Part 12: Chapter 2, Level 5

"If you're happy and you know it, pop some brains... If you're happy and you know it, slice some veins... If you're happy and you know it, bouncing heads will clearly show it... Nothing like loving one's work. Another unmentionable station? Well, at least this one is more attractive than the last. Time to put the ol' trigger finger to work. You are definitely from the wrong side of these tracks, and as usual, the light at the end of the tunnel just might be a train."
At least Caleb seems to be enjoying himself. I like the look of this level, at least, these sorts of run-down urban areas are the kind of thing I always liked, probably ever since I first played DOM-Condemned back in Unreal Tournament. Unfortunately, the game is at the point where it seems to believe bullshit encounters with half a dozen Fanatics or three Drudge Lords at once are okay as long as it remembers to give me health every now and then. It's at least not putting them in extremely cramped areas where it's simply not possible to consistently dodge their attacks... it's saving those for the encounters with only two Drudge Lords.
The Weapons

The Orb
A new magical weapon, this time based on the Sentinel spheres utilized by the Tall Man of the Phantasm film series; it's essentially Blood's answer to Turok's infamous Cerebral Bore (amusingly, Turok 2 actually came out exactly one month before this game), a floating orb with various blades that seeks out the head of the target and bores into their skull, though it's not quite as messy or damaging. Primary fire throws out the Orb in a straight line to start attacking any enemy it comes into contact with, while secondary allows controlling the orb through the level to seek out whatever target the player likes, though leaving themselves vulnerable to attack. Uses Focus, 20 per attack. Notably, the secondary fire requires 200 Focus, meaning Caleb and Gabriella are not able to take advantage of it in the unmodified game.