The Let's Play Archive

Beyond Chaos: Final Fantasy 6 Randomizer

by liquidypoo

Part 17: Kefka's Tower Roundup 1

Welcome back, we're almost to the end, and and its a short update, but if anyone is playing along at home, it ends with a very important fact:alert:

The Dirt Dragon opens with quake no matter what, but every other turn with float on the party causes him to counter with 50G to nullify it.

Vanilla Dirt Dragon countered with Honed Tusk, you saw him constantly whiff it in the video, but here it shows up as Blow Fish, but with physical damage. It hits Winry hard. Viral wears the Snow Muffler and completely no-sells it.

Crusader's spell list and bonus for posterity sake. That Lv - 1 bonus is a mystery right now.

I'm ashamed I didn't point this out in the video, but this jerk is undead. So Break, X-Zone, or other things not hitting are irrelevant. He's very ticklish.

Down south behind this flywheel or gear or whatever is a winding hidden passage with a cursed shield at the end of it.

This guy shows up in that crazy room right past the 4 ton weights that the 3 parties funnel through the middle door.

Don't know what he does... yet.

Hiiro's stat page right now. Science is about to occur.

Pictured: Science.


Behold, the Crusader "bonus." It is a level down,not just a non-level like I suspected in the video. But it isn't that simple. HP and MP are up like a level up. But there are some penalties. Magic and Stamina are down one point. So at first glance when I saw this I saw an easy chance to just max everything to 99 given enough patience. However seeing random losses means it may still be possible, but not as easy. I'm not sure if I'm going to pursue this to the bitter end or not. Since I don't have enough Red Dusters to equip everyone with a jacket for every day of the week I could benefit from it more than liquidy. On the other hand, it probably isn't necessary, we'll see in a couple episodes when we begin the mad dance.