Part 58: The Real Deal: Part 3: Bullshit, Bullshit, Bullshit

Guess what happens if you pick Refuse. Go on.

You guessed right! You win nothing, because it is not an achievement.

No. I'm sorry. I accepted "Mur ha ha ha" because at least it was voiced, but "Hee hee hee hee" is not scary. You have destroyed your credibility as a villain in two lines. Congrats.

<insert fight here>

So Rempo doesn't give a damn about the world ending, but he does care about the house pet of some stranger he doesn't like? If you're going to make him a callous git, fine, but be consistent about it!

We can use the book to heal mortal injuries. That seems like a big deal. Will it ever come up again? You bet your ass it won't!
Also, perhaps this is just my opinion, but wouldn't it have been more effective if Evil McGiggles had gone after the princess herself, rather than her cat? 'Cause this is the only time Guri Guri will ever be relevant, which probably means they created him just to get hurt in this scene. But they didn't need to do that! If Dorothea had been wounded, it would have felt more urgent! Kind of. We only just met her, so maybe not.
And sure, you can argue "Light-hearted game" or whatever, but
Let's just say it's not always light-hearted.

Well that was abrupt. She might as well have been talking to the player. "The plot's over this way, man. Not like you have a choice."

This line takes on a whole new meaning when you discover that Nanai is a love interest.
Serious. She is. And this isn't one of those JRPG things where the "adults" are actually fifteen or something. She says, during one of the romance scenes, that she is much older than you are. This is a grown woman.
So there are now two paedophiles. In this game. And we're supposed to like both of them. Lovely!

"Fake power." Except it's not fake, because it clearly does things. We just saw it. Please use words that mean what you mean.

Yumil stares at the tablet for a moment, then shakes his head.

Yes, I know what the plot is. Thanks for the reminder, though.
So did Yumil answer her or not? I mean, I don't think he did, but she's also not pressing him on it and she seemed pretty keen to know. I suppose him looking tired was just that big a deal.

Now this raises the question of why Nanai has all this shit in her basement. It's never hinted that she captures other people, so are we to assume she had this trapdoor-to-easily-escapable-dungeon built just to hold us? Even though we only got the book today?
Unless that "I have a great interest in you" line really did mean...oh man. Not going there.
Still, all that effort, yet if she'd simply put us in a room and locked the door, we'd be jiggered. "Real power" my arse.

That's an excellent question.
I'm sure you've all been thinking this since it cropped up, but this accusation is so fucking ridiculous. Why do they think we're a spy? Because they saw us standing near that Waisen knight? If so, they obviously watched us kill the dude! And you might think this is part of some conspiracy, that there's a reason these guys want us dead, but no. I'll spoil that for you right now. There is no insidious scheme here. This is not a Chrono Trigger deal. They're just being stupid assholes for no reason.
In a better-written game, I'd have taken this as criticism of law enforcement.
Even if the story absolutely needed us thrown in jail here, (it didn't, but we'll get to that later) we could have been busted on something else. Like sorcery? Hello? The thing everyone was freaking out about earlier? The thing they actually have a reason to suspect us of?

Guys, my grandma is going to be a character. Not sure you got that from the last time I arbitrarily brought her up. Also, here's why I just did what I did. To hell with mystery.

I'm not sure if this is supposed to be foreshadowing. Like, I know what he might be referring to, but it's such a vague and awkward line in a game filled with vague and awkward lines that I have no idea if he's talking about it or just making a random observation with no payoff.

It is.

Wait, they also say? So you mean that's not why you suspected us in the first place? What the fuck, then?!

Right. So sorcery and espionage are illegal, and Nanai's guilty of both. And you know where she lives. Are you ever going to arrest her? Of course you aren't. That would make sense.
No, really. This isn't just me being indignant. Nanai goes right on being a known witch and alleged spy without repercussion. Nobody even attempts to take her in.

Okay, that's it. I'm convinced Rempo was written by the one guy on the team who realised how dumb this was. He may have been outvoted, but he could still have a character voice his dissent*.

I killed the person they claim I was associating with and saved your life. Mention that, please.


Anyway. I think Dorothea is now dead to us. We rescue her from a monster, and her idea of gratitude is to weakly protest our innocence for ten seconds, then give up and leave us in the lurch. Without a hint of remorse, I might add. Also, she says she only did that much because we healed her cat, implying that if we hadn't, she'd have been happy to stand back and let injustice run its course. She will never apologise or do anything to redeem herself. What a horrible little brat.
So of course she's a love interest.

You know, why aren't these two the villains? 'Cause we have "real" villains later on, but I don't really give a damn about them. These men are pure evil. They're intentionally making a child suffer because they think it's funny. That's the only conclusion I can draw.
And this is the last we see of them. No comeuppance. Nothing. They attempt to have us executed based on literally nothing, then cease being characters.
It may come as a surprise, then, that they are not love interests.