Part 1: The Dark Servicemen

First things first, we need to name the Guardian Spirit! Don't forget to vote on a name! Meemai is just a placeholder for the sake of this update.
edit: Actually Meemai is the name we'll be going with so nevermind that.
Video: Opening and update cutscenes
Music War Cries
We open with a dream sequence. It's extremely anime and there's stuff zipping around and so it can't really be conveyed in screenshots, but here are some highlights.

Yeah. Don't worry, it's not supposed to make sense.

As I said in the OP, you guys get control over what choices I make for these. However, in the interest of having an OP with actual content, I will choose the first few responses.

Sagi starts to lie down on the bed again, but a soldier runs into the room.

Sagi does a flashy jump off of the bed, revealing his Wings of the Heart. Wings of the Heart continue to be a significant plot point in this game, for rather different reasons than in Eternal Wings. For now, just know that Sagi is capable of somewhat limited flight.

The Will Magnus can be found in Sagi's room. I'm going to hold off explaining it since we have no frame of reference to talk about it yet.

Music: Lord of Pawns
Welcome to the Dark Service Headquarters. I assume we'll be learning what the Dark Service is shortly. It's very small and there's not that much worth seeing, mostly just maps and army stuff.

There's also this defense item in one of the rooms.
If you wander around too much, some soldiers will chew Sagi out for not going directly to the meeting. I thought it was worth mentioning because...

Sagi may be a nice guy, but he's occasionally got an attitude. Also that is one of the poutiest faces I have ever seen.

The soldiers turn and start to chatter...

...And immediately shut up and salute. I guess they're at least got some good discipline. That, or the captain is a really good leader.

The camera moves to another room to show several hatches opening. Is it just me, or does the one second to the right look different from the others? I bet that's Sagi's.

Something tells me Sagi shouldn't be questioning his orders aloud to himself when surrounded by fellow soldiers.

Might as well. He's an emperor, so there's a 90% chance he's someone worth killing.

Trying to leave prompts one of the guards to give us 8 blank magnus, which you may recall from the briefing. Basically, blank magnus serve as the inventory system of this game. We can draw stuff like apples, water, fire, and even really esoteric stuff like thoughts and pain, and then use them in other places.
It's worth noting that in this game, some Quest Magnus (that is, items that go in Blank Magnus) can have positive or negative impacts on your stats. More on that later.

What kind of military operation is this?
Well, it provides a convenient excuse for a tutorial. You have to approach the water barrel and examine it to extract the essence of its water, then go to the fire and use the water to put it out. Simple enough.

Hey, we even get rewarded! Herbs heal a little HP and cure poison. Not great, but I'll take it.

The Travel Log acts as the characters' diary. All three characters will make entries in it. I will try to remember to show these entries off every now and then.
Leaving the room prompts a new cutscene...

Right on cue, three soldiers come running toward Sagi.

The woman walks off as one of the soldiers slams into Sagi.

Music: The Valedictory Elegy
And so begins our first battle.
The battle system is deceptively simple, but still can be difficult to get a grasp of, especially for people who just switched over form Eternal Wings. Basically, your turn consists of trying to create an attack string. You can only use magnus that are currently in your hand or which get dealt into your hand during your turn.
Attacks come in three types; weak, medium, and strong, with magnus for each. You can control how many of each are in your deck; I try to keep them about evenly distributed as they are now. There are also special attacks, specific to each character. The one my cursor is over in the above pick is Sagi's initial special, Scension.
The thing about creating attack chains is that you can play as many cards as you want, but they have to be done in a certain order. Specifically, you must go form weaker attacks to stronger attack you can't go form stronger to weaker. You can also skip steps and start wherever you want. So for example, an attack string could be Medium->Strong->Basic Finisher, but not Medium ->Weak->Strong, because Medium->Weak isn't allowed.
Basically, just follow this rule:
You can start wherever you want, and you can move down from there, but you can't move up.

Another helpful tool is the numbers on the cards. You can use cards in ascending order, but not descending. So when I play the 2 card, I have to move on to 3 or 4, but can't move back down to 1.
As a final note, the gauge on the right is the MP Gauge. Special attacks require MP to use, and MP is charged by doing...well, basically anything, but mostly through attacking. Basically, you have to charge up to use special attacks. The Will card I found back a the start allows you to charge a lot of MP at once, with the consequence being that it consumes your whole turn.

And finally, we have equipment. Equipment can be used at the start of a turn, before using any attacks. Weapons, naturally, make you do more damage and can imbue elemental damage as well. Armor makes you take less damage. Both weapons and armor have durability that is how many hits you can deal or take before the equipment breaks and loses its effect and is shuffled back into your deck. Also, you can only have a weapon OR an armor equipped at any time, not both. I personally don't bother much with armor and just use weapons, though armor is great to have in some battles.
Okay, I think that's enough battle babble for one update. If you're confused, don't worry; it starts making more sense the more you do it. Well, except I'm the one doing it, so you might stay confused, so just ask if you have questions and I'll try to cover them later.
After the battle...

But, before Sagi can, the Captain walks out...

They run off, finally.

Music: Nettlesome Barrens and Arms that? It's so strange! I have high hopes for this creature.

Sure thing!

Well, now that he's gone through the trouble of explaining things, I think it's time to stop for a bit. See you next time!