Part 20: Magna Mixing
Welcome back! When we last left off so long ago, we were following King Ladekahn and Gibari through the Cloud Passage in hopes of getting to talk to him about our problems. Let's see how things are going...
By using the mirror the king dropped earlier, we can disperse rainbows, which would otherwise impede our progress because...magic?...So here we have Sagi disintegrating a rainbow so we can access that treasure chest near it...
...And another that's blocking the way forward.
As we saw, some Imperial soldiers are hanging around and are clearly up to no good. They're thoroughly uninteresting as enemies.
On my way through this place, I found this new finisher for Guillo and swapped it into the deck for a while.
Huh...I wonder what this is for? I think I recognize this setpiece from Mira's mirror maze back in the last game.
I used the hole to the left to fall back down to the river portion, and in doing so triggered a new cutscene...
And, after some more uneventful progress...
See that flying beast?
Now you don't, because Ladekahn used it as a stepping stone.
And so the two once again run off just before we show up...and now the bird creatures won't pop up for us to try the same tactic of getting across (and god forbid we try and FLY across, no sir, that would be foolish). What to do, then? Let's keep exploring and see what we can find.
This is the chest that was blocked by a rainbow before. I'm halfway to something beautiful.
This is the only new place I can go to, and it LOOKS like a dead end, but then this helpful Cancerite shows up and walks on the thin platform to the left that looks like it shouldn't be walked on. I'm glad he showed up, because I would never have expected that to be a real platform.
The semisecret path leads to another mirror shining spot, but I can't ohhh, wait, I got this one.
I knew that thing looked out of place! Now that we've scattered that stubborn rainbow, let's go through the new path it opened.
Old Man: This is none other than the Diadem Cloud Synthesis School.
The old man goes on to explain how to use our Magna Mixer (you may recall us finding this back at the lake ruins in Hassaleh) to create a cloud. Let's give it a try!
First, we mix fire and water. Now some time has to pass, and by time I mean I have to win a certain number of battles. In this case, three.
Then we combine salt into the mixture, go fight one more fight, and...
Technically, we don't have to show the completed cloud to the old man, but he hands over a reward and lets us keep the cloud, so it's worth it.
Ooh, I could go for some tea right now...this stuff boosts fire offense 100% AND cures flames. Interesting combo. I might have to give this a try sometime.
And now that we've got a cloud, we can repair the bridge and get out of this maze of a double dungeon. Time to get to Nashira and see if we can't catch up with Gibari and Ladekahn.
...Why can't things ever be simple?
Well, this isn't looking too good for them. I guess it's a good thing we've been following them so we can help out, otherwise they'd be in pretty deep.
That's actually a great idea. At least, assuming we know how to escape...
Well, we could do that, but I see a save point and I'm gonna take advantage of that. There are no Guardian Spirit answers coming up, so no Decision Time today. See you next time!