Part 31: XXV: Pages of Close Companions
Chapter XXV: Pages of Close CompanionsOf course, we have more work to do on Ultimate Equipment, but let's indulge Aurel on his duel. He needs this battle, after all. The two knights

Good time and day for a duel.

*Sterk leaves*

Well, best we leave him alone for now. While you're here, you might stop by the local trading posts here. Got some nice materials, they do. But, it seems like we might need to cheer him up back in Arland. Back to normal

It might just be me, but on my first playthrough, I always read this item's name as "Burnt Resin". Maybe it's the game's font.

And that's just what we'll do. Riiiiight now. These next few scenes weren't exactly recorded in the order I put them here, but it makes the most sense like this. The Cole scenes are in this next video, since I believe those will be his last scenes for this thread. Making an ultimate sword

*fade for a strange discussion about ultimate swords...*

Cole is kiiinda blowing hot air here, since seeing that scene just unlocks Aurel's final sword for crafting. The most difficult part of making it is having the recipe for Olgenrium unlocked, but by Chapter 10 you realllly should have this by now. You'll also almost certainly need to make a another Bunt Resin, since we've had no real occasion to have one since we gave the one we made way back when to Aurel at the start of the game.

It would behoove you to make this a "real" Ghostly Long Sword, since the game isn't mean and have Aurel "eat" this sword in order to continue his quest line. As I've mentioned, the Ghostly Long Sword is very important to unlock if you're making Ultimate Builds, since all the other sources of Enhance Items Level 5 are either DLC or very unworkable (like the Auric Armor). Yeah, making this thing so much is gonna be a pain, but you gotta make those sacrifices. Cole's gonna get real used to making this thing.

I'll just go ahead and spoil it now, but don't equip the Ghostly Long Sword to Aurel just yet. You'll have your opportunity soon, but soon is not now.

When you're ready for the rematch, just head to the Merulia Gate without a Ghostly Long Sword equipped, but in your Container. But now, we have a little vacation in the opposite direction.

Welcome back to the Rolling Hill, the last location returning from the older games. In particular, Totori. This was a pretty out of the way location for her, which you really only needed to visit once to kill the big Puni there, get the Hill Pioneer points if you made it there early enough, and some nice materials for the first part of the game. Here, it's good for killing the Marshall Puni in the back there, which is the highest tier Puni in the game. But as other Atelier protagonists might tell you, first among Puni is still a Puni. Killing these losers fulfills part of another Alchemyriddle entry, which more than makes it worthy of your time.
Other points of interest around are those rabbits. The Magi Rabbits here are by far the best way to grind EXP and money in the game. Thankfully, they're vulnerable to IK, so let's see just how profitable they are.

17k for a group of 4, on Very Hard with a highest Effect Fate Talisman is quite a chunk of change. Of course, if you have CHARISMA unlocked, it's even more profitable. If you haven't guessed by now, or you haven't started making Ultimate Equipment, buying all the raw materials is going to absolutely decimate your bank account, especially when you're dealing with the likes of Philosopher's Stones and Elixirs. Not to mention the cost of making equipment with Cole. These rabbits are by far your best source of money, at least in the non-DLC game.
Luckily, I have tooons of money, and more to the point, I have Ultimate Equipment made on my previous playthroughs, so I don't need to make multiples. My notion is I'm going to make one of each Ultimate Item (weapon for everyone, armor for everyone, Symbol for alchemists / non-alchemists, alchemist accessories) just to show how it's done, then just re-equip all my old stuff. If you don't have these luxuries, on your first playthrough particularly, then yeah, Rolling Hill is gonna be your home.

But hey, highest-tier Puni in the game deserves some respect. So, a video.

Sure hope you didn't bring along any of these items as your primary damage-dealing item. Luckily, I did not.

Yep, Whiteout definitely the most dangerous thing they can throw at you, mostly for its high Stun value. Lightning Field is also very annoying if you don't have Sterk / Aurel's Primal Art activated, which prevents that obnoxious knockback.

All that said, as long as you're not fighting against one their elemental vulnerabilities, these jellies should not prove to be a match for you. The white chest behind the Marshall Puni contains a Dragon Piece. Nothing you can't get from a Draconius.

Truly the face of overwhelming authority.

Speaking of Draconius... Really surprised there's no riddles for beating up one of these. Very annoying enemies. Luckily, you can hit them with elemental resistance debuffs. The other dragon around is the Draconia, which can be IK'd. No Dragon Pieces, though. Dragon Pieces are valuable, so consider that another incentive to frequent Rolling Hill.

Back in town, we finally have a decent Lululu Curry. If this doesn't cheer Eva up, I don't know what will.

I also made a much higher Quality Distilled Water. The one I've been using up till now was about 600 points worse Quality than this, so yeah, this'll make making high quality Supplements much easier. I used my Elixir in the (Lumber) category, for the record. I also Awakened it as a (Vapor) and (Medicine) item, because you can never have too many item categories on good materials.

And there's Infernal Mark, the last Special Trait we have yet to make any use of. There's one trait in particular I really really want to assign to my Ultimate Craft, and Infernal Mark is the key.

It's the trait created by Infernal Mark x Strong Throw, an item category we have yet to make any use of. Luckily, there's no big trait family for Strong Throw. It's literally just Power Throw x Power Throw+, which may even be unnecessary if you have Strong Throw on its own.

Demon Slowdown, now that's what we're talking about. You may notice that I hardly ever use non-Interrupt items. I've already decided that we're bumping up the difficulty of this playthrough to CHARISMA before the next major boss fight, and there's a particular gimmick with CHARISMA that makes this item penalty non-existant. A 150% WT penalty is about equivalent to the WT Meruru incurs by using Princess Edict, so it's a pretty nasty penalty. So now that this cat is out of the bag, our Ultimate Craft will have Demon Slowdown, Dragon God's Roar, and Sure Shot. Truly formidable. This particular Supplement is going to go into the Sunlite, which then becomes a (Fuel) with a Magma Stone Awakened Effect so it's ready to be used in the Ultimate Craft. So that's two categories of the Omega Craft synthesis covered.

One more brick in the wall. But now, since Lulua hit Adventurer level 80 at the Rolling Hill, and we've seen all of Jeltje's events prior to now, we have an event with her in Arklys. I should also note that everyone except Sterk has all of their techniques by level 80. Of course, Sterk is only an exception because he learns his Ultimate at level 90. Under the same sky

You know, with all this talk of the Eastern Continent, seems some pretty viable sea lanes have opened up since Totori's day. The most Totori had known of it herself before building a ship of her own was that Gisela said that's where she was going, which indicates to me it was known that it existed, but basically nothing else about it. Even Totori herself never went much further beyond Piana's village, but in this game it's talked about a lot and people talk about going to it quite a bit. In addition to her demon hunting exploits, I like to think that Totori sinking the Ozean Kaiser is canon as well. While the Kaiser's waters were far off the beaten path, it was still there. The Flauchtraut has definitely gone to ground, though. That thing was the reason ships stopped sailing far off the shore of Arland's continent in the first place.

She's right, you know. We have seen much of this world's depths since the start of this adventure.

*signs in a fade to black*

Getting toward the end of our adventure here... While I was looking through my Container, I discovered I didn't have any Ancient Powers (increase to (Bomb) power +10%), which we'll eventually use on our Ultimate Philosopher's Necklace. So we're off to Modis. But first, Arls. A captain's tale

Gisela destroying that ship must have been quite the scene. Thankfully she doesn't seem to be hanging around the Arland area much. Maybe off causing trouble on the Eastern Continent. For real this time.

That is, uh, certainly one way of looking at it. It's a good thing the Arland universe is so quintessentially wholesome about such things. Did you know NOCO, one of the artists of the Mysterious Trilogy, said she wants a dark Atelier? I think that'd be pretty interesting to see. After so many Ateliers that uh, aren't dark, though, it'd definitely be a change of pace for the writers.

See that you don't.

Ancient Power can only found in these crates in the Modis Ruins, just these crates, for...some reason. I'm pretty sure, at least. Definitely a strange thing to squirrel away a trait just here in particular but here they are.

Posted without comment... By the time I left Modis, it was October, so I got this special scene.

I got this exactly on October 1, which I presume is the intention. As long as you return to the atelier sometime in the month of October, you'll get this scene.

Unfortunately the scene doesn't let you know WHERE it blooms, but that's why you go to the pause screen to get more details. Lulua mentions looking for it somewhere where the water and plants are especially pure. Luckily there's only a few locations that fit the bill and have materials we haven't found any of yet. The location? Eternal Spring. We have no business there this month, but we certainly do the next.
I warped back to Arland from Modis, and thanks to grinding easy enemies along the way to those crates to get her relationship level to 40%. Family duty

*fade for eating*

Well, Rorona may be pretty clumsy but she certainly seems to have an unintentional eye for alchemic talent, going by Totori and Lulua. But it's good to know Rorona had such a pure-hearted reason for adopting Lulua.

The Frixell family... We actually haven't heard anything about Rorona's parents other than their extremely minor presence in Rorona. You like to think they're still based in Arland, wandering around and gathering materials they do not appear to know the value of.

Big words, kiddo, considering the audience. Be sure you live up to them.

Back in the Wagon Atelier... The eastern land

Presumably this is what Piana was doing during the events of Meruru. Rorona and later Totori only started teaching Piana alchemy, which she apparently had a natural aptitude for, very late in the events of Atelier Totori. All we knew from that game was Totori was going to bring her back someday to be scolded by her grandmother for leaving without permission, which, again, presumably happened before Totori left Alanya to live in Arls for a few years.

*Lulua collapses*

We're ready for something alright.

Unfortunately, the Globe Sphere isn't very handy as material. It's just a (Lumber) item and since Ancient Power isn't an attack item trait, it's wasted on anything that isn't an accessory. So really, Distilled Water is your only real choice, but it'll take a bit more work to make it either a (Metal) or (Mystery) item, which goes into the Philosopher's Necklace.

Well, Distilled Water is still a (Water) item, so it can go into a lot of items. Ultimately, I used this in a Rainbow Supplement that got Awakened as (Mystery), so we'll use this in a Philosopher's Necklace. Of course, the bigger problem now is moving a Ghostly Long Sword to both the (Metal) and (Mystery) slots of the Long Sword so we can get Enhance Items Level 5 in both the Necklace's Awakened slots. Yep, there's absolutely no limitation on having two of the same Awakened Effect on the same item.

Aurel's final sword. Yep, make sure to register a high quality Bunt Resin, too, since Ultimate Builds need a *lot* of Ghostly Long Swords. But the problem is, how do we make a Ghostly Long Sword into a (Mystery) item? Normally weapons can't be moved to any other synthesis, but they can be via Awakened Effects. This is where the Fool's Stone comes in. Used in any Awakened slot, it has an Awakened (Mystery) regardless of what item is being made. So that's exactly what we'll be using.

The results of a collab with Meruru... It's something, alright. There are only very few items that can fit into six different item categories, and this one of them. It's definitely a significant step forward for alchemy. Or something like that. Luckily, this Stone is the final step we need to start Awakening Long Swords into a Necklace. "But wait", you might be saying. "Where's the Awakened (Metal) item?" We've had it ever since we made our first Olgenrium, is what I'd say to that question. Very convenient item, this Long Sword.
By the way, don't worry about the Stinky Trash or Broken Items ingredients for this thing. You can make as high quality junk items as you want. It's just that they're, you know, junk.

By using an Olgenrium and a Fool's Stone, amazing how we've made this Long Sword into *two* of the item categories we need for the Necklace. Amazing technology. Such a pain you can't register weapons at Dragon's.

While, annoyingly, I can't make an Ultimate Philosopher's Necklace just yet, we can start making Ultimate Alchemist Armor. There is a bit of a catch, though.
Sylphid's armor chart posted:
Elixir (Awaken Lumber) -> Ancient Memory (Awaken as Medicine) -> Alchemy Coat (Alchemist set)
I tried to game things as much as possible, but the best alchemist armor, the Alchemy Coat, is a pain to work with. The only customizable part is via the (Medicine) part of the recipe, which is like, healing items, not the (Medicinal) category. Ancient Memory is one of Rorona's weapons and you can Awaken an Elixir to make it a (Lumber) item, which in turn goes into the Memory. The Memory's Awakened effect is Enhance Items Level 3, which we'll just have to live with. I couldn't figure out any way to get Enhance Items Level 4 or 5 onto an Alchemy Coat.

The Alchemy Coat is a pretty cool armor because you can equip different ones on alchemists depending on what item you want them using. Of course, we want Lulua to use bombs as much as possible, so she's getting this. I believe I've already pointed out that "Weaken Item" effects refers to WT time reductions, not weakened items. Just making sure. The full Ice Effect adds a layer of Magic Resistance, and you can also have Mastery (Food) or Mastery (Magic Items). All these Mastery Effects add 20% effectiveness to that particular category, so yeah, even more firepower.

Lulua is certainly set for armor for the rest of the game. My notion is that my endgame Piana will handle Healing Bells, while Rorona and Lulua handle bombs. Which means Piana would be better served with a Mastery (Magic Tools) Effect, but that would depend on me remembering that when I make her Alchemy Coat, wouldn't it? Next up is Lionela's final event, unlocked by fulfilling all of her special requests and taking and completing enough jobs for her. Say goodbye to Ms. Heinze for this game. Treasured friend

To be honest, I always thought Lionela always had kind of a thing for Rorona, even in the original Atelier Rorona. She has a scene with Rorona in Rorona+ where that impression only got stronger for me.

She gives you two 200 Quality Scale Cloths, which we can immediately give to Ficus whenever we want. Still, I think I'll keep him waiting for a bit. This whole Demon Crystal business seems rather shady if you ask me.

Unfortunately, the Philosopher's Stone I made a few updates ago is Lightning / Ice, not exactly conducive to making a Philosopher's Necklace with Alchemy Master L, which is the only Effect really care about. So I have to make a new one, and these Ashes are an important part of that. Thankfully, I won't have to mess around with Wrath / Universe this time, because the Stone is an (Elixir) item itself, and one of the ingredients for the Stone calls for (Elixirs). So it's one among many items that can make itself. Makes sense to me.

I actually went to Dusty Nail Canyon to see if I could get more Guardians and potentially continue the whole vital Curry storyline, but strangely, I just couldn't. I fished up Guardians from here once but nada since. I think I actually have a weird explanation for why this happening, but it involves something you might not think of and I'm not 100% sure about it. But, there is certainly something queer about like 16 fishes here in a row and no Guardians.

So here's the thing. Because Ateliers are typically pretty strange RPGs in terms of their progression, there's a lot of times where what triggers one scene can be a little unclear. Sure, I can easily articulate why a lot of scenes in this game pop up, but some are "It makes sense in retrospect". Atelier Firis was particularly bad about this, where, if you progressed one character's storyline too far before a big optional thing, you couldn't proceed on the latter before you completed the former.
As for this game, do you know why we haven't triggered any new curry recipes in a while? Because we still haven't given Eva her Lululu Curry. Now, if you don't know how the rest of the Curry Ending scenes play out, you'd have no idea why this was the case. You'll see why it is, and kind of why we need to give Eva her curry here to continue that particular storyline, but it wouldn't make sense on your first playthrough. This is why they pay me the big bucks. Anyway, Eva wants three batches of Lululu Curry, so make sure you have it registered at Dragon's for uh...future use, we'll say. Food everyone can enjoy

Everyone: Yay!

Everyone: OK!

So, to continue the Curry Ending storyline, wait 10 days from this scene and have already fished up a Guardian from Dusty Nail Canyon or Large Conifer Forest. There will be a very short scene upon returning to the Wagon where Lulua feels the call of curry or some such notion and you'll get the recipe for Guardian Curry.

This is the Stone we'll be using in the Philosopher's Necklace recipe, because Alchemy Master L needs a strong Fire Elemental value. Because Silent Darkness can't be applied to accessories, we only need Dragon God's Wrath and Universe on this one.

As far as Ancient Power goes, it's really easy to move it via Distilled Water -> Black Supplement (Awakened Elixir) -> Necklace. Use Glow Grass to get a +5 Fire Elemental value to this Supplement for added insurance on getting Master L. At the end of this synthesis, I'm only 197 Alchemy experience points away from level 50.

And that's the ingredients to make an Ultimate Philosopher's Necklace. Just add Sulfite and you're done. The Necklaces I made on my previous playthrough all have Master L, of course, but not Philosopher's Wisdom at all, and this is about 200 Quality less than those. I think that's because I used Totori's final weapon for the Enhance Items Level 5 instead of the Ghostly Long Sword in the fourth slot, so I was able to use an Alchemy Activator to bump the Quality a bit. But obviously for the purposes of this LP, I have to assume the player doesn't have her DLC. Call me considerate. Wisdom is just exchanging a certain percentage of HP and MP and is entirely ignorable.

After I made this just now, all the alchemists got Necklaces I made on previous playthroughs. Crazy how that works. For this playthrough, outfitting everyone "legit" would be entirely a waste of time and money, because *I already did that last time*.

Speaking of alchemists, I also made a few copies of the Alchemy Coat alongside Lulua's, already made. The only one different from hers substantially is this one, for Piana. As I mentioned, she'll be on Healing Bell duty and Magic Resistance? I just thought that would be a bit more unique.

Ah jeez, we have a real crisis on our hands. The reason I'm screenshotting this? Well, if I'm ignoring Totori's final weapon, making Lulua's final weapon (by which I mean, Enhance Items Level 5 and the best Effects) is much more of a pain than almost everyone else. The problem is the only real customizable part of the Long Sword is the (Gemstone) part, and the only thing that has an Awakened (Gemstone) effect is the Rainbow Puniballs, which is both (Puniball) and (Mystery), neither of which is helpful. The answer? An item we're *about* to get the recipe for, which is the only item you can make that has an Awakened (Gemstone) Effect. The Styrom Board is an important part of that whole process.
Essentially, the process is to make this mystery item a (Supplement) item, Awaken a Styrom Board into a (Gemstone) item, use that in a Long Sword synthesis, and then Awaken that into a (Lumber) item, then finally to Lulua's weapon. See? A pain.

There are some things you are not meant to know, Eva. As far as actual progress to Ultimate Builds, though, I did make some progress after like 10-12 minutes of wasted footage.

Rorona's final weapon. Had to settle with Enhance Items 4 because I don't think you can Awaken the Long Sword as a (Gemstone), but it's only a 3% difference. Blazing Ice element with these items gives us Lux Ursa Major L and Enhance Items +15%. That's what it's all about. Lux Ursa Major L is a +15% boost to elemental damage. Don't *think* that applies to item damage. That's kind of the thing with getting these unique Effects: most of the time, they're really not gonna change much about Ultimate Builds. In a way, that's nice, because I don't need to go crazy figuring how to make everything completely optimal.
For the record, it's not possible to have two Enhance Items Awakened Effects on armor or weapons. Why? Because the only other customizable slot on both is (Armor Material) and (Weapon Material), respectively. There's no Awakened (Armor Material) or anything like that in this game. If it were (Metal), that'd be another story, but no. Those are both special item categories.

Niko's final. As always, Awakened Effect for this is pointless, but hey, +12 HP never hurt anyone. Blazing Thunder Boost Item gives us Dreamchaser Bonds L, which increases Faint resistance by 70 and increases support skill power by 20%. These are supportive skills, however. He doesn't have offensive Support Skills. Other side of the bar was Enhance Skills +12%, with a highest possible effect of +15%. Fascinating.

Sterk's final also went nice and quick. Blazing Thunder gave us War God's Awakening L and Add Stun +15. War God increases skill power by 15% and further increases depending on the WT he incurs as a result of using that skill. Works for me.

For Piana's final, had to make a Sunlite with a +5 Earth Elemental Point value but it worked. I got Lunar Ward L and Weaken Items +12% by using a Star Flower. Lunar Ward increases all stat boosts on herself by 50% and increases Magic damage by 20%. Pretty powerful effect indeed. So that's Ficus, Sterk, Niko, Rorona, and Piana all kitted out with their best weapons with the best traits. Halfway there.
Alright, after this, we got a lot lot of random bric-a-brac to get through, but that's the end of the game for you. If we're being real, there's probably about two hours left between us and the end of the game. And that's if you're watching all the story scenes. If you're skipping past them, then maybe an hour. Tops. Of course, that depends on how fast you can win, if you can win at all, against the final three bosses.

But what's not bric-a-brac is making a delicious pie. I also made a high-quality (remember 100+) Plain Pie for Dragon, but we're not giving it directly to him. Deliver it to Piana in Arklys. Rorona gets first dibs, though, obviously. Family legacy

Hm...these two could be dangerous if left to their own devices.

Given how this man is dressed, not the most reassuring thing ever said... Now to deliver that Scale Cloth.

I think we need to clear the air around here by giving Dragon that pie. See you in Arklys. Endless gratitude

Well...a large part of that is because Piana is kind of a slob, but it's the sentiment that counts.

Back in the Golden Plains, I've found that taking some easy requests for common enemy types, like rabbits, is a really good way to raise affection levels quickly. Especially with an insta-kill Craft, of course. For the record, Eva / Aurel / Ficus / Piana / Ficus all need 80% friendship level to get all their events. Rorona needs 60%, Sterk needs 70%, and I believe Meruru and Totori both get all their events when you finish all their "normal" events and they're at 80% friendship. Mind, there's usually a required 10-day gap between character scenes even if you are the appropriate friendship level.
I actually don't know if this game has a similar friendship level system to Sophie, where you couldn't raise friendship level past a certain point until you'd seen one of that character's scenes in their storyline. If you hit the max, their friendship level number would turn red and you'd need see the next of their scenes to raise it higher. Unless, of course, they were at 100 friendship level. If there is such a system in this game, I never experienced that at all.
For this game, after I completed this rabbit request I went to Night's Domain to kill more time until a restock at Dragon's and get more Dark Fireflies. Can never have too many of those things.

Upon warping back, I finally got a "Call of curry" scene. There are three of these, the first of which gives you the recipe for Guardian Curry, assuming you've caught a Guardian at some point, and here's where the point of confusion with Eva's events comes up, because what if you hadn't advanced her events far enough for her to get that request where you give her Lululu Curry? Would it interfere with the triggers of this scene? I do not know, and I'm not starting another playthrough to find out.

Having like a million ingredients for this thing certainly helped the quality... As of this scene, I'm only 38 Alchemy EXP points away from level 50. Curry of fish

Stia looking on with concern...

Now, I think the reason you have to complete that whole Lululu Curry business is because Eva is is in all of these special curry scenes, and I guess Gust didn't want Eva to potentially be acting all cheerful and the same as usual for these scenes while she's still supposed to be depressed about the whole business with her family is up in the air? That's the only explanation I have.
Think this next scene comes up when Sterk is at 40% friendship level.

A pretty old injury at that. Nobody feels like filling Lulua in on the details but he took it protecting Rorona against Suni Sterm in the Ster Highlands while Rorona was distracted gathering materials. You can see how similar Lulua and Rorona are by now.

Might want to consider a paper bag...

Love getting a massive batch of requests I can immediately finish like this. This will tend to happen more toward the end of the game. The money means next to nothing for me, but it does matter that I got the final job board scene of the entire game. That's Arklys, Arland, and now Arls. The new patron

I'm trying very hard to not spell "statute" here. Years of law school sure have done a thing to my brain.

Too bad we probably won't see it done before the end of this game... But it does make Lulua the third Atelier protagonist I know to get a statue of her. The first is Meruru, obviously. The second? Nelke, depending on if you consider her an Atelier protagonist or not. Personally, I do.
After that, I intentionally wasted time walking to Arklys, then to Dusty Nail, then back to Dusty Nail to get the next Call of Curry scene. This one unlocks the recipe for...Dunkel Curry. This is highly unfortunate for most folk, since, unless you're planning to use that Ultimate Power Dunkelheit from Conifer, you actually can't make this, since, obviously, you need a Dunkelheit for it. But it's fortunate for me, because I got this on 11/5, which means we can go get that Dunkelheit...assuming we can find it. Wherever could it be?

Whenever it's November of the first full year, head to this area of the Eternal Spring to find your Dunkelheit.

I, of course, took this opportunity to grind out more affection levels for these five. Of course, if you're trying to play as efficiently as possible, Lulua should rarely be in the active party, because she obviously does not have an affection level for herself. It's like how in Escha & Logy you were actually, generally, better off not having the other protagonist in your active party because that was basically a wasted party member slot. Against endgame enemies, however, obviously that goes out the window.
But, Atelier games generally do not let you swap out the protagonist (though this game does allow you to), so why go against tradition? Firis was unique in that there were *four* party members you couldn't swap out once they joined your party, but that game's party system, among many of its other systems, was strange.

These purple flowers in the third area, to be exact. The Dunkelheit are fairly low quality, even with a Tonic (in the 100 Quality range), because this is still an early-game location. Still, they are definitely worth collecting for the special trait only Dunkelheit contain: Twilight Nectar. Unlike in Rorona, when you could only gather a finite amount of Dunkelheit per year in the Dark Woods, as long as it's November you can keep harvesting them. Still, you shouldn't need more than one trip to gather as much as you'll basically ever need. Do make sure to gather a lot, however, because the Dunkel Curry is incredibly valuable, though probably not for the reasons you're thinking.
Hey, at least the game told you about Dunkelheit this game. Rorona was very old-school in the "Doesn't actually tell you a whole lot" theory of game design.

Remember that Tera Bomb we made? Well, this is its effect, and the reason I'm using it is to grind usages for the second half of that riddle. Well, hope you're up to using it 30x. Again, a perfect excuse to grind affection levels for party members who might be lagging a bit. Upon going back to Arklys after exhausting all my usages of this, a scene. Piana was around uh...70% friendship? That sounds right.

She wants a high-quality Elixir, and considering I have a few lying around that are super high Quality, yeah, this competition was over before it started. As usual, deliver it in Arklys. But we have our first character to get the ending flag of! (More than) friends forever

Once again "daisuki", but at least in Eva's case we know it's completely unambiguous as to what she means by that, thanks to that scene earlier where she rejects that marriage idea with the noble and says she likes Lulua in that sense.

*the children slink back under the bar*

One down, six to go. Of course, Meruru and Totori do not have endings.

I mentioned Dunkel Curry being super important in a way you're probably not expecting. Allow me to elucidate.
Sylphid's Omega Craft chart posted:
Fool's Stone -> Dunkel Curry (Awaken Mystery) -> Meteor (Awaken Plant) -> Omega Craft (Earth +5)
Easy money. The Fool's Stone is also a (Spice) item, so it can go directly into a Dunkel Curry. The Fool's Stone Awakened Effect is (Awaken Mystery) so it goes directly into a Meteor. In the Awakened effect slot for a Meteor, that Dunkel Curry turns the Meteor in a (Plant) item and then can be used in an Omega Craft for Earth Damage+5.
Why am I focusing on this in particular? Earth +5 from the Meteor is the strongest elemental effect we can get, so why not go with the biggest source of damage? That Earth effect is free additional damage, by the way. The Omega Craft's normal damage dealing source hits in any case.
But what if you wanted other elemental attacks? Then it gets a bit more complicated.
Sylphid's Ice Omega Craft chart posted:
Fish Sauce (awaken Vapor) -> Spirit Tears (Awaken Spice) -> Dunkel Curry (Awaken Water) -> Heavenly Parasol (Awaken Plant) -> Omega Craft (Ice +4)
Quite a few more steps, and a weaker elemental effect. You can see why the Earth one is more preferable to me. "Now wait", you might be saying. "Why not just have Omega Crafts for all vulnerabilities for any situation that may arise?" A good argument, but there is a biiiiiiiig catch on CHARISMA, the highest difficulty. If you're familiar with the highest difficulty modes for Firis and Lydie & Suelle, you'll know what I'm talking about already, but for those who aren't, I think a little hands-on experience would serve you well.
Suffice to say, when we do make our Ultimate Omega Craft, we'll be going with my Earth route, the others on a provisional basis depending on need. Anyway, ignoring all this for now, let's see the fallout from this latest

...Seriously? I guess... Curry of Flowers

Stia's only getting more upset about all this...

No rest for the weary with another scene in Arls.

Makes you wonder how Totori did it back in her day if she was operating from incomplete information / sea charts. Perhaps when the dock finishes construction everyone should ask the people of Alanya how they did it.

Well, to be fair, you don't know he's a sailor of any repute. He says he is, but Lulua certainly has no evidence other than his word to that effect. But, let's humor him and ask anyway. Hope for the sea

I probably should have made the previous Keina scene part of this video, but oh well. Only a few Niko events left to go. After this, I went to Hart Outpost to, you guessed it, grind more Tera Bomb uses. Grinding those affections levels is its own reward. Thanks to all that fighting, I got Rorona to 60%, so her last scene in Arland, but hardly the last we'll be seeing of her in this thread.

Ah, before that. The final Call of Curry scene. Now THAT'S a recipe to hit 50 on. Mother and Daughter Alchemists

Probably nothing pleasant, that's for sure. Either escaping the village out into the freezing wilderness or sacrificed to a demon. Some rough choices.

Meruru practically teleports from standing where she was at the start of this scene to where she is in this screenshot. Had to slow down the playback on the video to get this shot.

What did I tell you? She's crafty.

Of course, we have one final step needed to truly be considered a successor to the great Rorolina Frixell. And hey, this is another item that can be put into six different item categories. Perhaps, uh, we might have gone too far here.

And that's it. The max level. For the record, there's no special scene or anything for hitting level 50. The only tangible benefit you get from reaching that rank is, of course, being able to make every item in the game, including ones yet to be discovered, and your base TP goes up to 60, which is what I think that "basic traits" message you get when you hit numerous Alchemy level benchmarks refers to. But, since this is the first Philosopher's Curry we've made, we of course have a scene. Curry of Philosophers

Lulua...I think you've gone a bit too far this time.

Although Lulua has certainly gone mad, there's no need for the heavy ordnance here...

Someone finally calls out Silver-tongued Lulua.

It's true, you know. When Rorona tried to prove the Philosopher's Pie was edible, she bit into it and shattered her tooth. Astrid had to make her a false tooth as a replacement. Like mother, like daughter.

We've actually had this recipe done since we made our first high-quality Crystal Ball, since you can find Star Pieces at Ster Highlands. But this is very important, because now we're going to make our first Ultimate Omega Craft. This is actually jumping ahead a bit, since this is an Alchemyriddle Chapter 11 riddle, but the gods will just have to forgive us for that.

Dropping Puni...of course, we're not actually going to use this. This is going right into the Omega Craft, as outlined above. I like to make like, triple sure I have dupes of all the ingredients for an Ultimate Omega before I actually make it. Just in case we need to make another of a different element, of course.

Normally, this is what my Ultimate Omega would look like. Obviously we'll use the Awakened Effect for the Meteor but, a part of me is unsatisfied. I dreamed there was a better way. There was.

And it involves the Sylph Breath. By using another Dunkel Curry to Awaken this into a (Plant), we can use this, and its Fire Effect of "Synthesis: Uses +2", to get more uses out of the Omega we're just about to make. By using this in any consumable item synthesis, you get two more uses out of it. This was actually unplanned at the time I recorded it. Normally that Black Supplement wouldn't add anything to final product, since everything was at 999 Quality, and I didn't want to mess with values. But this is where it all comes together.

Add some Sulfite, and we have our superweapon. That Sunlite has Demon Slowdown on it, for the record.

Another absolutely insane pile of TP, but we finally are truly powerful. Against a typical enemy, with no resistances or weaknesses against either Physical or Earth damage, this will do about 15k damage. Maybe 17k with a fully decked out Lulua with Enhance Item Awakened Effects on all her stuff. Let us show them the tyranny that equals authority as well.

This is actually a pretty powerful Primal Art, The Alchemist of Arland. Increases crit rate and the power of normal items, whatever those may be. It's mostly nice for that item increase and the fact Lulua and someone else handy in the backline, like Aurel, can hide and be safe from powerful AOE hits.

Finally done with all that Tera Bomb grinding.

Back in town I also made a Jar of Four Spirits and Awakened it as a (Gemstone), for Aurel's Ultimate Sword. Doing this also finished up Chapter 10's Advanced riddles. For his sake, mostly because it comes with a really nice Awakened Effect for him, giving him a 15% chance to shrug off a KO. I actually don't know if this kind of thing stacks, but I'm of the opinion it doesn't, because you basically build unkillable teams just by stacking Avoid KO everywhere, and I've never heard of anyone talking about a build like that.
These items + Freezing Earth Element gives us Hurricane Blade L and Critical Power Up +15%, which are definitely the best Effects for this thing. The Earth Effect is increasing his Accuracy rating which is uh, basically pointless. I mean, not entirely, since any kind of attack other than items can miss, but *only* if the affected character has Blindness on them. Otherwise, this Effect is entirely a waste. Hurricane Blade L increases skill power by 15% and reduces WT time by 15%. Quite good for Aurel. He'll be getting lots of turns.

Totori's is pretty easy, since an Azure Wing can directly Awaken a Long Sword into an (Elixir) item. No issues there. As far as Boost Items went, I used a Sacred Water to fill out the Ice gauge, which is Enhance Items +15%. Sacred Water can be found in Ancient Monastery if you're hurting for some.

Take it from a master of the craft, Lulua. Phantasm L is *quite* powerful. Increases all stat boosts on herself by 50% (doesn't count boosts from equipment) and increases item and healing power by 30%, which is a huge buff. Totori would be an absolute beast of a party member if she could use Interrupt as much as Lulua can.

For this item I'll never use, there is no "Immortal Demon" in this game. Pretty sure it's referring to an Eternal Darkness Demon.

Good to know. In fact, aside from that Rainbow, I'm pretty sure I've banked all the remaining Alchemyriddle entries just based on what we've done so far. Pinnacle is for making a high Quality Meteor / Pure Poison, Enshrouded in Light (Purple) is for finding a high Quality Quake Crystal / making a high Quality Komet, and Enshrouded in Light (Rainbow) is for making a high Quality Jar of Four Spirits and making the (Purple) Symbol we just got the recipe for. This also means we have all the Symbol accessories, so we can handle that part of Ultimate Builds. To be honest, the one I want to use on everyone, the Falling Star Symbol, I think it's impossible to get Enhance Items Level 5 on both Awakened slots ((Gemstone) and (Dragon)), but I really liked making rainbow weapons in Lydie & Suelle, and I'm doing that again.

Hmm, that sounds pretty good for Sterk, actually. Obviously I'm not using this particular one for Ultimate Builds, but I could definitely see building an Ultimate one for Sterk.

It just kills me I can't make these magic shoes, because I know what they are and they're awesome. Next chapter... But what we don't have to wait for is a Ficus scene that pops up when he's 80% friendship level.

Well, you definitely need to head to the deepest part of Night's Domain to finish Ficus' storyline while it's night, but luckily you can change the time of day from the world map via the Rest option. Or if you're really inefficient, you can waste time in-location. We also have a Meruru scene in the same spot. The alchemist adventurer

And uh...also a Niko scene? This is a popular hangout lately.

Continuing with our Ultimate Builds, a typical Falling Star Symbol will have Enhance Items Level 4 and 5 for the alchemists. Yes yes, I know it says Enhance Items Lvl 4 there, but I haven't gamed any way to Awaken a Long Sword as a (Gemstone) item, so we'll just have to settle for a 12% boost instead of a 15%. For the (Dragon) slot, very easy if you have a Dragon Piece, since that be instantly used on a Long Sword. As you might guess, you can use a Dark Firefly to completely ruin that Magic Chaser XL and get a higher quality Symbol, for whatever good that does, but I dunno. I just like the look of "XL", you know? Obviously this is not entirely optimal because of that 4 instead of 5, but I believe I've made my position clear on rainbow-enshrouded weapons. With an Alchemy Activator, I got this to 677 Quality.
And, like the Philosopher's Necklace, after this I simply requipped all the Ultimate Falling Star Symbols on the alchemists and Music Note Symbols on the warriors that I made on my prior playthrough.

Everyone's got that guy's number. I actually forget what Sacred Edge L does, but let's just say "It's good, but unnecessary compared to the traits" and leave it at that. That's pretty much what they all add up to, with a few notable exceptions like Piana or Totori. That Ailments Resistance +20% is just to make her more unique.

Oh, I should explain this. The cameras were off for this scene, so I went back to an earlier save and recorded this scene, because this is what prompts this request to come up.

I haven't tested it, but I'm pretty sure this is the scene that pops up when you've made all the previous curry at a high enough Quality level. The next few scenes all kind of flow together, you see. The price of genius

What she actually wants is 750+ Quality Lululu Curry, so I hope you still have some of that lying around. For now, since we're in Arland, it's time for Aurel's rematch against Sterk.

This is what happens if you either don't have a Ghostly Long Sword (you sold it or something or used it in a synthesis for...some reason) or Aurel is currently equipped with it. When you return to the Merulia Gate, you'll get this short little scene. Yes, it's silly if Aurel has it equipped going into this location, but just roll with it, alright? It's weird this is the one time the game will call you out on not technically having something that you've made. Successor

Showdown at high noon. How fitting.

Did he...?!

Aw, too bad... I think.

Looks like Sterk has yet another foe to keep in mind. Some things never change. When I got this scene, it was December, so that means another Arland Royal Fair. Despite the fact this country is a republic right now, but it's tradition, alright? Obviously I'm going to participate in some of the festivities, but since this update is already plenty long, let's finish up by finishing Ficus' business at Night's Domain. For this next scene, it obviously has to be night, and you have to go to the deepest depths of Night's Domain. This oughta be good.

Let's see what this nut has in store for us... The Greatest Show

Remember this blast from the past? It's Evil Face! The very same demon that Totori fought at the climax of her adventure has been alongside us since we first went to Orthogalaxen near the end of Chapter 3. Even though it's the same model, I don't know if the Tower Devil from Meruru's Makina Domain is supposed to be the same fellow, but it would go along with the Machina of God being Mana the whole time. If Tower Devil and Evil Face are supposed to be the same being, Tower Devil was awful sprightly for someone who got wrecked just a few years prior. But, yeah, the "final boss" of Totori has been a playable character in this game.

That comment about Rage Beast is interesting. We don't exactly know what their relationship is, but it's interesting to think about that the reason Ficus was the way he was in Totori was because of Rage Beast making him much more violent and angry. Whatever the case, it's worth considering that Ficus' personality was always the "real" personality and it was the other lord of Liechten Soehnle that was making things unpleasant for Piana's village, but nobody knew about the Rage Beast except for Demon Ficus.

Yep, let's just leave it at that...