G Lose - Lionela

Owww... I'm back...

That was amazing, Rorona! I can't believe you won the contest...

Yeah, but she took a real beating from start to finish in that last fight.

Ugh...he was so strong...

Stop giving her a hard time!

Even though you lost, you looked great out there!

Don't worry, I'm so over it already. I'm just a little tired...

Do you want to go rest somewhere?

Yeah, thanks. Let's go look around the festival together, after I take a quick break.

Sterk Lose - Lionela
No point in transcribing this, because the scene is almost entirely the same as losing to Mask de G.
Generic - Iksel

Hey, Iksy!

Oh, hey! Enjoying the festival?

Yup. I'm taking the day off from work.

Me, too. Do you want to look around together?

*fade to black*

Oh wow, look at all the people. I wonder what they're doing this year?

There you are, Rorona! Found ya!

Aghhh! Esty!?

Oh, and you're here with Iksel.

Hello. You're always so energetic.

Of course. This is the festival! With that said, can I borrow Rorona for a bit?

Sure. Just make sure to bring her back to me later.

I-I'm not an object! Wait, where you are taking me? Iksy, help!

Sorry, but Esty is a preferred customer, so I can never say no to her. I don't know what she's going to make you do, but good luck!

N-nooo! Let me gooo!
Sterk Win, Mask de G Win - Iksel

Rorona, you did it! When did you get so good at fighting!?

It just kind of happened...

We should have a match sometime. If I beat you, that means that I'm the strongest in the kingdom.

What? N-no way! I don't wanna fight you!

Why not? Oh, you're just afraid that you'll lose, is that it?

That's not the point. I just don't want to, that's all! I'm going now!

Hey, I thought we were gonna hang out. Rorona, wait!
Sterk Win, Mask de G Lose - Iksel

That was really close. You were almost there.

*sigh* I came so far, too...

Well, you did the best that you could, and you still did well. If it was me, though, I would've won this fight, too.

I don't know about that...

Anyway, who cares about the past? Wanna grab some food? I'm hungry.

Are you gonna cook something for us?

You can eat my cooking anytime. Today, we're gonna try out some new stuff at the food court.

Aww, but your food is so much better...
Sterk Lose - Iksel

That was really close. You were almost there.

It wasn't close at all. Sterk didn't go easy on me at all...

If you made it into the finals, I probably would've won the whole thing.

I don't know about that...

Anyway, who cares about the past? Wanna grab some food? I'm hungry.

Are you gonna cook something for us?

You can eat my cooking anytime. Today, we're gonna try out some new stuff at the food court.

Aww, but your food is so much better...
Promotional Artwork
Santa Rorona and Homs
Promotional Artwork
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