Part 18: Chapter 3, Level 2

"Worried about your future? Did the other students terrorize you at your high school? Are you in need of a truly challenging career? Then join the ranks of Cabalco's Security Division. You don't know what a challenging day is... unless you've spent it naked-and-sweltering, inside a small, dark, nearly-airless-metal-box with only your feeble grip on sanity, and a couple o' dozen hungry rats to keep you company! But enough about me! Our intense regimen of general-degradation and sock-beatings will make you feel like a new man, or woman! At the end of our 12 step program you'll be handed a big gun and given daily life-and-death control over others! That'll show those small-minded bastards you went to school with!"
I'm honestly having a hard time finding things to say about this level for this, even though I enjoyed myself in it. I guess just imagine the Center for Disease Management if it weren't kind of trying to present itself as a legitimate business. Or the CAS Revenant interior if it were a good level.
The Weapons

Vulcan Cannon
The biggest and baddest of the regular bullet-firing weapons, a four-barreled beast that achieves accuracy through target saturation - after all, more bullets means more hits (source: Raymond Reinhardt, CEO of the World Federation). Both fire modes spray bullets in the general direction you're aiming at like the MAC-10, but much faster and with more damage; the longer the trigger is held, the longer the weapon takes to wind down before you can start firing again the next time. Uses bullets, 4 per individual shot.