Part 8: VII: Pages of the Big City
Chapter VII: Pages of the Big City
And here we go: we're finally getting to Arland this update. First time we've seen the start of first setting of the Arland series since Totori. The brief cameos in Meruru do not count.

Punis held up their end of the bargain. Nothing between us now and the city. Hopefully Rorona's little clerical error can be fixed quickly. As soon as this short little scene ends, you resume control on the other side of the gate, and this is a location you can gather materials from, for the record.

Seems like random machinery is still scattered around the areas near Arland. If you'll recall, we first met Marc in Totori near a pile of similar junk. That was south of Arland, though. This definitely isn't the same place.

No locations to explore in the interim. Stalhang is northeast of the checkpoint, if you want a point of reference. Big city

Music: Let's Go Out: For Lulua

Indeed. Not only her birthplace (as confirmed by this game, not her game), but she *made* this town, and this country. By completing all 12 of her assignments, she proved to Gio that alchemy was the future of the country. She may be a tad Bohemian in her mannerisms, but there's no doubt she had a great influence on the country.
Well, it must be noted Astrid also had a hand in it. She never really went into it, but the prologue to Rorona said that a bunch of ancient machines had been discovered, but no one had yet managed to utilize them before Astrid came along and taught them how. That weird big purple structure in the town square is among those machines. Her payment for services rendered was being able to open up an atelier in town and, well, things snowballed from there.

Poor males without any alchemical talent, being forced to put up with this kind of talk in this series. Nobody had it as bad as the first of two male characters you recruited in Lydie & Suelle. Even if you counted both DLC characters, literally *every* party member but him was an alchemist.

Wow, party disbanded. Just like that. Well, they don't need to be around for the sightseeing Lulua plans to do.

Makes sense we can't use this while the party's broken up. Not that we have business in other towns in the first place.

First, let's stop by this tavern. That sign seems familiar. Probably something interesting in there. The entertainer

Wow-wee, Lionela, huh? If you'll recall, Lionela was the dancer-vagabond Rorona met fairly early in her adventure after she dropped her wallet and Rorona gave it back to her. The two eventually became quite close, which concluded with Rorona and Astrid discovering the truth behind her two cat dolls, Aranya and Horoholo. Though, whether Rorona ever *truly* comprehended Astrid's explanation was a dangling plot thread. Nevertheless, even confronted with the truth (that the two puppets are just extentions of her personality that were acting as "friends"), Lionela continued to cling onto her belief that the two were separate existences.
The last we heard of her, since she wasn't mentioned at all in Meruru, was during an old friends get-together in Totori, where Sterk, Cory, Rorona, and Iksel talked about her still traveling the Arland area, putting on her shows. The others asked Rorona if she could impress upon Lionela to return to Arland and live there for good, and it seems that finally paid off.
As far as Rorona herself goes, though, that's another issue. Although she has a home in Arklys, she also has her atelier here that's still in use. Given how Lulua isn't constantly freaking out about how long her mom has been gone, seems she's used to Rorona being gone for large amounts of time, so definitely not unreasonable she still stops in with her old friend Lionela here from time to time.

See above as to this reference.

Music: Liquor Waltz
Now that was an efficient scene. Got re-introduced to Lionela and opened up Arland's job handler. Functions the same as Keina and Lisa, as you might expect.

Well, her use of them may be long in the past, but no reason not to keep them around. But for now, take what requests you want from Lionela and continue on to Artisan's Way to resume our tour of the big city.

Hm, wonder if Cory still has the keys to this place. She did in Totori, at least. Anyway, all I'll say right now is you can't go to Atelier Rorona at present and that it's locked. Might want to keep that in mind.

Seeing people walking on the far side of the canal is a nice detail. The blacksmith

Music: Citizens of Arland
You know who I bet's behind there? A big bald burly blacksmith, possibly with a hat. I'm never wrong about these things.

Music: Blacksmiths Here!
Well...he seems to be a blacksmith. But it seems I'm entirely wrong outside of that. And the hat thing.

Believe it or not, a recurring character. Don't worry if you don't remember him, but I do. In Atelier Rorona, after a certain point in the "plot", Cole would start coming around to the atelier on the 15th (exactly) of every month to sell you allegedly rare junk he came across from his suppliers or his own adventures. Every now and then you'd get a scene with him but he never really added anything to the plot, aside from helping to open Pamela's Store, which was important, and unlocking the Ster Highlands, which was crucial for the Iksel and Sterk Endings (and by extention, the True Ending), assuming you bought enough of a specific material. Yeah, Rorona was *that* kind of game, don't you know.
Again, aside from that, Cole was definitely easy to forget he was even a gameplay mechanic and never appeared in the other games. But here he is again, in a...considerably different role, though.

Well, he's definitely right about this place being crucial for Lulua's adventures, but you'll forgive me if I want to move on so we can get to the next plot beat before I go into a big discussion about equipment customization, won't you? Let us continue down the street. The chef

Huh, Iksel might have himself a haircut since we last saw him.

Can't take money from Rorona's daughter, unless it's like this, huh? I see how it goes. Well, it would be highly advisable for you to buy the books Wild sells. They're quite useful and general-purpose. Once you're done with your shopping decisions, you can continue on to the Parliament building, but you're not supposed to go there yet and there's nothing to do but talk to some NPCs. Return to the Square after you see the scenes at Sunrise, the Ironworks, and Ar Hollow. The captain and the rogue

Definitely shady. The game thinks so, too.

Still a conman. A few lines of dialogue will not change that.

Music: Surly Knight: For Lulua
I know that theme anywhere.

Well, at least this poor guy finally has a job. In Rorona, as you'll recall, he was employed by the government as a knight, but upon the kingdom's termination, he turned to kiiind of mercenary work, but it wasn't clear how he was actually supporting himself. Especially once Totori started bringing him along on her adventures. In Meruru, his employment problems got even worse, since he was acting as a representative of the Arland Republic but it wasn't clear he was on anyone's payroll. All this led up to the last thing Meruru had to say to him which was suggesting to him that he get a real job sometime instead of continuing to pretend to be a knight.
But, with all that history, this Arland mainstay has finally made his grand return. As far his relationship to Lulua, as you can guess, this scene implies Sterk's been to Arklys before and met Lulua there, although that must have happened some time ago.

According to the OP, apparently this is true. She's just a tiny bit taller than Rorona if you don't count Rorona's massive hat.

And that, is just what we did. Atelier Rorona

Music: Atelier Rorona: For Lulua

By the way, notice something about all this? Door was locked when we checked earlier, but now it's not. And there's no one else here, either. Truly mysterious workings going on here.

She's uh...talking very strangely. Wonder what happened.

After that scene, the party reforms. And thank goodness, too.

Ah, this place never changes. Well, kind of. We last saw this place in Totori, and part of the cauldron area was kind of a mess because Rorona had only recently done some renovation to accommodate another cauldron for her beloved pupil. Other than that, the couch was moved against the far wall, instead of where that desk is now, but otherwise, it's pretty similar to how it's always looked.
By the way, that door? You could actually go through that in Rorona+'s post-game mode, but it was better known as Astrid's bedroom for all of regular Atelier Rorona. Of course, Rorona was on no account to go in there, particularly when Astrid was in a bad mood and/or sleeping. Her student was working to save the atelier, but she had to settle for the couch.
When you're ready to move on, the parliament building is down past Sunrise Cafe. Well, it is elsewhere, just that the path to get there is past Sunrise. The test

Music: Sea Breeze: For Lulua
The legend in the flesh. I trust no introductions are necessary for the second Arland protagonist, but she seems to have changed from part-time alchemist to Arls Kingdom to working here at the Parliament. Her adventure certainly seems to have raised her profile, as this gentle girl from the countryside now works for the republic in an apparently prominent position.

Lulua rapidly moves around Totori when she says the above lines. For not having met Totori before today, her reputation certainly precedes her.

"Rorona-sensei", actually, an honorific reserved to teachers or similar professionals. Totori is far too respectful to Rorona to ever just call her by her given name, in any game she's appeared in. Of course, you wouldn't know that if you used the English dubs for Totori/Meruru, but I have for both games, and yep, that's just what she always does.

Our protagonist, however, quickly shifts from being right in front Totori to back to her own teacher. She's quite hyperactive, is what I'm saying.

Ah, so there's our confirmation Rorona has returned to Arland occasionally even after Lulua entered her life. Unlike Sterk, whom Lulua already knows, this is Totori and Lulua's first meeting, and this is also the first time Lulua's been in Arland.
Well, either Rorona told Totori directly, or Sterk mentioned it, since he also lives in this town. He doesn't seem to be the type to blab, though.

Dammit, I should have retaken this shot.

Hmm, kind of a harsh renewal condition, gonna be real.

Hmm... I guess Rorona must have also told Totori that she was training her daughter to be an alchemist.

Something's definitely hinky about this whole arranagement. But, Totori is many things but a liar is not among them. If she says that's the renewal condition, that's what it is.

By the way, Lulua is also slightly taller than Totori or they're just about the same height.

Might be guessing that since we're near Arland, lots of old locations around here. You'd be right, and here's two of them: Orthogalaxen and the Golden Plains (so-named because of all the wheat that grows there). Orthogalaxen's only official appearance was in Rorona, but it technically was also in Totori+ as ORTOGALAXEN, but it was better known as the home of all of Totori+'s super bosses that weren't in the original (where Ozean Kaiser was by far the hardest enemy in the game). It only was available very late in the game once you hit Galaxy rank, which is fine because the bosses were, as mentioned, on a whole other level from the rest of the game.
Of course, you may rest assured no Atelier superboss has ever undone me. On that, you have my word. Now, Aurel's suggestion continues the plot, but as an Arland veteran should know, Orthogalaxen is a dangerous place. I feel upgrades are in order, but before that, why not check out the Golden Plains? I doubt anything too menacing is hanging out around there. Fields of gold

*Everyone marches forth to continue gathering*



Good thing we know a few of those, then.

We'll see about that. Well, Golden Plains have a lot of good materials lurking around (again, relatively), as well as Tar Fruit, which is a material you can find in this area that is pretty rarely found elsewhere in the game at the moment, so it would serve you well to gather a lot.

Speaking of, pretty easy initial line-up of riddles this chapter. First one is reaching the Golden Plains and finding a Swirly Shell, which you can get by fishing around here. Lord of the Locks is examining a locked chest, which we did before we reached Arls, and talking to a guy in Arland. And the last one is for fighting a specific number of battles and reaching level 20. Unfortunately the game doesn't keep track of how many battles you've fought, so just keep fighting.

"Battle Tips" is kind of a misleading reward. It's more like a battle perk if you ask me.

By the way, I warned you back in the Trombe Plateau that fighting these white rabbits, the Crystal Horns, was dangerous business, and I meant it. Only because of Corner Missile, though. It does what it says here: big AOE damage and knockback, which means if you get a group of them spamming Corner or just using it a lot, you can get wiped before you have much chance to respond. While I did win this fight, it was rough.
Again, Piana hitting the enemies with Weaken to lower the damage of their really dangerous techniques is pretty important.

Huh, solved the third riddle already. If you say so.

Like I said, you can find Swirly Shells from fishing here, but watch out for that Gold Puni. Weakened as I am, I'm certainly in no mood to fight it. Luckily, it's one of those nice monsters who, even if you get close to it, it won't aggro against you and you can fight it when you feel like it.
But, that's all our business here for now. For now, of course. So now that we're in a lull of content, let's talk weapon / armor customization. Now that we have access to Cole, we can finally take advantage of it and start making up for pathetic early-game equipment.

First off, you'll need some ingot / cloth recipes. Luckily, Cole sells just what you need. This is the second tier of ingots / armor, which is just fine. Mostly because nothing else is available. Just after this scene, I noticed the Tinc is a level 12 alchemy item, and I was level 11. Obviously, I soon corrected this by making a Pure Oil, and this scene came up just afterwards. Learning to be an alchemist

Let's hope so, but I'm not going to Arklys just for the privilege of seeing Piana happy at her student's progress. Just yet, anyway.

17 days doesn't seem that long, but it's more the principle of it. And making sense with the story, of course. Cole also had a scene come up just after that Piana scene.

Well, Cole is still fussy and particular about his work, that's for sure, at least.

But now to get to the important work. I already told you how to sort for traits in an ingredient slot before, so I won't go over that again, but it's time to take our alchemy up a notch. So for right now, we want to make new weapons and armor for Eva/Piana/Aurel, because Lulua's value right now is almost entirely reliant is in using items, and she would only need armor to survive. That's fine. We can manage.
So, next level of alchemy. Do you see Attack Charge / Boost? Starting with Meruru, you can begin combining two lower tier traits into a single higher one. Every Atelier since has kept this system, and this one is no exception. So here's how it works in general terms. There are six tiers of traits, and most traits fall into one of those six slots. For Attack+ traits, I shall illustrate.
Attack Charge is tier 1. Attack Boost is tier 2. Attack Mega Enhance is tier 3. Boost x Charge = tier 4. Boost x Super Enhance = tier 5. And finally, tier 4 x 5 = tier 6. These aren't exact numeric values (Mega Enhance gives more than Boost x Charge), but this is just for illustrative purposes. Now, you can't choose what traits you want to combine, the system will do that automatically. On the same item, you can't have Attack Charge and Boost separately, because the game will automatically combine them and you have no say in the matter. So to get the most bang for your buck, you'll want Boost x Charge, because tier 4 is a bigger increase than either of those traits.

And of course, if you're not sure, make sure to check the Encyclopedia for the trait you're thinking about to see if it's even compatible with the item you're making. Every trait can be put onto a Synthesis item, but as I said, Synthesis items do not do anything on their own. Just speaking briefly for now, equipment crafting works more or less the same as normal crafting, and you can't put some traits on an item. So, like here, you cannot put Defense and Speed Enhance on a weapon, but you can put Attack and Speed Enhance on one. Make sure you remember that.

Now, the Zettel is a valuable item always because it is a (Fuel) category item, which is a part of a Tinc synthesis. For this early part of the game, focusing on Stat Boosts would certainly not be amiss. Stat Boosts raise *every* stat, except for elemental resistances, of course. Here, I went with Stats Charge (+3 to all stats), Attack Boost (ATK +5), and Inflict Slow, which is both an attack item traits and a weapon trait, that gives an attack a 60% of inflicting Slow against an enemy who can be debuffed thusly by using normal attacks.
When you're making your early game synthesis items like this Zettel here, it would be quite wise to focus on combining TP enhancing traits. Those are very generally useful traits no matter what you're making.

For our actual Tinc synthesis, we need Max TP Extension to fit all those above traits, and using Pure Oil gives us the second Fire effect, which provides a free stat buff to any weapon that uses this Tinc. Of course, the effect is minor.

Once again, if you have doubts everything you want can fit, use this menu to confirm before you commit to anything.

And the actual Tinc. Attack & Defense Boost is +5 to both stats, but Stats Charge is +3 to everything. The effect with such lower numbers on these early traits is fairly similar, but I went with Charge and Inflict Poison, since that little extra damage if Poison hits sounds more valuable than Slow. Of course, the freedom of Atelier games is choosing what traits are more important to you. Now that we have the (Weapon Material), it's time to actually start making the items.

Music: The Angry Blacksmith
Now then. Cole's a skilled guy, so he doesn't need TP to put any traits of equipment he makes. He does need money, though. More powerful traits cost more money to apply them, but obviously these early ones won't cost much at all.

Once you've chosen your materials, as always, you can use these screen to check what traits you can choose from. By the way, Slayer traits? Those guarantee critical hits against a certain enemy type, like Punis, Birds, or, indeed Mushrooms. You should never really need these traits. Unless you are fighting that enemy type, it's a wasted slot. More generic traits like stat boots will always be more valuable.
And, as you can see in the lower right, equipment syntheses have their own effect bars. They play by the same rules as normal syntheses, so fuss around to get what effects you want, or don't, and make your item. Don't plan to optimize early game stuff, and, indeed, you'll be using the same general pool of traits until...Chapter 6 at the earliest, I think. It's gonna be a bit before you can really access powerful traits. Charge is +3 ATK, by the way.
Once you make your first weapon in a certain category, you'll get a scene with Cole. This is the one for Aurel's swords.

Think you lost her quite some time ago.

This is the bump Aurel gets from this sword. By the way, the only stat I should explain is Quality. Honestly, I don't think this stat affects anything aside from one very specific thing. Don't even concern yourself with Quality. It's like the average of the items a character is equipped with to some extent? Anyway, don't waste the brainpower. But now, before the update ends, some Encyclopedia entries.

Eva is so delightfully easy to impress.