: Of course I did, I'm stupid not incompetent : GIMME
: TANK AM SHOTTY BETTA. : what : Oh nothing!
: Who are the try-stars and why they are infamous? : Uhmmmm... Look over there!
: BLARG : He is vulnerable to any weapon ONLY AFTER you get the Hyper shot.
: Automatic rock blocks, truly the best mutant invention.
: Well... here goes nothing...
: Good evening visitors and welcome to the underground castle of Plutonia! : huh.
: Your tour guide would like to remind the passengers to keep their hands away from the steering wheel as this is an automatic guide. : WHAT
: In front of us wee see the "Green Gates of the Underworld" commissioned by the first. It represents that ultimate powers resides in neon green colors.
: And this is yet another small corridor protected by skull bombers. But don't worry folks! My skin is neither soft nor supple thus I will never feel the touch of a man... :
: And here are the Hades Thermal bath in both "For fucking pussies" and "Manly Mutants" edition. : But that's lava, not water! : Duly noted.
: Here we see the famous "fenced pits" commissioned by the seventh. It represents the inevitability of platforms and pits in the underground. : That's deep man.
: And in here we see the mucus room. This rooms was made by the eight when his son the ninth chocked on a pretzel. :
: And here we are, the first stop of the tour. Now this is the worlds most complex, convoluted and confusing bathroom. But since we are on a tight schedule you only have ten minutes to use it.