Part 64: Update LXI: An Adventurer and the Ocean Depths
With the Fesitval out of the way, we're officially in the home stretch of the game. I can currently envision only four more updates before we get to the endings, including this one, and none of them should be particularly long. They are fun, though, so there is that.As for this update, though, it simultaneously manages to be the best and worst thing. It's strange.
Shortly after the Festival ended (as in, on the exact same day), I got this scene with Piana. Video goes until Piana says "It's so hot..."
But now it's time to stretch our wings a bit. We're headed to Night's Domain one last time to throw down with our first Galaxy-only monster.
Indeed he is. Believe in the Dawn - Black Dragon
The Black Dragon here was so humiliated by his shameful defeat at Rorona's hands so many years ago he did some beefing up in the meantime. While he's not quite the hardest boss in the game, he is your introduction to the big leagues.
His main trick is that he moves a whopping three times in a row, and gains 100 HP back each time. This sucker really likes his status effects, and won't hesitate to hit you with them over and over again.
At least he still has his nice purple flame breath.
On the other hand, his physical attacks are less than effective against us.
Luckily, it's easy to get rid of all those status effects. This is when you'll really start loving Cure-All. The most important thing I can stress for this fight is just keeping everyone in good health with your healing items. He can quickly overwhelm, but he doesn't quite possess the strength to kill very easily, assuming you're equipped properly.
After two super attacks and little else, he's hurting bad. Just keep it up, and don't let his regeneration repair all the damage. Also, remember that it's best to shield Totori for his group attacks. If you're equpped properly, Totori can tank those physical attacks.
Cory's special assist really, really helps in these fights, since the boss simply loses that turn.
Thought you'd take my buddies down, eh?
(Though, I didn't notice both of them survived through Guts before I took this screenshot)
Serves you right.
A Scale and Tusk. Not bad.
Our next foe is in the Moonlight Forest. Here we find...
Another one of these. Adamant Will - Glass Element
Glass Element is, to put it mildly, annoying as all hell. She has a lot of health, regenerates HP (of course), and takes forever to kill because she debuffs you constantly. Curiously, she's not all *that* hard, it's just she takes forever, so prepare for a long fight.
Always with the arrows. This one hurts bad, but nothing too horrible, I think.
Oh yeah, and she loves putting people to sleep. It's as annoying as it looks in the video.
While Cure-All might get rid of Sleep, it doesn't get rid of those other debuffs. It's not LP-related, either, so nothing you can do about it.
Also curiously is the fact you can debuff her directly. Most bosses resist these status changes, but not her. What that boils down to is mostly mudslinging between you and her as you debuff each other all the time.
Hmph. You got lucky. Don't expect that to last.
Oh, and if you were watching really closely you might have noticed Cory got Guts again with that attack. Thing is, many boss attacks in this game hit several times, but even if they're part of the same move, they do count as separate attacks. So even though Cory got Guts for one of the hits, she didn't get Guts for all of them.
Oh sure, just drag this fight out longer. Glass Element and Black Dragon have a similar dichotomy to Demon and Iron Giant last time. One focuses on debuffs then killing, and the other mostly just focuses on killing. Element isn't hard, per se, though.
I really wish I had more to say about her, but nope. Rest in peace yadda yadda yadda.
Even my rewards were uninspired.
Thanks to her death, though, these Dunkelheit are now in bloom. This also counts as a landmark, in addition to being the only place you can find the...
Moonlight Flower. This is needed for the Ruby Prism recipe, but otherwise doesn't have much use.
Well, this warp did return me to Arland for unknown reasons (I didn't do anything there, and immidiately warped right back to Alanya), but it *has* been a month since I finished my last fish liquor, so let's see how things have turned out. I love this scene for a lot of reasons, but I'll let the game show you first-hand. Video goes until Totori says "How did it end up like this?"
I think Rorona has a kindred soul in the world. Regular stuff doesn't work? Just jump right up to a legend, and make a drink out of it!
Well, obviously he found it. The number one things with video games and in-game rumors is that they are always, always true.
It's exactly this point I start loving this scene. Gerhard spins a compelling tale.
Whoever Gerhard's voice actor was did a real nice job of this line. He has the nice "horrible revelation" tone to his voice for this.
Let me save you some time. It's a Sonne Fruit is what the Gerhard evidently brought a while ago. I have plenty of Sonne Fruit from my trip to Grune Rainforest, but I'll bring along the one I got from Iksel, just so I get to use all of the ingredients he gave me way back when.
How indeed. Still, don't we know a bruiser within earshot? Let's see if Mel will help us out.
*fade for exposition*
Seems the two of them have met before. There is a a group scene between Sterk and Mel where Sterk complains to Totori about Mel, saying she's responsible for wanton destruction herself, much like Gisela.
*Totori leaves*
I'm starting to get cold feet about this whole operation, but in for a penny and all that. This scene came up as soon as I returned to the atelier. Video goes until Piana says "Totori!
Fun fact, but that illustration of Piana at the start of this scene is the only time that particular expression of her's comes up. It's a permanent ??? in the art gallery in-game if you don't see this scene.
It's a sad day when Totori is the most mature one in the room. In spite of my predictions never coming true, I'm pretty sure that's the last line Piana will have before the very last scene of the game, before the ending junction. I can see it now...
But before then, let's get Sterk on board with the plan.
*fade for exposition*
But before heading back to Alanya, another scene with Sterky boy.
Again, don't feel bad, Sterk. A lot of my power comes from the vast, vast amount of bombs, healing items, and support items I have on-hand.
*Sterk leaves*
Now we can head back. We also need to talk to Guid to get his rod, so...Video goes until the screenshot of Guid by himself, thinking.
*Totori leaves*
Well, everything is all set up (seeing that last scene lets you actually go to the Guardian's Den, but if anything is missing (the bait, Sterk, or the time of the month), Totori lets you know when you get there. As it happens, I got that last scene toward the end of August, so I didn't have to waste much time waiting for the time to head out.
At last, time for one of the more infamous scenes in the game. Video goes until Totori says "Sure..."
*fade to black*
*fade to black*
Well, if we've hooked Del Lago, I hope you have a lot of those harpoons...
*fade to black*
Yeah. There's a reason I only had one screenshot while that CG was up.
Yeah, yeah. I'll make the damn drink later, but for now I don't even want to think about fish. Next time will be a boss battle jamboree. Stay tuned.
Flashback Gerhard
Legendary "Fish"