Part 16: XIII: Pages of an Unrivaled Princess
Part XIII: Pages of an Unrivaled PrincessBut before we head to Modis, just to me it seems we're still in no particular hurry. We have a scene in Arland we can see, for example. A rival in the wings

Specifically, Aurel is Gio's nephew. Gio remained Arland's most eligible bachelor as far as we know.

"Might" being the operative word here. Doesn't sound like Lulua could talk Aurel out of this if she tried. Alright, NOW we're ready to head back to Modis, especially now that we've made our Dragon Eye Tonic. Oh yeah, and as usual for Exploration Tools, the Tonic's actual Quality won't affect what it does one bit.

See that green bottle in the top left? That indicates the Tonic is in effect. The tutorial for the Tonic claims that icon will empty as the Tonic's timer starts going down, but this is a lie. This icon will remain the same, but will empty after...let's say like 5 minutes or so. This includes in-battle, so don't use one if you know you're going to be fighting a lot or you're about to throw down with a really tanky enemy.

Yeah, this doesn't look like much now, but that's because the quality of the materials around here isn't the highest, but having access to tons of traits thanks to a Dragon Eye Tonic can't be underestimated, you know? By the way, I'm almost sure this Boa Venom Gland is higher quality than 100, but it's not reflected because the Quality Cap is still in-place. I don't know if, when that cap is lifted, we'll get its true value or it's just stuck at 100 because that's the Quality we got it at. We'll know once we finish all of Chapter 6's riddles.

Check out Ficus' hands that have red sparkles around them. That's due to the Red Ray Symbol he has equipped.

Also notice he's doing Fire-elemental damage on an Ice attack, again because of the Symbol. You'll also know if some special weapon effect is activated if you get that pop-up.

There is a distinct possibility of that, Totori.

Jeltje also followed us here, but I see nothing here worthy of my coin.

Hopefully not bad luck shooting those birds down, though. Bird hunt

Yep, you do have to fight these goofballs. They're souped-up versions of the Vulture from Trombe Plateau, and an enemy from about 3-4 hours into the game should not be an obstacle to you. Even without Ficus exploiting another vulnerability (two notches of weakness against Lightning), you should be able to take them out pretty easily.

Might wanna ask Totori about this, Lulua. I believe she can speak with some authority on this subject...

As I'm sure you're aware since the end of the last update, Niko already officially joined the party before now, but let's just say I didn't use him in this last battle to make this scene more appropriate.

Yep, getting a new party member is all well and good, but this chapter has been a big cul-de-sac if we don't find our source of inspiration. Hell, Lulua even has a DLC costume that has her wearing Meruru's outfit from her game. We *need* to find this girl before too long. Fated meeting

Not a bad-paying job at all.

Music: Princess March: For Lulua

Arls' favorite princess rocking some new duds, I see. By the way, do you notice something funny about Meruru's outfit here? In the final sequence of Meruru, if you talk to Rorona, Meruru mentions that she won't be a princess soon and won't need her crown. She suggested giving it to Rorona, which was hardly objected to. Well, either Rorona gave it back or Meruru just never got around to that, because it's still there.
And thank goodness, too. Meruru might not be the protagonist of this game but she's still an Atelier protag. Gotta have that head wear, even if it's not a hat. Only applicable if you're a girl, though. Logy doesn't need any head wear, it seems.

Spoken with a lot of confidence. To be fair, that was her life for 4 years.

Keina getting a little upset she hasn't seen her childhood friend much anymore...

Everyone (except Meruru): Ahahahaha!

But like the previous chapter, time to grow as an alchemist a bit more. The requirements for clearing this riddle are the same as last chapter: 10 syntheses and 10 successful battles. Time to get to work...

...So I didn't do that to get a new scene or go for some story-integration thing where Lulua was so excited to meet Meruru she completely forgot about the Fair ticket (though it would have been nice if that were so). I do bet you forgot about this ticket too, right? So I'm not the crazy one, right? Yeah, let's go with that.
Anyway, like I said, it's just a simple matter of getting the ticket and approaching the woman nearest to Ar Hollow to see what you got. There are four possible results: first place, second, third, or a consolation prize. I'm assuming you can save scum the result once you get the ticket, but that would, of course, require you to remember you talk to the rewards woman. Clearly, a difficult task for me.
Well, it's not the end of the world in any case, though the prizes are actually pretty good, especially the first place prize. But onward we go...

Prior to this shot, I made Sulfite and a Super Cooling Agent to fulfill another riddle, and these are pretty useful items, too. Sulfite adds +2 Fire Element points and Cooling Agent adds +2 Ice. Of course, there are corresponding items for Lightning and Earth. I also made a Pure Poison to fulfill that riddle, so we can unlock a pretty awesome item, the Dark Water.
For now, let's head back to Arklys and check in with our good buddy Refle. I bet she had a great time with those kids. An expert appraisal

Wow, she IS in quite the good mood.

*Six hours later*

This next scene is a bit unusual, but not for the actual contents. In every town, there's a scene with a CG attached that's all like "People of Arls" or "People of Arland". I've never been entirely sure what makes these scenes pop up, but nevertheless, after seeing the above Refle scene, I got the Arklys version. Food for the soul

A metabolism like a nuclear reactor. Also, I would normally screenshot Lulua's first line in this scene, but the text box would partially cover up how massive Lisa's helping is compared to everyone else.

Yep, good eating time is good for the soul. On the same subject, while we're here in Arklys, let's go get those Hard Potatoes for Wild.

Might wanna bus that table, though. And while we're in the neighborhood, let's give Totori that 60 Quality Globe. Getting better

It's a good thing she did add that second part because, given Totori's penchant for making unintentionally acidic comments to people, could have easily been Lulua's turn.

Agreed. You may be a step or two ahead of these two put together, but can't count on resting on your laurels in a sequel. Now that we've helped Wild out with his problem, he's got more business with us. THAT egg

I don't know about you, but I'm following this conversation to the letter. Go on...

Try not to strain yourself, Lulua. I hope you'll understand why I made a video of this scene. In other news, this is one of a few special scenes with Wild where he'll mention an ingredient growing in a certain area, then you can go and find that special ingredient. Until Wild mentions the item, though, you can't find it no matter how hard you look.
After this, I took and completed a few more requests from Lionela to get her job board leveling up request. It calls for finding a Dark Dew, which can be found in an "Ancient Monastery". Well, I definitely remember that place from Totori, but again, I'll just have to pretend I don't know when the game opens it up for us.

But now it's time to check out the Stone Coliseum, which we unlocked very early this chapter but just haven't found the time to get around to yet.

Eva is correct; there is a lot to break around here for materials.

Like breaking conspicuous cave openings to find treasure chests. Luckily, a level 2 Pickaxe will break everything but the crystals around here, so you should get to looting.

These enemies, the Garuda, drop Azure Wings, but as I alluded to earlier, only Rarely.

You can also find a Nightshade in another cave, which, this particular one, is mostly only good on Aurel to raise his Evasion even higher.

This is Niko's special skill, Brave Stance. As I mentioned, Niko is supposed to be a tank, so this is how he exercises that ability: by drawing enemy attacks to himself in exchange for lowering his WT time every time an enemy attacks him. Note that AoE attacks will still hit the entire party, and having the enemy's constant attention on a single target can prove to be unfortunate for his health, but he can take a punch.

Example of it in action. Too bad he had to get hit with two status effects to demonstrate it.

Life Steal is how Niko keeps himself in a fight, so keep that in mind as well.

At level 30, Aurel gets Resting Spirit Stance which, in exchange for substantially lowering his DEF, increases his level (so, he can like, have the stats of a higher-leveled Aurel than he currently is, is how that works) and increase his ATK. It's actually a pretty good trade, since his evasion will manage to avoid a lot of damage. Just don't be upset if you use it that Aurel can't seem to last long in a fight if enemy attacks are getting through.
Although there's no particular need to fight a Garuda if you've made a Warp Gate already, it is good for the riddle Hidden Wall of Heat, so keep that in mind.

Ooh, a cool little underground cavern. Well, the chest just contains another Locket of Friendship, but it's still a cool little area. Also, those are the crystals you still have to blow up with a Mining Bomb.

When you're ready to move on, head on over to the Old Mining Tunnel and examine this note on a table to solve this chapter's final riddle. Well, final Advanced Riddle, that is. After this, I went back to town and made a good ol' Dark Water. In previous games, this was a really good debuffing item that could just throw a ton of mud in the enemy's face. Here, Invitation to the Hell L does something a bit on top of that...

It's our first insta-killing item, although there will certainly be more. Inflicts Impurity L has a 50% chance to inflict 3 randomly selected ailments. It's alright, the real bonus here is Invitation to the Hell. Now, there are some limitations to this. Bosses, obviously, it will not work against them. In addition, magical enemies like ghosts or spirits also are not affected by insta-kill, which is a shame, as those can be some of the most annoying enemies in the game. But, this will serve us well, I think.

Before the next chapter starts, I would also advise making a Magic Sword, which you unlocked the recipe for by making Ster Metal (you also had to buy the Ster Metal recipe book from Cole to get it, but obviously one had to come before the other), because next chapter has a lot of fighting in it and there's a riddle for using the Magic Sword enough. There's another reason this Magic attack item will be valuable for next outing.

But because next chapter has a lot of fighting in it, I'd advise upgrading to the next armor tier. Luckily, if you need a good (Threads) item, Hay is great. Hay is made from (Plants), (Fuel), and a (Supplement), so it's easy to put good traits on it. Make sure to drop off a good Nylonfeather with Dragon.

Well ain't that lucky, a magic Boost Item that can fit out both useful sides of the Effects bars. The Earth effect is to increase Stun (Faint) resistance. The Spirit Robe is very nice in particular because everyone can wear it, and it has pretty good stats.

But now we have the battle side of growing up to do. Why use one sword when you can use four? Lulua seems to agree. Just be careful around actual dangerous enemies, since this drains her HP. Not much, but it does add up. This item can't KO the user, as that would be silly, but like with any item that drains MP, if the user doesn't have enough HP its power will be significantly reduced.

Took a few requests to earn a little extra money / build up friendship levels / do jobs for various receptionists, nothing worth noting. Solve this "riddle" to end the chapter and move on to a big one. See you there.