Part 63: The Real Deal: Part 8: Filler Up

Finally I can show you this without revealing the biggest event in the game before it happens.
I know it's vague, but "The book will be lost" is a big enough spoiler to begin with, and you can probably guess that "The Ancient" is Kullervo. Who else would it be talking about? Not Olly, because that might be a funny joke.

No, but that's what she told us to tell you, so let's just go with it.


I should point out that these locusts are aggressive. As in, they become enemies in Chapter 3 and attack you. Still, nobody's concerned for their safety or their food. It's just a "bad omen."
Speaking of which...

...again, earthquakes kill people and cause widespread destruction. Nobody's worried about the here and now? Are we really that hung up on omens?
"Shit, this guy's coming at me with a knife. What a bad omen. Now he's asking for my wallet, that's an even worse omen. Now he's stabbing me in the gut! That's the worst omen yet! Something terrible must be about to happen!"

i do not want to hear that out of your toothless fucking mouth ever you creepy old bastard

You know, guys! If you use exclamation marks! More often than full stops! They start losing their impact! Pretty quickly! Or! It makes your character! Sound like a crazy dude! Who is shouting all his lines! For no reason!

Oh yeah, and Anwar shows up.
I realise it's because he's a love interest and they didn't want players having to run back to Samiad just to talk to him, but they could have given him some narrative justification for following us here.

You can't even blame it on hormones, since we're not a girl. This is all he has to say to us. If you don't like crowds, don't hang out in a capital city! Go home!

She says this like it's some unforeseen setback. Who would have thought that your granddaughter, who is bedridden every single day, would continue being bedridden on this particular day? Oh cruel fate!


I love this. They're both facing in the direction she arrives from, and yet they don't notice her standing right in front of them until she talks.

Shouldn't you be doing that, granny?
Come to think of it, we never saw Helen talk to Fana before this, nor will we ever see it again. Some relationship they have. Even after you cure her, Helen just stays downstairs and says her usual lines. No reaction at all. It really does feel like Yumil is Fana's caretaker.

Or, if you choose to stay silent...

Is anyone else getting deja vu?

We know. You just told us this two scenes ago, and Fana heard it. Why would she need to hear it again from us?
This is where Yumil decides to look sad, by the way. Right up until this line, he had his usual wide-eyed smile, and I include the whole graveyard scene in that.

...yeah, actually, that raises a question. Where were you during all this? 'Cause it seems like you were all sharing this house. You knew what was going on as it took place. Did you not think to lend your fatally overworked daughter a hand?
Hell, you seem happy to let Yumil do your job these days. Maybe it is your fault. Maybe you are a terrible grandmother.

"I don't want to lose you. Please don't go after that flower, which you can find in the forest somewhere, there's this guy named Rudrud, he probably knows. Not that you should ask him. It's called a Hope Pod. Five red petals. Just so you know what to avoid looking for."

Oh. Ohhh. This is why the locusts never invade Rhoan! I just put that together! Fair enough, then. I withdraw my criticism of that issue.
Not convinced they planned it that way, though. Could have been a lucky coincidence, grumble grumble.

Nope. See you now.

I c-a-n s-p-e-l-l, d-o-n'-t p-a-t-r-o-n-i-s-e m-e
So...this is kind of what I had in the narrative? I think? Honestly, her reasons are clear as mud despite her explanation. Our power is dangerous so she had us imprisoned, except she was going to let us out later so it wouldn't have made a difference anyway...
Screw it, it's badly written and difficult to make sense of, IS ANYONE SURPRISED

No we don't you fucking cradle robber
Nursery pillager

...what new friends.
If he's talking about the spirits, I'm going to reach into my monitor and punch the fucking emulator. I'll find a way. Don't think I won't.
So yeah, you can't sign up yourself. You have to go back to the alley and find out that Rex did it for you. I suppose it's to foreshadow his betrayal, but why make us come here first? Just have him run into us right away. Then you needn't bother pretending we have a choice in the matter.

Even if you try to sleep your way through it without talking to Georg or Rex, Rempo stops you from resting after day three and demands you participate.
Essentially, we only join the tournament because the story won't progress unless we do. There's no crucial macguffin to be won. Nothing is at stake. Nothing spectacular or unexpected happens during it, and once it's over, it's never mentioned again.
If you straight up deleted the tournament from the game, without any rewriting or restructuring, we'd be very slightly confused when Rex shows up later with congratulatory Rohypnol. That's it. Nothing else would be affected.

In the sense that we've given up trying to fight it, yes.

Eastern Sword.
I'll assume he's deliberately getting it wrong to mock him. Tame smack talk, but still a step up from "Not so fast."

I think this is meant to be her motive for representing Southern Flight. Because then she'll be "free." From something. For some reason.
Maybe she means the plot. Lord knows I'd want out.

See, if this game did things right, this is where everyone would pause and stare at Nanai, and Georg would say "What exactly do you mean by that, miss?" and then she'd get jailed for diddling.

Beg to differ. Lone wolf, freestyle 4 lyfe, etc.

And they all wish you luck and go on their way.
ADDENDUM: Remember when I talked about Judgment Link tournaments? Remember how it was possible to lose even if you played perfectly? Remember how once you're in a tournament, you can't leave without forfeiting altogether, depriving you of the reward?

Well, these tournaments take place in the arena, which is where you need to go for the other tournament. And if you enter the arena when a JL tournament is running, you're immediately asked if you want to participate. You can't avoid it or come back later. And if you decline, it's the same as forfeiting. And during your time in the desert, you probably triggered a tournament event. Two, in fact. And if you ignored or forgot about the prior tournaments, that would mean having to either play or turn down four tournaments in a row before you can finally talk to Georg about the real tournament.

I pity the obsessive gamer who plays Avalon Code.