Part 49: Update XLVI: An Adventurer and the Hollow Shrine
Another update is upon us, goon sirs. videos this time, including another short ranking up scene? Alrighty then. Let's begin.After a few weeks with Rorona in Arland, this scene pops up. Throughout the rest of the game, you'll periodically get these kinds of scenes. Guessing it has something to do with alchemy level.
But of course.
*Rorona leaves*
So, of course, pies. Rorona is performing a very sacred ritual here, where the master hands down her pie recipes to her student. This is a sacred responsibility, never to be taken lightly.
Our first voiced scene is with Marc. This one happens in Artisan's Square after Marc has enough friendship points. Simply dragging him around for about a month or so (along with a couple requests or so) total should do it. Video goes until the screenshot of Totori talking about Marc and kids.
Hal Emmerich, the younger years.
Oh hey, here's some easy Rank Points to miss. "Favorite" is when you don't change your equipment for over a year. There's not been much reason to upgrade just yet, so it's an easy five points for me.
Here's another neat passive skill Totori gets at level 20. Will Power is a rather nice skill that allows Totori, if she suffers a fatal blow, to occasionally shrug it off and survive with one HP. Obviously not something you can rely on, but it can surprise you.
The Holy Land Shortcut northwest of Arland is our first area with Demon enemies and Ghost enemies. It's a very good idea to bring Rorona here, because...
They come in pretty large groups, perfect for Bomb attacks. Rorona's bombs have the same blast radius as normal Bombs, making this group less impressive than it might seem. And on the plus side, the ghosts are weak against Fire.
And like a good teacher, Rorona is ready to help her student in any way possible, even if it means throwing baked goods at her to recover her HP and boost her defense.
The reason we're stopping by here mainly is for a new recipe book. Again, kinda out of our league at the moment, but we might as well pick it up while we having nothing else in particular going on.
Well, I say that, but you might want to check out some ingerdients around here. They're all of pretty nice quality, and you'll find a really nice trait like Judgment M or some such every now and then. That's something I'd recommend for most areas, actually. Just check out the gathering points for valuable traits / items. You never know.
But let's finish up all the "Outskirts of Arland" areas. Nabel Lake has some alright stuff, but it's 20 points.
There we are. Also, Nabel Lake is still nice and peaceful, but again, much smaller than before.
But after I returned to Arland, I decided to head back to Alanya, because now that we have Rorona, we can finally get started on something interesting. When I got back to the village and checked in with Gerhard, another scene. Video goes until Totori says "I'll try"
Thankfully, there's no risk of Gerhard going out of business or anything. You can do absolutely nothing about this little subplot and end up no worse than if you did anything.
That said, of course I'm covering what you're supposed to do for this sidequest, and it also leads to a whopping four endings for persuing this little subplot. But, there's no rush. Next, I decided to stop in at Pamela's with Rorona in my party, so I get this scene. Video goes until Totori says "Ew, I should stop thinking about it"
*Rorona and Pamela leave*
Again, Pamela doesn't have anything we quite want yet. Instead, we need to start preparing in earnest.
Mel here will be taking Mimi's place. By the way, there's a scene with Mimi, or so I've heard, where she yells at you if you don't take her out on an adventure for a while after she becomes an official part member. I've never actually seen this scene, but I can imagine it's something that can happen.
Then again, I know for a fact I saw the scene in the last game where Lionela leaves Arland permanently, and no matter how hard I tried when I was doing the LP of it, I couldn't make it show up, so what do I know. I'm sorry for that failure, as well as another failure of mine. Remember when I said I know of a couple fun glitches in the game that weren't very bad at all? One was the Night's Domain thing, and one was a very odd item glitch.
Basically, very, *very*, rarely when you defeat an enemy (for me, it was an Isle Fish in Nabel Lake), you get a Bomb! But the weird thing is, is that the description for it is all in Japanese, and even if you select it as a spoil of war, it's not in your basket and for all intents and purposes does not exist. I really wish I could have shown that, and believe me I tried, but for the life of me I could not get it to show up, but I wasn't about to waste hours and upon hours of my life for it to show up. Wow, that was a long tangent, anyway...
Upon returning to the atelier without Mimi in the party, I get this scene. I'm not too good at predicting stuff, it seems. Video goes until the screenshot of Totori thinking about Mimi and her non-existent friends.
Mimi reminds me a lot of Jay from Tales of Legendia, to be honest. They're both pale, small, have a fairly similar hair color, and both have pretty big tsundere streaks. Legendia and this game actually have a common motif to them: the sea. Although the sea itself hasn't played much of a role in this game's plot, it shall. It shall indeed.
*Mimi leaves*
After a few more village-based schenanigans, it's time to set off. But first, a scene with Rorona and Mel as party members.
*Rorona and Mel leave*
Oh yeah, Astrid and Mel would get along famously. I also like that detail of Astrid yet again having a hand in Rorona's clothes.
So, aside from Astrid's taste in clothes, we have something else to discover.
What's the deal with this location? Let's check it out. Upon arriving...
Music: The Peaceful Ruins
Would you look at that. We're at Platinum without having done anything in any big location other than the Golden Plains. That's how painfully generous Rank Points are if you work for them.
So, Stein Hill. One of my favorite locations in the game, actually, mainly for the really nice music. It's kind of a sad song, really. A location lost to time... But while it would be nice to just relax here, we have a bounty on a white wolf in these lands. He's hiding, as you may have seen in the first screenshot (he was the white speck at the top of the screenshot), on top of a hill.
There's the furball. Well, this isn't the best party to fight him with. Mimi or Marc would have been a better choice in Mel's place, but Rorona's not half bad herself for this little melee. Besides, would I link a video in an update that I ultimately fail in? I think not. Jagd Wolf
This guy's deal is he is *very* fast, and always gets two turns in a row. That damage can really add up, which means you have to outlast him. He's also got an annoying buddy that you want to get rid of real fast, because one of his moves is lowering defense, and we cannot have that.
Thing is, I must have gotten very lucky, since he'll be focusing 90% of his attacks on Mel. I don't know if that's a quirk of his programming, or what. But having only one ally we really need to support makes life much easier.
My strategy for this fight was fairly simple. Totori focuses exclusively on healing Mel, Mel deals the damage, and Rorona either heals Mel again or attacks, depending on how much HP Mel has. If Mel were to go down, my entire plan would fall apart and probability of success would reach roughly 0%.
The only problem is that this strategy took me a good long while, but it's preferable to losing. And hey, Aragami's a pretty great song to listen to.
And yeah, Healing Items can score Criticals. Who knew? Made my life easier this turn.
I really wish I could tell you that it got terribly exciting, but I would lying. This game is all about wearing him down, while keeping our own troops in good shape. As long as the Healing Salve supplies don't run out, we'll beat him eventually.
Well now, here's something I forgot about at. Rorona having 40 HP, then receiving a blow that did 39 damage. A rare circumstance, indeed, but as long as Rorona can still fight, it's not over.
But the Fates were not with him this day. Victory is ours.
He's worth a very respectable 40 points by himself, and that slab he was sitting on is worth another 20. Even when we rank up, we'll be very close to the final mandatory rank.
Now then, our final goals for this area are to get all the gathering points, just like we did at the Plains, and take out enough Goats and Pot Squirrels for a couple requests we accepted a while ago. Gathering is very nice, because there's a lot of nice ingredients around here, but I must admit Jagd drained quite a bit of my resources, so we can't overextend ourselves.
Getting all the gathering spots requires a fair bit of platforming, actually. It's not tricky at all, thankfully. However, gathering spots are all over the place, so make sure you search high and low for them.
Now where the hell are those final gathering points? There's one near the place where we came in, but I got that and I didn't get the points. Where is it?
Oh, that's right. Can't believe I didn't remember this...
That's all for Stein Hill. A very profitable journey, indeed, but we're not quite done west of Alanya.
Music: Following the Footsteps ~ The Ruins
The Holy Slumbering Tree area is the last location in the ruins west of Alanya (for some reason, Stein Hill doesn't count in this category. Go figure). It's a fairly unremarkable location, but I'd be loathe to pass up 15 points while we're in the neighborhood.
I had nothing more I needed to do down south, so I returned to Arland for the time being (notice how much I'm using the carriage. It is saving me tons of time, trust me). Once I was in Arland, I made an item, and got the following scene.
I know I made Hom's gender last time a choice, but on this I don't think Totori fell too far from the tree. I went with Girl, but we'll actually get to have some brothers before this game is done.
*Rorona leaves*
We'll see. Anyway, time for another little chat with Cory.
Well, at least she's honest.
*Totori leaves*
I wouldn't worry about it, but we've got ranking up to do. Video goes until Totori says "Yes!"
A chat with Filly gives us another scene.
See, here's the good thing about planning jobs carefully, deciding which ones can be done quickly, or back to back with each other: I can turn them all in at once, and since I'm turning them all in while ranked Platinum, they'll be counting toward Platinum Artisan.
Here's quite the lovely surprise. For some reason, I was able to S rank 50 monster quests (again, I have no idea how the game decides this), but an easy 50 points is an easy 50 points.
Upon returning to the AR...
*fade for exposition*
After that scene, you learn how to make the simplest alcoholic drinks. Once you make all these items, you proceed to the next stage in this whole tavern subplot, but we won't need to pay it much attention for a while.
This is what we got from Cory. Very nice items, the both of these, but again, a little too tough for us at the moment, not to mention materials. Take my advise and make the Shoes ASAP. If not the most useful item to make in the game, then the second most. But now, another travel update. This is going to be the last one for a long while, actually...
So, here's what's on the table. A long path far to the northeast of Arland, but there's next to no point to going there at the moment. In the far south, another large location representing the southeastern part of the continent. To the west of Arland, yet another large location, and finally in the far southwest, we can travel down the entire peninsula. This is going to be the last time the world map updates until 6/1 of Year 4, when the license gets extended, so I'll be having to deal with this world map for a while yet.
I am not complaining, as there is much to be done.
Ah, the fabled 9 Totoris. I was wrong again, in that 9 isn't the highest those particular jobs go to. It's 12. 12 Totoris is worth a massive 80 points, but basically you have to get rather lucky, and you have to have the right equipment to make it even possible. We don't, so we'll just have to settle for now.
For another request (and eventually an item we're really going to want), I made some Polish Powder and dropped by Tiffani's to register it. When I spoke to her, another scene.
So yeah, register Polish Powder. By the end of the game, you'll need 20 of these, I think. So, stock up before then, and you'll save yourself time down the road.
But for a final scene this update, a follow-up to Marc's previous scene this update. Video goes until one of the cat robots says "Meow..."
*Totori leaves*
That's because
Well, that's all the time we have today. See you all next time.
Promotional Artwork
More Promotional Artwork
Following the Footsteps ~ The Ruins
The Peaceful Ruins