Part 542: State of the Inner Sphere 3035: Part 5
State of the Inner Sphere 3035: Part 5Pulling Back the Curtain
Weve got a good bunch, Jason Youngblood mused as he watched the latest training exercise. Theyd finally settled on a roster for their Mercenary Company, but they still hadnt settled on a name. The Kalma-Youngblood Mercenary Company LLC may have been descriptive, but it wasnt the kind of name that brought in contracts. And theyd need a contract soon, the money theyd made from the Bounty Hunters operation in Clan space was, while not running out, exactly, lower than Jason liked. Crescent Hawks, he reiterated. Crescent Hawks.
Ive told you, I dont like it, Duncan glowered, the indecisive Free Worlder crossing his arms petulantly. I know you want to honor your old mans lance, and thats great. But no offense, Jason, he lost, and thats not the kind of legacy I think we should be aiming for.
Jason flipped him off, and Duncan shook his head. Well come up with something. We just need some more time to thinkwe can still be the Hawks. The something-other-than-Crescent Hawks, honor your old man that way while still being something new. Yknow?
That your crew out there? the range master asked, his face nearly lost behind his thick, bushy beard. When Duncan nodded, the man clapped his hands on his rotund belly. A good crew. They fight like demons. Planning on taking the Inner Sphere by storm?
If necessary, Jason replied with a shrug. But hopefully it wont come to that.
The man laughed, but he was already moving on. Box seats cost money, and he had to make sure nobody had snuck in. Jason slouched almost bonelessly in his chair and rubbed his eyes. Demon Hawks?
Duncan sighed. They hadnt come up with anything better. Yeah, sure. Why the hell not?
State of the Clans 3035
Triumvirate Task Force
The forces of Clan Snow Raven, Clan Sea Fox, and one trinary of Clan Ghost Bear have entered the boundaries of the Duchy of Andurien. Theyre now running silent as they approach the reported New Rim World Republic capitol and the waiting Stefan Amaris VII
New Rim Worlds Republic
Is feeling pretty confident about their chances.
Clan Wolverine / Minnesota 331st
Has arrived on Andurien en masse in anticipation of the arrival of the Clan invasion force. Theyre scattered strategically, so their elite, highly-trained division can bolster the regiments of the Republic Marshalls and regular line troops.
Demon Hawks
Formerly Kalma-Youngblood Mercenary Company LLC, the Demon Hawks have a full roster and are now actively shopping for Mercenary contracts.
17th Recon Regiment
The 17th Recon Regiment has taken a contract with the Free Worlds League. Theyve seen several front-line actions against the Capellan Confederation
Kell Hounds
Serving the Republic of Skye directly as the Red Corsairs.
Gray Death Legion
Still dead.