The Let's Play Archive


by PoptartsNinja

Part 484: Behind Enemy Lines - Turn 2

Behind Enemy Lines: Tactical Update 2

“That the present?”

“Lord, I hope not,” Khalil’s eyes focused on a purple monstrosity of a groundcar. It was a local design, heavy but at least half engine by volume. A green light emanated from lights hidden in the vehicle’s undercarriage and the windows were tinted, heated, and lined with ferrous strips to keep even a BattleMech’s magnetic resonance scanners from penetrating the interior. It was as obvious a target as any vehicle Khalil had ever seen, and whatever security it offered didn’t make up for the red flags a car like that would throw up at every police checkpoint it passed.

He turned, striding directly towards the vehicle. The Cerberus’s long legs and oddly designed feet had no trouble over even the rockiest slopes but as his massive war machine approached that tiny, fragile little vehicle leaped forward as the driver seemed to try to drive the accelerator through the car’s undercarriage. It rattled from side to side as the driver fought to keep it under control in spite of the reckless full-power acceleration.

“Probably not,” Khalil concluded.

“Oh, how cute, a Flea,” Mechwarrior Trevisano—Ballista—commented as he began his own advance. “My old neighbors used to have a Flea. Do you want to know the problem with Fleas?”

The War Dog’s right arm swung forward, discharging its Gauss Rifle with a thunderous crack. The Flea shuddered as a projectile the size of a watermelon struck it square in the cockpit. Armor and the remains of cockpit fixtures dribbled out of the new hole like blood from an infected wound. It didn’t fall, the machine had been at rest so its little legs simply locked the moment the DI computer lost connection with the pilot’s neurohelmet.

“Aim center mass,” Ballista drawled, “and you’re pretty well guaranteed to do that every time.”

Movement Phase
War Dog (Player)
- Fires Gauss Rifle at Flea (4 base + 2 range + 1 movement + 0 enemy movement + 1 low light = 8): rolled 8, hit head (0/5 armor, 0/3 structure remaining)! `Mech destroyed!

Nightstar (Player)
- Attempts to fire Gauss Rifle at Pressure Dome Hex 0616. No Line of Sight to target.

Maelstrom (Player)
- Holds fire!

Cerberus (Player)
- Holds fire!

Player Status:

Opposing Force Status:

Neutral Status

Mission Objective:
- Protect Carlos Marik (0/1)

Secondary Objectives:
- Damage but don’t destroy the Civillian `Mechbay in hex 0517 (0/1)
- Destroy the Capellan Checkpoint in hex 1418 (0/1)
- - Make it look like an accident (0/1)
- Avoid Antagonizing ComStar (0/1)

Vengeance Counter: 1

Special Rules:
Dusk – This mission takes place at dusk, applying a +1 penalty to-hit. This penalty may worsen if the mission lasts long enough for night to fall.

Escort Mission – This mission has a mobile objective that must be defended.

Orders Due: Midnight Tuesday!