Part 49: The Great Equipment Hunt
Chapter 36 - The Great Equipment Hunt
So, it was off to gather new and powerful equipment to defeat Bodhi! First step was a guarded compound we had seen in the Temple District. Inside...

Much boring fighting later in which Haer'Dalis dominated... Seriously, I pretty much soloed the area with him thanks to the power of Improved Haste and Offensive Spin. Offensive Spin is like a better version of Kai on a class that isn't as good as the Kensai. It does most of the same things (assures maximum damage) plus some more things (improved damage/hit, +1 attack/round).
We found the mighty Celestial Fury katana.

Stats only since it doesn't have any special story or anything. Note the Booming Thunder ability. That shit is broken. This katana is broken. Only thing that comes close to fixing that is that it's only +3 so it can't hurt some enemies, though I'm pretty sure that there's some item upgrade mod or other that changes that if you feel like making it even cheesier than it already is.
After that, off to the Umar Hills to complete the Human Skin armor. Which none of us could even use. I must be crazy or something.

I rested for 4 days and there was a love talk something about stars and constellations but I'm not transcribing it because I

And they tried to kill us! It did not work out very well for them. Here, take a look at the Human Flesh armor.

After that, it was off to battle Firkraag!

For all rangers and hamsters everywhere, Minsc struck!

Yeaaaah, this sure was necessary. Yup. Actually I guess they were copying because I seem to remember Keldorn saying something whenever you pick up Carsomyr, too. I

Anyway, Carsomyr!

Also snagged some red dragon scales.

Archival Commentary - sooooooooooooo much hate
We took the scales to Cromwell, who made us a set of Red Dragon Scale armor.

Then, in the Bridge district, we discovered a weird door.

It magically took us here.

This battle, it was hard. Oh so very, very, very hard. TAAAAAAAAAACTIIIIIIIIIIIICS

Snagged an eye from the Beholder and from some mage or another's corpse, I took this little bit of awesomeness for myself.

Staff of the Magi!

And then we found the way out. It was pretty obvious, really...

One door over, we encountered this guy.

The torso.
Headed over to the similar crypt back in the Temple sewers.

I will not make a pun about this costing us an arm and a leg. Also, we found another odd door in the Docks.

My reaction upon seeing this was "oh jesus CHRIST, Tactics."

After the (difficult) defeat of these guys...


Motherfucking Ring of Gaxx, bitches.

As most people know, you can pickpocket a second one of these from Kangaxx when he first shows up, if you're quick. (Or if you don't have it fixed, which I do.) Also, I DID install that Tower of Deception mod, but when I played it I kind of, uhh, forgot to have FRAPS open so no screenshots were taken. Which is fine, it took about 10 minutes and most of that was me dicking around before I figured out that you need an area effect fire spell to destroy the shard. Only noteworthy thing was the shard guardian, which was a marilith. There was also some lich that did the usual "summon pit fiend then get destroyed by the Mace of Disruption" gig who was guarding a sword that is some sort of terrible bastard child of Carsomyr and the Cursed Sword of Berserking. I also installed the Improved Small Teeth Pass part of Tactics, but we aren't going there because the game felt like crashing whenever I tried. Go figure. (God I hope this shit doesn't come up elsewhere...)
Archival Commentary - it didn't! Yay.