Part 11: Chapter 2, Level 4

"Hungry for more meat? Sure you are. We all are! At Cabalco, we understand meat, so we've developed a new line of products to fulfill all your varied meat needs! Meat In A Can! It's both affordable and delicious! Comes in your favorite regular meat flavors...offal, cattle, foul, swine, goat, and bottom-feeding fish! Or, try out our newest selections! We've recently added a wonderfully yeasty sourdough meat, a fine new fermented-prune meat, and an ever-so-slightly hallucinogenic fungal meat! At a Cabalco Meat Packing Plant we continue to create the foods of the future! Even better we now average more than 82 percent E.Coli free!"
Yes, meat is exactly what we need to get our hands on directly after a sewer level. I mean, sure, we didn't actually swim through any shit to contaminate it, let's just double down on the lead and gunpowder.
At least the game's being reasonable again and I'm actually getting health back.
The Weapons

Napalm Cannon
A returner from the first game. It takes a while to show up this time around, but the Napalm Cannon remains as one of the more common of the power weapons. Primary fire launches a slow-moving fireball, which explodes on contact with anything and deals heavy damage in a small radius. Secondary takes up 10 ammo to launch a slower ball which sends out more, smaller balls on impact to increase the blast radius and continue damaging any enemies caught in that area (at least in theory, next to nothing in this game actually sets things on fire). Uses gasoline as ammunition, which Caleb carries a maximum of 100 for.