Part 65: Epilogue - the alternate endings + the epilogues of all the characters!
Epilogue - the alternate endings + the epilogues of all the characters!
So, Throne of Bhaal has three endings prepared, all of them amusingly enough using the same movie, just with a different narration. The endings are becoming a god if you are good (already shown, the 'official' ending for this thread), becoming a god if you are evil, and remaining mortal. Whether you are good or evil is oddly enough not determined by your alignment, but rather your responses to the Solar throughout the game. So, first things first - the evil god ending, starting from right when Amelyssan falls. I'll write this as if I had the evil NPCs here, since it's worth it. Also Jan, because he has some more to the story if you pick the jerk response.
Ascension, Evil
And now for the mortal ending, again with a selection of NPCs that we didn't actually use.

And now, for all the improved Ascension epilogues except for the five that are in Chapter 12. I'm not replacing all the <CHARNAME> references and such here since these are just being shown so they can be read. Replace them with whatever you want in your mind, I guess.
Aerie - Romance Epilogue
Aerie and <CHARNAME> would prove inseparable, continuing their adventuring for many years into the future. Aerie's zest for travel brought the pair over much of Faerun and even further. Their young son was always in tow, making <CHARNAME> smile with his wide-eyed awe at the wonders of the world. Eventually the pair would settle, subsequently giving birth to a beautiful daughter that was the second joy of their lives. Only rarely would trouble cause <CHARNAME> and Aerie to bring their great power to bear against the evil of the world, though the tales of their battles would become legendary. Their later years would hold one last great trek, as Aerie still felt a sadness from her time of enslavement and the loss of her wings. Together she and <CHARNAME> sought the Avariel of Faenya-Dail, the winged elves she was stolen from so long ago. They discovered not only her people, but loving parents that had spent years searching for their lost child. Aerie had finally found her family. With no more mystery or confusion to cloud their lives, it was there, among the clouds, that Aerie and <CHARNAME> would finally be married. Their union, it is said, was blessed by the presence of Aerdrie Faenya and Baervan Wildwanderer both. As for the children of <CHARNAME> and Aerie, tutored by two of the Realm's most powerful beings, their own destiny would be a tale to rival their father's...
Anomen - Normal Epilogue
Eventually parting ways with his companions, Anomen would enter the hierarchy of Helm's church, over time rising to the rank of High Watcher. He remained restless and dissatisfied, remembering his days adventuring with <CHARNAME>...and though many friends would urge him otherwise, Anomen never felt that the church was his true home. He remained in his position for a year until finally he could bear it no more. He left active duty in the church and, for a time, wandered the new land of Maztica as a missionary. Anomen remained a troubled soul, still never content even though his prowess earned him great respect from the new friends he encountered. When the powerful evil priest Yamash summoned a horde of demons in an effort to rid Maztica of all life, Anomen would at last find his purpose. He alone was responsible for organizing the tattered remnants of the Amnish soldiers and local Mazticans into a united army that stood against the dark priest. In the great battle that followed, Anomen was seen plainly by all to plunge into combat single-handedly against Yamash. He did not have <CHARNAME> or other companions beside him: alone he stood against the tide of evil, and for once he was not found wanting. He was last seen from afar, shedding tears of joy as he engaged Yamash and shouted out to Helm while chanelling a blinding flash of power. When it cleared, both the priest and Anomen were gone. The battle was won and Maztica was saved. Anomen would forever after be regarded as a hero, inspiring the creation of a protective order of knights in his name. A new order for a new land.
Anomen - Romance Epilogue
Anomen and <CHARNAME> continued adventuring until they were known as heroes almost everywhere they went. Many were the grand tales of the Shining Knight and his utter devotion to his great lady. <CHARNAME>'s past as the terrible Bhaalspawn was forgotten forever as new deeds replaced old and a legacy was created that far outstripped anything granted by godly blood. So prolific were their careers that the proposed date of their wedding kept getting moved back, either due to impending crisis or some lucrative adventure that one or the other would insist on investigating. Finally a date approached that both <CHARNAME> and her beloved were determined to keep, and the much heralded event drew heroes and dignitaries from across Faerun. The couple had touched the lives of many, and those people arrived in droves to watch Elminster himself unite the two in one of the grandest ceremonies the city of Baldur's Gate had ever seen. Anomen and <CHARNAME> retired from public life shortly after the celebrated birth of their daughter, although if tales be true, their adventures never truly ended. Anomen would rise high in the hierarchy of his church, and <CHARNAME> would continue to be the center of strange events throughout their lives. So, too, would their daughter, tutored by two of the greatest heroes in the Realms, forge a legend to rival that of her mother's. That, however, is another story completely...
Cernd Epilogue
Cernd left the adventuring life to return to his grove in Tethyr, promising to take up his responsibility and raise his son, Ahsdale, as he believed a father should. Cernd would eventually become the Grand Druid and make a name for himself throughout the realms by not only fighting for the balance of his grove but in protecting the sanctity of life in all realms and in all peoples. Cernd would discover in time, to his regret, that in his attention to his duty he had forgotten his promise to Ahsdale. His son had left the grove long before and Cernd learned that Ahsdale had become an evil and twisted wizard in command of a power that threatened the Sword Coast. Determined that this was his burden alone to face, Cernd solemnly abdicated as Grand Druid and sought out his son. He engaged in many battles with the forces of his son, wielding the forces of nature with a great fierceness that would be regarded as legendary by all who saw it. Cernd finally confronted Ahsdale himself deep in the Forest of Tethyr, and made a final effort to convince him to turn away from his path. Ahsdale refused, and Cernd fought his only son in a long and terrible battle that eventually saw both of their deaths. With his last breath, Cernd would crawl along the ground to clasp Ahsdale's dead hand, tears flowing down his face as he begged his son's forgiveness. Cernd's spirit would enter that of a great oak within the forest, and it is believed that this immortal oak still stands, and that around it has grown a wondrous grove of great beauty that is home to the rarest of the Realm's magical creatures. Each fall the great oak and the grove around it would turn the grimmest shade of red, a reminder that even the most flawed amongst us may eventually find their balance.
Edwin Epilogue
Edwin gained great renown in his travels with <CHARNAME>, and in the years following their association he would exploit that infamy. In time he achieved enough influence to subjugate even the Red Wizards themselves, becoming the greatest leader they had known in recent memory. Very recent memory, it turns out, as he was deposed scant days later. Such is the brief nature of conquerors in Thay, practically lining up for their turn in power. His only notable appearance following this embarrassment was in battle with Elminster of Shadowdale himself, a short affair that saw the end of Edwin's existence in the Realms. Edwina, however, tends bar in a Waterdeep tavern. She is a bitter, bitter woman.
Jaheira - Normal Epilogue
The events of the Bhaalspawn saga affected Jaheira deeply. It was her duty to protect the greater balance of things, but in the years to come she found an increased portion of that fight occurring within her own mind. Witness to great change while in <CHARNAME>'s company, she had become acutely aware of how fleeting life was, and how the loss of those she held dear ate away at her thoughts. In time she would be known as a tireless champion of balance, one that sometimes acted in concert with the Harpers and sometimes did not. Jaheira operated quietly, appearing when needed and moving on when not. Many called out to her for leadership, but always Jaheira would deny that she was capable of such and say that there was somewhere else that needed her aid more. She remained distant and guarded, never staying long in any one place. It is said that she crossed the Forgotten Realms thrice over, always wandering and always searching...until finally she began to wonder what it was, in truth, that she was searching for. What happened to Jaheira later in life is not well-known. Some say that Elminster eventually came to her and convinced her to take her place amongst the greatest commanders of the mysterious Harpers. Some say that she fell in battle against a great lich that threatened to defile the northern forests. Some also say that she went in search of <CHARNAME>, traveling to lands far beyond our own. Whatever happened to her, Jaheira never did return to either the Sword Coast or Tethyr ever again.
Jaheria - Romance Epilogue.
The years following the Bhaalspawn saga were kind to Jaheira. They couldn't be called peaceful, by any means, but her relationship with <CHARNAME> weathered it all. Theirs was an unshakable union, and while duty or adventure might separate them for even years a time, they always returned to one another. Her friends would marvel at how secure in this Jaheira seemed to be, especially considering her initial reluctance, but she would chuckle when thinking back on those first cautious days. After all, she and <CHARNAME> had literally been to the hells and back, and when the gods themselves couldn't separate the two, what were simple months and miles going to do? Jaheira raised high in the ranks of the Harpers, always the voice of wisdom and sense in the organization. She became renown as a great heroine and mediator, although no-one was surprised when she would leave for great spans of time to travel with <CHARNAME> to some distant corner of the Realms. The pair were sighted in Neverwinter, Rashemon, the great southern steppes and even the jungles of Chult. Eventually Jaheira left the Harpers over a dispute, relieved to be done with them and dedicating herself to the raising of <CHARNAME>'s new son. <CHARNAME> visited often, reveling in the joy of fatherhood...but always his wanderlust would take him on the road again. Jaheira was not always with <CHARNAME> and not always share in his victories and achievements, but would never be truly apart from him. And <CHARNAME>'s son? Tutored by two of the most potent being in the Realms, he would grow to forge a destiny of his own to rival his father's. That, however, is another tale...
Keldorn Epilogue
Keldorn Firecam thought his travels with <CHARNAME> marked the end of his active career, both as an adventurer and in service to the Order. He retired to Athkatla, hoping to live in as much peace as an old warrior can expect, but the call to serve came one last time. It was years later, and Amn was besieged by giants. In his 60th winter, Keldorn and five knights held a strategic pass until the main Amnish force could arrive. He won the day, but his wounds were severe and the old paladin fell on the battlefield. As his knights watched, the hand of Torm descended upon the scene, and when it departed, Keldorn was gone. From that day, visions of the True God were accompanied by the stalwart ghostly form of Keldorn at his right hand
Korgan Epilogue
After leaving <CHARNAME>'s company, Korgan Bloodaxe lived in as bloody a fashion as he could manage. He took control of an entire dwarven clan, killing their leader in secret and guiding their revenge to a target of his choosing. He could have lived in luxury, but his thirst for carnage was immeasurable, and he stunned the Realms by pushing deep into the Underdark. The blind fury of the clan took even the dark elves by surprise, but holding territory in the home of the drow is a hopeless proposition. Korgan was last seen burying his axe in the gullet of a high priest of Lolth, laughing as he struck. Dwarven legend immortalized the image, and his bloodlust is now called a crusade. History, it seems, finds more heroes than madmen.
Mazzy Epilogue
The perils that Mazzy Fentan faced at the side of <CHARNAME> did nothing to dissuade her thirst for adventure. In fact, it was not long after the events in Tethyr that she formed the Fentan Knights, a stalwart band of heroes that spawned tales across the Realms. Always Mazzy invoked the name of <CHARNAME> when urging her comrades to valour, or when they battled doubt and temptation. <CHARNAME> was the greatest <PRO_MANWOMAN> that Mazzy had ever known, and the halfling knight felt it was her duty to try to live up to her old friend's legacy. The Fentan Knights battled trolls to save endangered towns, turned back tides of orcs to preserve ancient forests, and faced a rogue dragon in its own lair just to make the world a better place. Their legend was larger than life, especially so for Mazzy, and it was said on occasion that if valor were inches, she'd be twenty feet tall. It was well known that Mazzy's crowning achievement was the day she was annointed an honorary paladin in the great hall of the Radiant Heart. The first halfling ever to do so, indeed the first non-human, Mazzy's quiet tears of pride flowed freely down her face as the aged Prelate laid the Order's greatest honors across her shoulders. It was said that Mazzy scanned the crowd often during the ceremony, and for all the old friends that had been able to attend, the face she looked for most was <CHARNAME>'s. For all her risks, Mazzy eventually passed peacefully at a ripe old age. She had never settled down and had no children, but her legacy was one that would go on to inspire her people for generations to come.
Valygar Epilogue
After parting ways with <CHARNAME>, Valygar continued his adventures for several years, traveling in the wilds of northern Faerun and becoming a common sight in the area of Waterdeep. Later he was content to finally return to Athkatla and retire to the quiet, contemplative life at his family's estate that he had always desired. Pressure from admirers within the local nobility saw him taking up the mantle of Chief Inspector, a responsibility he never desired but took on willingly to combat the growing corruption within the city. For many years, Valygar's was the name spat by every criminal or slaver who dared to place a foot within the city. Valygar was dauntless, turning the city garrison into a force even the most self-confident thief had to respect. Valygar and the Shadow Thieves sparred many times, eventually reaching a point of mutual respect...though most considered the ranger the victor even then. Surprising even himself, Valygar eventually restored the good name of the Corthalas in Athkatla and even married. His only son, the pride of his life, took the lessons of his father to heart. Valygar would watch him go on to become the head of the Cowled Wizards and its greatest agent of reform, and for once in his life Valygar would know pride. Remembering the man that he had once been, fleeing his history into the deepest woods of Amn, the ranger would be thankful that <CHARNAME> had entered his life and forever wish his old friend well.
Viconia - Normal Epilogue
Viconia traveled only for a short time after parting ways with <CHARNAME>, eventually starting a cult dedicated to Shar within the massive city of Waterdeep. One of her followers would eventually turn against her, precipitating a furious Viconia to slaughter the entire cult, herself. Shar did not forgive Viconia this trespass and removed her abilities. Viconia stubbornly refused to atone, however, and instead left Waterdeep to wander the Realms. The dark elf became known as an enigmatic and powerful figure as tales of her spread...and while it was known she no longer worshipped Shar, it was also known that her clerical powers were still great. Who the dark lady now worshipped, however, was her own secret to keep. She reportedly raised an army against the Vaasan Witch-King, viciously attempting to subvert rule over his Kingdom and only barely being defeated after several military failures. Viconia prevented an attempt by the Knights of the Shield to take over Calimport...only to take over the city herself days later and institute a reign of terror and cruelty which is spoken of even years later in shuddered tones. Viconia abandoned Calimport and, it is said, returned to the Underdark from whence she came. Hers was not a gentle return, however, as Viconia would become a conquering force amongst the drow to give even Lolth pause. Her mettle had been tested by both worlds, Viconia said, and proven herself worthy. She would make the drow strong whereas now they were weak. What eventually became of Viconia is unknown and shrouded in rumor...but it is said that even the great Spider Queen does not rest easily any more.
Viconia - Romance Epilogue
Viconia and <CHARNAME> continued their adventuring careers for several years, gaining considerable fame after being drawn into central roles in two wars that rocked the Sword Coast. <CHARNAME>'s standing in the Realms grew considerably over time, his dark maiden always at his side. Eventually, Viconia became pregnant with <CHARNAME>'s child, an event that caused much argument and strife between the couple, resulting briefly in their seperation. The birth of <CHARNAME>'s son, however, would change Viconia forever. She would return to <CHARNAME> and convince him to settle finally in Baldur's Gate, dedicating herself utterly to raising their son and teaching him the ways of the drow as well as the ways of <CHARNAME>'s people and marvelling at the power the boy already was demonstrating. Though she delighted at the understanding in her son's eyes, she would not live to see him grow. Viconia was a powerful priestess and all but immune to common poisons, but the venom of the Spider Queen's vengeance was not easily resisted and her reach is far. Poisoned by a servant of the goddess Lolth, <CHARNAME> railed in rage as even the most powerful magics proved ineffective in curing his ailing wife. Viconia's last words were whispered to <CHARNAME>, in private, before she finally succumbed and are unknown...but the tale is well-told of how <CHARNAME> held the body of his dark maiden close to him and wept, while the entire city wept with him, suffering a loss of something precious that they never even truly knew they had. The furious <CHARNAME> left Baldur's Gate and raised his son in secret far away. Tales vary of him, some saying he began a crusade against the drow in the Underdark, some claiming he became a hero in the far-off northlands...and some even saying with surety that <CHARNAME> had waged war against Lolth herself in the abyssal Demonweb Pits...but all agreeing that the former son of Bhaal had been changed forever by his love for the dark maiden. As for the son, tutored by two of the most potent beings in the Realms? He would go on to forge a legend that would rival that of his father. That, however, is a different story...
Well, it's been almost a year, but a BG2 LP has (at long last) been completed! Sure, there are some things I really wish I hadn't done, and I'm pretty sure we all know what I'm talking about here. Thanks for reading everyone!