Part 21: XVII: Pages of Snowy Mountains
Chapter XVII: Pages of Snowy Mountains
Well, if you're going to go up to the snow-covered mountains, gotta be prepared to melt some things, right?

Maybe when you're older, Lulua. Heat Enhance L completely negates the ability of enemies to inflict Burn on Eva and enhances the power of all Fire attacks by 20%. This will mostly affect Flare Bastard, but thankfully that's one of her more powerful abilities.

But first, another riddle to be solved. This riddle unlocks the Sack of the Wind God and Light Bug Catcher Net. Any insect can be caught with the latter, as well as increasing the number and quality of the bugs aside from what the normal net can do. As for the Sack, basically does the same thing, just with that item that shakes the branches of trees loose for easy gathering of good quality items. Not strictly necessary to upgrade to either of them, but if you're going to, make sure to get those Effects as high as possible since that's the final upgrade of both those Exploration Tools.

Careful with making a Sylph Breath, which is necessary for both recipes, since you likely won't have many Breath of Winds lying around. If you need more, well, time to head back to Quelei.

Yep, this is fine.

When you're ready to get back on the road, let's check out the Forest Far From Home, at the very edge of the continent. About where it was in Totori, so this holds up. This place was particularly important because one of the materials you needed to make the ship could be found here and nowhere else prior to unlocking this location, which made this area the major roadblock between the first and second halves of the game.

Yep, nice to get away from civilization for a bit. But that doesn't mean the locals will be too friendly...

Like the Mellowshroom here. This is the only mushroom in the game not weak to Fire, so it may catch you off-guard just based on that. In fact, it has one level of Fire resistance and nullifies all Earth damage. It's actually vulnerable to Ice.

So Sterk and Meruru have a Primal Art together where Sterk guards Meruru and becomes resistant to status effects (stat debuffs and the like notwithstanding). What does this mean in gameplay terms? It means single-target attacks that might normally target Meruru, such as this one the mushroom is doing, will instead target Sterk. As you might expect, this can be pretty hazardous to his health, but if it's lore appropriate, I'm fine with it. However, only seriously use this if you have a really really tanky Sterk.

Well, it's a mushroom, so even being first among its ilk, it's not a very dangerous enemy. As long as you aren't fighting with the elements this thing is strong against, you'll be fine. We mostly fought this thing to fulfill the first part of The Secret to Good Fortune.

If you made a Super Mining Bomb along the lines of the one I made, make sure to nuke these crystals. They contain very high quality Wispstones, in the 200+ Quality area, is how high. In fact, in general, the materials around here are very very high Quality, especially with a DE Tonic in effect.
Also, check out the date: it's been more than a year since Lulua's adventure began. It's been quite a year, gotta say.

If you saw that Sour Apple King scene with Wild earlier, here you go. It's just nice to gather a special ingredient, you know?

Collecting high Quality Green Bamboo is important, too, to solve another riddle. We're starting to snowball with these things, I gotta say.

Fast-forwarding a few hours to show some of the most dangerous enemies in the game, gotta say, this place looks suitably hauntingly beautiful at night.

Extreme caution is to be advised around these wolves. Sure, we've fought lots of wolves before, but these ones have a very nasty trick.

It's not that, but that's not helping.

It's this, Blood Moon. The enemy can use an AOE insta-death attack that can trigger if you don't have Angel Charm or Runestone that can block such an effect. I gotta say, this fight was close as hell. The only reason I survived was because of these things being vulnerable to insta-death as well. I probably wouldn't have won if it were otherwise.

They are good for a nice bit of change, but they are a dangerous bunch, just because of that one move. Wouldn't advise grinding them for money or anything.

Meruru's little "bwee!" at the end of her "level up" line is great.

We're all counting on you. I'm mostly here to gather Black Ore from the now-breakable crystals. Boom. Once I was done... The face

*knock on door*

What actually happens is the camera flashes between Lulua and Sterk after he enters, then this screenshot. "..." seems close enough to me to communicate the unspoken exchange.

Aw, now I feel bad in Lulua's stead. Sterk's the very picture of reliability, but he does have a pretty unfortunate face.

Apparently he's also had small children cry upon seeing his face. It's a tough deal.

*Sterk leaves*

I know, Lulua, but some things are better left unsaid.

Alright, that's the second part of that one Riddle, time to... The fourth generation

Some things never changed around here... So how many Atelier protagonists end up drinking? Quite a few, actually, but I think Ayesha is the only one who drank in the same game she debuted in. She was a total lightweight. It was a disaster and she ended up having to be carried back to her atelier by a third party.

But as for that riddle, we unlocked the second tier of explosives for Ice/Lightning: the Rocket Ice Bomb and Grand Lightning Bomb, respectively. Now the only thing we have to do to finish all the riddles this chapter is get a Dragon Eye drop. Great. Hardest for last.

Before we get harassed again by any drunkards, let's get back to the plot at last. Mountain high

This place hasn't changed a bit. There's even a treasure chest where there was one before.

Eva seems to be getting a bit jealous.

*Aurel leaves*

Music: Wind's Valley: For Lulua
Next time, the both of you. Luckily, the Ster Highlands have been mostly cleared of the rather dangerous enemy hordes that populated this area in Rorona. The paths are also wider, so it's easy to dodge enemies in your way if you don't want to fight them. But don't move so fast that you forget to grab at least a few Star Pieces from nearby piles of rocks. Those are good for both an Alchemyriddle entry and Sunlite, the next tier of weapon upgrades.

Dragoon Coat is in that aforementioned chest. It's...probably the highest tier of armor you can make right now that anyone can wear, so slap this on someone if they're lagging behind in the armor a bit.

Most dangerous enemy groups are here are the rabbits, because they'll use that annoying as hell Corner Missile a lot. Gets very old. Extreme prejudice is the best answer to such a situation, of course. Omega Crafts completely destroy these guys. In addition, Sterk/Aurel's Primal Art negates the ability of enemies to delay your allies' turns, so that can take the edge off the most dangerous part of Corner Missile, where the rabbits just keep spamming it and you never get any turns to fight back.
Other than that, the traits you'll find on things around here are the usual stuff, a tier below the things you can find in Quelei Forest. You do eventually have to defeat a group of these for an Alchemyriddle entry next chapter, so you might as well take them out while you're here.

In the next area, as well as two more of them in the final one, are dragons. As I've mentioned, these dragons do rarely drop Dragon Eyes, and we need to get one. Now, if you really don't feel like grinding these fellows, you can presumably wait until the Arland Fair rolls around again and buy one then, but that's a long time to wait to finish a single riddle if you ask me.
If you want to get it now, the recipes you get from finishing this riddle are good. If you're really committed to getting the item via drop, Rorona's current highest-tier weapon, made from Ster Metal, does give double item drop chance with a maximum Fire value. I'm not sure if Rorona has to land the killing blow on an enemy, she has to be on the field, or if neither of those make any difference to make the item drop rate increase, but keep it in mind. Of course, if you're really struggling, switch the difficulty to Easy. Pretty sure that doesn't affect drop rates a bit.
As for me, I actually cut this recording short because I didn't want to have like an hour of fighting dragons on Very Hard just waiting for that drop. So this is the only riddle I finished off-camera, after like...7 or 8 dragons? Something like that. On my second playthrough, this was much worse. I probably defeated 30+ dragons before I finally got a drop. Behind this dragon is a chest with a White Haze Symbol that has some nice traits on it. Luckily, if you don't want to fight, you can just squeeze around the dragon's left to avoid fighting it.

Princess' Edict is a good skill for your DPS, because it significantly increases the target's ATK (but kills their defense) but be wary on using it on Meruru herself; using it costs a significant amount of WT and she won't be moving anytime soon. In a case like this, slap it on Aurel and let him go to town.

He is using Resting Spirit Stance in addition to Meruru's skill, but those are some damn fine ATK numbers for this point in the game. And the advantage with Aurel is that his Evasion is pretty high, so powerful attacks won't always get through to him. One thing I will note that is that don't try to increase his DEF while he's like this; I think the DEF penalty goes along with the ATK buff, and if the DEF is somehow alleviated, he loses all that extra ATK.

Valuable materials lie at the summit. A gathering point next to a pile of bones means you can find Dragon materials: a Horn and/or Scale. If, for whatever reason, you need a lot of Dragon materials, this is the go-to place. Particularly if you're making lots of Dragoon Coats, since those need a Horn and a (Dragon) material. In addition to that Lesser Draco in the distance, there's a teal dragon just off-camera that you also need to fight and defeat for some Alchemyriddle entries. Best to take care of it before we finish our business here. Determination

It does figure Stia would be the first one to notice.

*fade to black*

Personally, I'd say she just answered the question, but she seems fairly discombobulated at the moment, so maybe she isn't thinking entirely clearly.

So we're really doing this shit. First off, I hope you prepared, because...

Just kidding. Wind Stone will just spam Whirlwind over and over again before you can do anything. You'll be lucky if you survive a single hit. Also, there is a new song here, but I won't post it just yet. Not very appropriate when you'll get stomped in under 30 seconds.

Last actually unwinnable fight in this series? Uhhh, think it was Sterk vs. Gino back in Totori. Every other fight is ordinarily winnable, just barely winnable in that the game nonetheless very much expects you to lose Keithgriff in Hallos Village in Ayesha, or essentially impossible without carrying over powerful equipment and/or items on a NG+ Ultimate Falgior in Lydie & Suelle.

*Lulua collapses*

*Lulua gets up*

Well, "fought" in the sense that we did go to the battle screen. What happened after that was just the details.

I would hope so, given we were reduced to 1 HP in this endeavor. And yes, in spite of Rorona's healing in that prior scene, Lulua resumes normal gameplay at 1 HP, so heal her up. The teal dragon, Draconia, that's also hanging out at the summit gets two turns in a row and is in general much more dangerous than a Lesser Draco, but uses many of the same abilities. This fight actually turned out pretty exciting, so we're making a video of it. This was really close, but by defeating it, we get clues to two riddles in the bag.
Finish your business as you see fit, then return to any atelier. I thought this next scene popped up when Lulua was Battle level 50, but she's level 46 for me on this file, so that must not be true.

Finally, this thing is paying off. Everyone except Sterk learns their ultimate attack at level 50, and how it works is that, as your characters take actions and you get attacked by enemies, the Ultimate Gauge in the top right of the battle screen fills up. Once it hits 100%, anyone with an Ultimate Attack can use theirs to try to tip the scales in your party's favor. Ultimate Gauges reset after battle ends, so unfortunately you can't bank it on easier fights to save for harder ones. The only two exceptions to this 100% rule are the two swordsmen, Aurel and Sterk. Both need to get the Gauge to 200% to use theirs. 200% is the max the Gauge can go, but the advantage of that is that if you use anyone's Ultimate but theirs, everyone's but Aurel/Sterk's only drains the Gauge by 100%, so you can use two in a row if you feel that's most advantageous.
For the record, Sterk gains his Ultimate at level 90, so it's going to be quite some time until we can use that. Should be worth it, though.

Just four more levels. Well, I think that was all in all a successful trip to the Highlands, so let's stop in at Parliament for a quite memorable scene. The truth

Well, she's hardly wrong. They've been together for about 20 years now.

Some hardcore emotional manipulation. Totori has grown up well.

Well, Totori's manipulation aside, it is pretty close, still. Obviously always hanging around each other, and remember: Totori's still the only person we know Mimi told the story of her mother and upbringing to. And true to form, Totori's sworn to secrecy on that one.

Finally, Rorona's time to shine is not far away. Ancestral Recall L is pretty great (and requires a Star Piece, which is why I hadn't made it up to now), because it increases MP by 30 and doubles the item drop rate. Again, with the above caveats of me not knowing exactly how it works, but hey, can't hurt. For whatever reason, there's no scene with Cole after making one of Rorona's weapons. Well, I can actually hazard a guess about that, but give it a few more updates before I explain why I think this might be the case.
But there is one for making at least one weapon for every normal party member, but we'll get to that next time.

Ah, so that's how Ficus did it. Classic technique.

Did Benon and Rorona raise her wrong? This is a concerning development.

And that'll do it for Chapter 7. Our reward is the Witch's Salve, which you may remember from prior games as a so-so early game debuffing item, but here it's quite powerful. Again, something that'll have to wait for next time. Completion of all this chapter's riddles brings us to an even 60% Alchemyriddle completion, but that doesn't count riddles yet to appear, so that number isn't quite accurate.

Hm, that actually looks okay to me... You almost certainly don't need me to tell you what these Effects do, and of course, strictly speaking EXP gain is more valuable, especially since I have more money than I could possibly spend, but I just like bringing in the big bucks, okay? I also don't like the Battle level and Alchemy level going too far out of sync. Yep, this'll do.

Yep, again, you don't need me to tell you what it does. Just make sure to equip it, since it doesn't do anything just sitting in your Container.

Well, so far we only have evidence of its power over curry-related matters, but for Lulua, that should be all that's necessary. As for the one I made, Great Learner L is a +30% boost to EXP, Great Fortune XL is a massive +70% Cole earned. Yep, easy money.

I think it's time to fulfill Mana's request for a high quality Mont Blanc. She waited a long time to get this, I feel this is an appropriate reward for that patience. I also took on a few requests for Lisa and managed to get the second rank-up scene. She's asking for a Styrom Board of >50 Quality to level up the job board for a second time. We don't have the recipe for this just yet but we've actually fulfilled the riddle for this already, so it's really just a matter of decoding it. In time, in time. Ordinary tastes

Hey, she was probably so overcome from the food that she wasn't thinking straight. Makes sense to me.

Well, even if she says a lot of weird stuff and finds herself just about anywhere, I guess in the end she's still just a normal girl.

Or uh...something like that, at least. Another batch of Lisa requests got me this coming scene. A true connisseur

That doesn't sound like good ol' Refle, but this could be serious.

So instead of actually making some lousy food, we have to give her three Med Tree Roots which are apparently disgusting. I'll, of course, be giving her the lowest-quality Med Tree Roots I have. Even a big eater must have her limits, right?

*Lulua begins to leave*

Did you really think you stood a chance against The Demon Devourer of Worlds? This is yet another important step on the road to being an alchemist. Some problems have no solutions. Guess we'll just have to keep doing requests for Lisa until we get some kind of resolution.

Isn't it great how we don't really need cutscenes anymore to describe what these Exploration Tools do?

Again, simple concept. Depending on the Effect, you can gather more ingredients per gathering. The third level gives you +3 items per harvest. I don't think this applies to bug hunting or fishing or special exploration tasks, though. Just normal gathering. For one item in particular that becomes available in Chapter 9, you'll be glad you have a +3 Harvest Gloves.

Well, with that, all of our business in Chapter 7 is pretty much done. Of course there's more we can do, namely by leveling up job boards or whatever, but we're not going to dwell on this chapter when there's much more work to be done.

Because this item uses a Windslice Feather, which is a special item, this is our first Important item. Important syntheses use one-of-a-kind materials you get via cutscenes and are impossible to fail. It would highly awkward if we could. Along the way, I'd recommend making high quality Polish Powder and a Rota Fortunae to fulfill a couple of riddles down the line. No sense in not, you know.

And if you were curious about the name, well...
All of these intermediate syntheses are like Alchemy level 29, so that's where you should be right now. I'm a few levels higher than that.

And here we go with the recipe Lisa wants. This is the first (Lumber) item we can make that's a Synthesis item, meaning the (Lumber) category of items is much more versatile.

See? No Effect bars. You couldn't fail this if you wanted to. This synthesis also put me at level 34, so that's nice. The following few scenes are all part of the same video, which takes us to the official end of Chapter 7. The ties that bind

For some reason there's a gap between the above scene and the next one, where you have to actually give the gear to Stia. As to how Lulua does that, eh, I'm sure she can figure it out. Maybe ask Mana if there are any complicated assembly instructions.

Sterk is here too, as well as Piana and Chim Dragon. How embarrassing for Lulua, but seems like that was Stia's problem, not Lulua getting emotional there.

Hm, looks like Stia wants to play with Ficus' cards there. Probably a bad idea.
Everyone: Cheers!

Aurel has an interesting way of saying "Cranach". Maybe it's the seiyuu's particular way of thinking how the name should be pronounced.

Goodness, Stia's becoming more human-like all the time.