Part 22: "Mini" update - The last Edorem confrontation, the non-canonical outcomes: Yes, I seriously did play this once for every possibility I wanted to show and then some before I gave up trying to set the variables right and hacked stuff together from the dialogue files so I could show the last one of these
"Mini" update - The last Edorem confrontation, the non-canonical outcomes: Yes, I seriously did play this once for every possibility I wanted to show and then some before I gave up trying to set the variables right and hacked stuff together from the dialogue files so I could show the last one of these
Outcome 1: The PC is wearing Charisma-enchancing items, but has sufficient Charisma without them, and is forgiving.

[Before any words pass her lips, however, you hear the by-now-familiar sound of a planar conduit opening.]

[Saerileth rises, her innate courtesy still evident despite the crimson of her cheeks.] Nay, my good lord, I am not.

Is it this Bhaalspawn then who has taken your heart, Saerileth? If it be so, then he has deceived you! Look well upon him, this churl who would lie to a lady! [Edorem then reaches out and snatches from you the charisma-enhancing magic his Planar eyes have seen.] Look upon him, Saerileth!

Lord Edorem! What is it that thou dost? Where is thy courtesy? How dost thou *dare* to lay a hand upon Asim? What is it to thee if Asim be my love? Thou dost tarnish thine honor and thine office! Wherefore? Thou, who wast my leader in the service of Blind Tyr, thou who didst teach me--

Look, Saerileth, look well upon this Bhaalspawn who has stolen your heart!

I demand to know what this is all about!

I do see my love, unaltered in mine eyes, and I do kiss his hand to honor him. [Saerileth whirls on Edorem.] But thou, thou whited sepulchre! I didst ever love thee as I did mine own brothers, and thou hast dishonored my trust! Wherefore hast thou done this thing, this dishonorable act of malice? Thou wast taught, even as was I, to look upon the heart, no the heritage! Begone from my sight, and trouble us no more! Thy strange prejudice makes thee unfit company!

[Lord Edorem's face is ashen, and he drops to one knee.] Forgive me, Asim, I beg of you! You have not decieved Saerileth, and I can say nothing to defend my actions. I do not dare to address Saerileth, but, good sir, I love her. It was not the will of Tyr that she love me, and you have won her. From you, in your bliss of possessing the heart of the fairest creature in the multiverse, I can dare to hope for pardon. This pardon is not my desert, but my punishment is already greater than my fault.

You speak truly, Edorem. Your fault is great, but you cannot have Saerileth. This is punishment indeed.

Lose me? How canst one lose what one hath ne'er possessed? Get thee gone, Lord Edorem, to Sigil! [Saerileth turns her back on the knight, who sadly bows his head.]

Fare you well, Asim. Be good to her, I beseech you. Never shall you be troubled by Edorem more.
Ahaha. That "How canst one lose what one hath ne'er possessed?" is actually a pretty damn good
. This is by far one of the least fucked up outcomes here. What I'm calling the "canon" outcome of this is probably going to be based on this one, but I'll be adding a lot of stuff to it. I've got it down to a choice between two of the outcomes to provide the basic structure of the script, and I haven't quite decided yet. Now, for the other less fucked up one, which is my other choice.
Outcome 2: The PC meets all requirements and has no altering equipment on.

[Before any words pass her lips, however, you hear the by-now-familiar sound of a planar conduit opening.]

[Saerileth rises, her innate courtesy still evident despite the crimson of her cheeks.] Nay, my good lord, I am not.

Is it this Bhaalspawn then who has taken your heart, Saerileth? How can this be so? Do you not remember the words I spoke to you when we parted?

I do well remember, Lord Edorem. Yet I told thee then that my heart was not yet thine.

You said that your heart was not yet mine-but you did not deny that I might come to win it in time. [The knight's fair face is anguished, but his voice, low and impassioned, does not betray any weakness.] Time I have had none. The Evenhanded One bade you to the Prime, and there it seems I have lost you.

Thou canst not lose what was never thine. [Saerileth presses your hand.]
Damn, there's that
again, but it's not quite as good this time since the circumstances are different.

Is it even so, Asim, son of Bhaal? Is Saerileth your only true love?

Yes, Edorem. Saerileth is my only love. I am sorry for you.

I do not scorn pity where it is kindly meant-and needed. Still I have seen Saerileth, fairest creature of this or any world. In that, I have had more joy than any mortal has a right to hope for.

[Saerileth puts her arms around you and clings to you, her tears falling freely on your chest.] Ah Asim, why is it that our love must injure such a noble heart? Lord Edorem is a Chosen of Tyr, and he was ever kind to me. Yet my heart was reserved for thee. [Saerileth nestles her head into your chest, and she does not release you until you retire.]
Outcome 3: The PC wearing Charisma-enchancing items, but has sufficient Charisma without them, and is unforgiving.

[Before any words pass her lips, however, you hear the by-now-familiar sound of a planar conduit opening.]

[Saerileth rises, her innate courtesy still evident despite the crimson of her cheeks.] Nay, my good lord, I am not.

Is it this Bhaalspawn then who has taken your heart, Saerileth? If it be so, then he has deceived you! Look well upon him, this churl who would lie to a lady! [Edorem then reaches out and snatches from you the charisma-enhancing magic his Planar eyes have seen.] Look upon him, Saerileth!

Lord Edorem! What is it that thou dost? Where is thy courtesy? How dost thou *dare* to lay a hand upon Asim? What is it to thee if Asim be my love? Thou dost tarnish thine honor and thine office! Wherefore? Thou, who wast my leader in the service of Blind Tyr, thou who didst teach me--

Look, Saerileth, look well upon this Bhaalspawn who has stolen your heart!

I demand to know what this is all about!

I do see my love, unaltered in mine eyes, and I do kiss his hand to honor him. [Saerileth whirls on Edorem.] But thou, thou whited sepulchre! I didst ever love thee as I did mine own brothers, and thou hast dishonored my trust! Wherefore hast thou done this thing, this dishonorable act of malice? Thou wast taught, even as was I, to look upon the heart, no the heritage! Begone from my sight, and trouble us no more! Thy strange prejudice makes thee unfit company!

[Lord Edorem's face is ashen, and he drops to one knee.] Forgive me, Asim, I beg of you! You have not decieved Saerileth, and I can say nothing to defend my actions. I do not dare to address Saerileth, but, good sir, I love her. It was not the will of Tyr that she love me, and you have won her. From you, in your bliss of possessing the heart of the fairest creature in the multiverse, I can dare to hope for pardon. This pardon is not my desert, but my punishment is already greater than my fault.

This insult can only be wiped out by your blood!

Nay, my love. Sully not thy blade with his blood. Though he is a churl, still he is a champion of Tyr. My love for thee wouldst be forbidden by mine Order didst thou slay him. [Saerileth walks away from the knight, leaving you alone with Edorem.]

If it be only my blood which can satisfy you, Asim, then my blood you shall have. I will take my own life when once I return to Sigil. [Lord Edorem places his hand over his heart, and he is gone.]
This has some pretty far-reaching consequences, actually, but they occur only once you get to Throne of Bhaal. Cyric kills her when he shows up in your Pocket Plane. The full dialogue leading to that will be shown when we get there.
Outcome 4: The PC is wearing Charisma-enchancing items, and does not have sufficient Charisma without them.

[Before any words pass her lips, however, you hear the by-now-familiar sound of a planar conduit opening.]

[Saerileth rises, her innate courtesy still evident despite the crimson of her cheeks.] Nay, my good lord, I am not.

Is it this Bhaalspawn then who has taken your heart, Saerileth? If it be so, then he has deceived you! Look well upon him, this churl who would lie to a lady! [Edorem then reaches out and snatches from you the charisma-enhancing magic his Planar eyes have seen.] Look upon him, Saerileth!

Lord Edorem! What is it that thou dost? Where is thy courtesy? How dost thou *dare* to lay a hand upon Asim? What is it to thee if Asim be my love? Thou dost tarnish thine honor and thine office! Wherefore? Thou, who wast my leader in the service of Blind Tyr, thou who didst teach me--

Look, Saerileth, look well upon this Bhaalspawn who has stolen your heart!

What do you see when you look upon me, my Saerileth?
Note! I would like to imagine that for the purposes of this, Asim has suddenly started looking like this guy. Picturing it that way is alarmingly appropriate and makes me laugh endlessly.

What is this? Thou, thou whom I have loved, thou hast deceived me? Wherefore wouldst thou so abuse my trust? I could ne'er have believed it of thee! That thou, thou whom I have trusted all this while-Asim--thou-- [Tears overcome Saerileth, and she weeps into her hands.]

Did you love me only to throw away that love based on something so superficial as my looks?

I, Asim? I throw away nothing. 'Tis thou who hast deceived me! In love there must be trust. How can it be that I should trust one who wouldst use enchantments to deceive me? I can trust thee no more, and thus my love for thee shall die. [Saerileth continues to sob brokenly.] Is it thy will that I leave thy side? Or wouldst though have Saerileth for thy companion even after this?

Saerileth, don't go. I want to try to earn your trust again.

That cannot be, Asim, at least not as thou seem'st to hope. If ever I learned again to trust thee, 'twould yet be too late for me to love thee. I can speak no more. What wouldst thou have?

I understand. I would have you remain at my side, Saerileth, even though our love can never be.

[Saerileth nods without speaking.]

Nor shall you ever see her more. Saerileth shall return with me. [Edorem's face is flushed with triumph.]

Aye, I shall return to the Temple of Tyr, there to devote myself wholly to his will. [Saerileth is oblivious to Edorem's joy as she takes his hand.] Fare thee well, Asim. We shall not meet again.
Ayup. Still not really fucked up, at least not compared to this next one.
Outcome 5 - I'm not even going to TRY to describe this. Just... just read it.

[Before any words pass her lips, however, you hear the by-now-familiar sound of a planar conduit opening.]

[Saerileth rises, her innate courtesy still evident despite the crimson of her cheeks.] Nay, my good lord, I am not.

Is it this Bhaalspawn then who has taken your heart, Saerileth? How can this be so? Do you not remember the words I spoke to you when we parted?

I do well remember, Lord Edorem. Yet I told thee then that my heart was not yet thine.

You said that your heart was not yet mine-but you did not deny that I might come to win it in time. [The knight's fair face is anguished, but his voice, low and impassioned, does not betray any weakness.] Time I have had none. The Evenhanded One bade you to the Prime, and there it seems I have lost you.

Thou canst not lose what was never thine. [Saerileth presses your hand.]

Is it even so, Asim, son of Bhaal? Is Saerileth your only true love?

I love Saerileth, but it isn't right to take her from you. I will relinquish my claim in her to you.

You would do this? [There is astonishment, stronger even than joy, in Edorem's face.] You would give Saerileth to me?

Thou-thou wouldst resign me to Lord Edorem? [Saerileth's face is white with agony.] Wherefore? Wherein have I failed thee, my love? But thou art not my love, for thou hast cast me aside. Yet even in this I obey thee, for my words to thee have been true. If thou wouldst resign me to Lord Edorem, then Lord Edorem's I shall be. [Saerileth kneels before the fair-faced knight and takes his hand, pressing it to her lips.] By the will of Asim, I am thine. When my duty to the Maimed God is done, I shall return to Sigil and be thy bride.
I... Just... WHAT. I mean.. But.. Why.. and the... Why would you think of this? I just don't get it. And why the hell would you ACCEPT that? I mean DAMN. If these were real people, I'd say Edorem didn't actually give a damn about Saerileth, he just wanted to win.
Outcome 6 - I guess she has an aneurysm from the stress or something?
I'm going to preface this by saying that I'm not sure if any of this goes together, but it's all in the dialogue files and I couldn't get to the end for this one in the dialogue path, so I'm hacking stuff together to get to where I want to here, and it all at least makes sense in the order I've put it.

[Before any words pass her lips, however, you hear the by-now-familiar sound of a planar conduit opening.]

[Saerileth rises, her innate courtesy still evident despite the crimson of her cheeks.] Nay, my good lord, I am not.

Is it this Bhaalspawn then who has taken your heart, Saerileth? If it be so, then he has deceived you! Look well upon him, this churl who would lie to a lady! [Edorem then reaches out and snatches from you the charisma-enhancing magic his Planar eyes have seen.] Look upon him, Saerileth!

Lord Edorem! What is it that thou dost? Where is thy courtesy? How dost thou *dare* to lay a hand upon Asim? What is it to thee if Asim be my love? Thou dost tarnish thine honor and thine office! Wherefore? Thou, who wast my leader in the service of Blind Tyr, thou who didst teach me--

Look, Saerileth, look well upon this Bhaalspawn who has stolen your heart! Behold, Saerileth, the knave who has bewitched you! The godchild's beauty, his strength of character, both are false, false! He has used enchantments to deceive you! See now his true face!

I demand to know what this is all about!

I do see my love, unaltered in mine eyes, and I do kiss his hand to honor him. [Saerileth whirls on Edorem.] But thou, thou whited sepulchre! I didst ever love thee as I did mine own brothers, and thou hast dishonored my trust! Wherefore hast thou done this thing, this dishonorable act of malice? Thou wast taught, even as was I, to look upon the heart, no the heritage! Begone from my sight, and trouble us no more! Thy strange prejudice makes thee unfit company!

[Edorem's face pales suddenly.] You--you did not deceive her! You are truly as you claimed to be, despite the magic surrounding you. [The knight kneels formally before you.] I have accused you unjustly, Asim, son of Bhaal. If combat is what is required to wash the stain of my accusation from you, so be it. If not, I will depart and trouble you no more.

This insult can only be wiped out by your blood!

Nay, it shall *not*! [Saerileth's face is crimson, and her eyes are streaming with tears.] I am not so blind as to see that this battle is as much for me as for thy pride, Asim!

I say there *is* need to fight for your heart, my love, and I will face down this slanderous knight--or anyone else--for your sake.

[Saerileth's tears still fall as she speaks.] I understand this, Asim, truly I do, but yet I beg of thee to spare his life. [Saerileth kneels before you with upraised palms, the ritualistic gesture of a suppliant.] For the sake of thy love for me, forgive this crime. He is a Chosen of Tyr, and I do plead for his life.

No, Saerileth, not even for your sake can I forgive this. Edorem must die.

Thou hast slain Saerileth, then! For my duty to Tyr is above even my love for thee, heart of my heart. I must not stand by while thou slayest a servant of Tyr. [Saerileth attempts to draw her weapon, but she falls senseless at Lord Edorem's feet.]

So, Asim, you have destroyed the most perfect creation of the gods! Your pride you have placed above her heart and life! I was not deceived then; though your beauty is your own, your heart is black. [Before you can react, the knight vanishes from your sight, taking Saerileth with him.]
Yyyyyyyyeah. That's just fucking WEIRD. Coming in the next REAL update - the canonical version of this, which will have a lot of added content.
Archival Commentary - I am disturbed by the sheer amount of effort I put into this shit.