Part 24: Chapter 3, Level 8

"You've got to hand it to Cabalco. Their designer certainly went all out on this particular piece o' property. There are wide-sweeping staircases, some strange-but-lovely art, some exceptionally fun cubicles, and more stuff to blow up than one could shake a boomstick at. All-in-all a nice spot. It could use some touching up. But, the various Cultists, Drudge-types, Shikari and Fanatics are gonna have to go. Go to hell. Do not pass go. Do not collect $200.00. The rather cuddly-looking Behemoth might be a nice addition to your own personal pet population. But sadly, it isn't house-trained."
Again, really nothing to say about this one. It's our second (and thankfully final) retread of the lower levels of the Cabalco HQ - all that's really different is it takes me two minutes this time, mostly because I somehow forgot where to go despite having done a test run the day before recording which proved there isn't even really anything else to this level that isn't the parts I show off this run. This isn't going to bode well for when I record the next level, considering I got lost enough to have to look up a video walkthrough twice during my test run, but we'll get to that later.
your evil twin posted:
What's more, I think enemies that died while in the centre of the vortex faded away, as if they'd been sucked into another dimension.
I think that's what happens, yeah. I noticed there didn't seem to be any body left over when I directly hit a guy with the singularity generator for one of the shots I took with it to show it off. Hard to say whether that's more satisfying than a shot I took in the test run where I hit a wall and ended up throwing a Behemoth through the air all along that wall, though.