Part 56: Update LIII: An Adventurer and the Mystic Forest
Things are really getting interesting now. Very shortly, we'll be on the high seas, but we've got a few things to take care of before then.Well, first off, since we're officially Diamond, we have new areas to reveal on our map. Let's see...
To the east, we have four new locations on the eastern seaboard of the continent. All of the locations are east of the Scorched Wasteland. To the northwest, the Forgotten Village is now linked to the north, making it much more accessable, and a new location far to the northwest completes the Northern Ruins areas. And finally, a location south of the Runestone Nest, completing the Continental Coastline areas.
All we're concerned about at the moment is the eastern territories. However, since there's a wealth of experience to be had, we want Mimi around, and she's not available for hire at the moment.
We learned this recipe from Rorona a couple updates ago. This allows us to use our Container anywhere in the world, pretty much. With this, you can freely move items between your Basket and Container, as well as taking items out of your Container wherever you want. Pretty valuable.
But since the next Mimi scene takes place three days after she leaves in Arland, and the Bag took five days to make, this scene comes up. Video goes until the screenshot of Rorona's line when she re-enters the atelier.
*fade to black*
*Mimi leaves*
This is the scene toward Mimi's ending flag I mentioned you can see before Rorona is fished out of the water in Alanya. I just kinda find that amusing, as the developers definitely didn't intend for that to happen, considering the dialogue, but I assure you it is possible.
Next up is another Rorona recipe scene I'm not entirely sure how to make happen. Probably has something to do with alchemy level, but making it trigger intentionally is strange. Anyway. Video goes until Totori says "When you sound so serious, I feel even less confident..."
*Rorona leaves*
Dangerous to us, perhaps (not really), but to our enemies? Most definitely. I already showed off what the Dark Water does, but the real gem here is the N/A. This is Totori's answer to the Tera Bomb, a weapon of unparalleled destructive power. Made properly, and the N/A can annihilate anything, and we have Chims to replicate extremely powerful N/As.
Unfortunately, the damn thing is also alchemy level 45, so it's a bit out of our range. But that's alright, since nothing at the moment requires the use of such firepower. In time, though, we will most certainly need its might. But that is a ways off.
Now then, I had virtually nothing to do between Mimi scenes, so I just went back to Alanya to get some more pies, then returned to Arland, 16 days in total, and the next Mimi event happens 15 days after the last. But let's get right to it with the next event. Video goes until the screenshto of Cordelia talking about herself.
*fade to black*
*Mimi leaves*
*Totori leaves*
Well, all's well that ends well. Next scene takes place upon the penultimate rank-up. Video goes until Totori says "I'll give it my best!"
This next scene takes place the next time you rank-up after that whole kerfluffle with Mimi. Video goes until Totori says "I just realized you'll always be you"
So, I was off about Galaxy being achieved at 2000 points. It's a rather bizarre 2405 points to Galaxy, with a total of 4000 points total. It's going to be quite a while until we reach there, but what you get at Galaxy...well, we'll just say we're going to need that time to get stronger.
But now, time for the final Chim. A girl, naturally, but the all-important name awaits us...
Goddamit, I'm not feeling any of these. Totori, it's up to you. Don't fail me...
There's Always Hope.
But now it's time to finally head out. This takes place as soon as you're done with Mimi's litlte outburst and you're making the ship. You absolutely need to see this scene in order to get Mimi's flag.
Yep, in order to get Mimi's ending events, she needs to be along for the inevitable Flauschtraut fight. But hey, that's only fair.
This time, we have a couple locations quite a bit to the northeast, north of Nabel Lake, a path east from the Promised Land that leads to Night's Domain, a path northwest of Nabel Lake that also leads to Night's Domain, and a final location to the north of Night's Domain. Oh, did I mention Night's Domain also showed up? It did.
Now that we're at the penultimate rank, we've finally charted the entire continent. There's nowhere on the main continent we can't go. Almost all future locations will have to be unlocked by following the trails from the only available area, but hey, there's still a lot to see.
But we really need to head far to the east. Our first stop is a very important one, at Hermit's Home.
Just a quiet little abandoned home. Whatever could be here that would be worth my time?
Well, there is some really high quality Tar Fruit around here, but that's not exactly why I'm here.
This is the last necessary ingredient for the Warp Gate. Your other chance to get an Azure Wing is to head north to Night's Domain and hope a Black Demon drops an Azure Wing. But why don't we go with the devil we know, hm?
And finally, we've charted the Wastelands east of Arland in the Mutant Forest. Nothing too fascinating around here (mid-quality Sage Herbs and very high quality Unis), but it's a nice looking area.
Yeah, I was wrong about the next World Spirit gathering location was in a location far in the future. Oh well.
Music: The Shadows Gather
I wonder, but Neumont is a pretty chill location, with a ton of squirrels and Bunny Punis wandering around. It also has...
The final ingredient. Of course, remember to pick up at least five of these. You can also get these at Night's Domain, but again, that's rather out of the way.
Neumont Forest has a boss monster, and you have to find all the gathering points, to get all the rank points available here. No landmark, though. It's really from this point on you'll be finding tons and tons of S-rank materials lying around, so feel free to take a lot.
In addition, the trait levels of everything in these late-game locations are also pretty great, so don't be afraid to pick up a lot. We're going to need them for future syntheses. This is really where the Speed Gloves come in handy.
Look at this mook, this T. Bomb Squirrel. He thinks he's so much better than us. Is he? Let's find out...
Okay, so these goons are coming at us in a group, but bully for them. All of them are pretty weak, and there's one more gimmick that reduces their battle capability. But first, let's help them out by reducing their defense.
Hmph. First round of attacking, and one of them is already dead.
Yeah, like Sterk, they'll go into Stand By every now and then (even though it was a sure thing for Sterk), and simply skip their turn for some reason. The other times...
Hey! That's a Tera Bomb! Be careful with that, you stupid beast!
Yeouch. Well, that was painful, but that'll be the only attack I suffer this fight.
You know, you're not going to beat me if you never attack. Never mind...
Hey, why don't we show the little guy a lights show?
Yeah, a virtual hammer of lightning attacks the target with a Quartz. It's pretty awesome-looking.
Bastards didn't stand a chance. Next!
So yeah, it's a nice looking-locale, but there's just not a whole lot going on. Time to move out.
North of Neumont is the Ancient Woods. Nothing much to say here. Just some high-quality Bamboo, Black Tree Lumber, and World Tree Twigs.
The same could be said for a location to the west, the Seaside Hill. Random high-quality ingredients, first location with an Isle Fish. Yawn.
Well, here's something a bit more interesting: the Old Sanctuary. What do we find here, but...
This ornery feller (also rank points if you arrive here soon enough. I did). Let's show this Dragon what happens to those who are in my way.
So very familar...
Control CC has a small chance of inflicting Sleep when it hits. My reasoning for doing this, while most of the time it's a rather weak attack, is Mimi and Totori are the major damage dealers, and Marc might as well do what he can to hamper the enemy. Didn't work out that way, but I still win.
He didn't seem too happy about that, because his first attack was a devastating move called Bomb Flicker. Definitely the most powerful move in his bag of tricks.
And guess what? The Dragon is weak to Lightning, and we have an exceptionally strong Quartz. Poor guy.
Here I was debating whether I should fight him without relying too much on Quartz, just to entertain him.
But then I decided honor is for chumps. It's victory or death (not really).
Marc gets the finishing blow. Unfortunately, the bum saw it fit to not drop anything. Ah well.
In addition to a healthy 40 points for the Dragon, we get another 15 for discovering the shrine of Dragons. Neat.
Otherwise, none of the materials are really worth writing home about.
Last stop before Arland is the Morning Mist River. Again, nothing really worth commentating about. Relaxing area, though.
Back in town on August 1st, this scene came up.
*Marc leaves*
That scene only happens after you've seen all of Marc's scenes in Artisan's Way and he's greater than level 25. Dragging Marc to the Promised Land means you're on the fast track to getting his ending flag, but we've got better things to do at the moment.
Like making this puppy. No more needing the carriage. No matter where I go, I can head back to either town instantaneously. Marvelous.
But before heading back to Alanya, I decided to bring Rorona along. Why not?
Like a phoenix rising, I have been born anew.
But now that we're back, let's talk to Mel. We need to get started on her ending flag.
Well, how can I refuse? Video goes until Mel says "Well, look forward to it"
So yeah, that "Invite" option is new, but we can't invite Ceci on an adventure until a month has passed. Again, it's alright, because we've got plenty to do for the next two months anyhow.
August 13th marks a very important day in Totori's young life, when she finally completed her end of the ship bargain. Next time, drama and adventure on the high seas!
The Shadows Gather