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The Let's Play Archive

Atelier Lydie & Suelle

by Jerry Manderbilt

Part 30: Debrief

Chapter 5 debrief

You might have been wondering what happens if you try to actually take the Fire Dragon on. Well

Not surprising, when this is the Fire Dragon in action:

At this stage of the game, it’s got too much HP and Defense for anyone even scratch it, and it OHKOs Lydie and 2HKOs everyone else.

Anyway, ambitions!

Character Art/3D Models
Alt OA (Yuugen)
Alt 3D Model
Fuoco OA (Yuugen)

Location Notes and Memos:

This is Alt’s atelier. He’s super smart, so it’s like heaven with all the books there. Maybe I’ll sneak in there and take a look!


This place was turned into a wasteland after it was burned by lightning bolts a long time ago. There’s lots of folklore in Merveille about lightning. I wonder if it’s related?
This totally isn’t subtle at all, game!

Mysterious Painting:

This painting world is filled with lava. Even though it’s a painting, the lava couldn’t be more real. So it’s really hot, enough to make you drip with sweat.

In the Sea of Fire -Lydie-
It’s a volcano! Let’s hear that bass rumble! That’s the general idea here (lol). Personally, I like the aggressive piano part you can hear in the chorus. (Yanagawa)

In the Sea of Fire -Suelle-
I tried to make this one sound a little less intellectual than Lydie’s version. The feeling you should get from this is that if there’s a problem, we’ll tackle it head on! (Yanagawa)

Twin Birds Flying through the Wilderness
There are many different settings for adventure stories, but this barren wilderness is probably the hardest for a Japanese person to imagine. These wastelands tend to be endlessly vast, and are not something familiar to us coming from a land that is both narrow and mountainous… (continues) (Achiwa)

Twin Birds Flying through the Wilderness -Night-
(Continued from previous) The other difference is that Japan is a humid and rainy land, and the idea of a wasteland in which nothing grows is certainly foreign. Any flat land that doesn’t need to be deforested will also already have been co-opted for use for agriculture or housing. After all, we have so many people and so little space. (Achiwa)

Scars (Lydie & Suelle Ver.)
…I told you that it’s dangerous to play the cool guy… But I suppose that’s the position this fellow was always going to occupy. I’m not sure how much I can give away here, but I will say that Sophie and Plachta must be pleased to see him looking so healthy. In a way, he is the key character at the end of Atelier Sophie. (Achiwa)
The spoilers above are pretty hugely spoilery for Alt’s own character arc in this game, and also for the endgame of one of the previous games in the Mysterious trilogy. If you don’t already know what I’m referring to, then mouse over the black-barred section at your own risk!

DEBRIEF debrief:
The game itself laid it on pretty thick with the E Rank exam and the last scene with Mireille and Mathias pondering over the readings from the Lightning Finder, but whatever the Kingdom of Adalet has been spending all these (in-game) months preparing for will be upon us shortly.