Part 27: Chapter 4, Levels 2 & 3

"There's Something Different. You can't quite put your trigger-finger on it. Your old pals are looking rather peaked, maybe even sickly. What the heck possessed them to climb into those coffins? Hmmm. Ah, well. Nothing a bit of supplementary lead won't cure...lead to the head, and put 'em to bed. Nighty-night, fellow Chosen. Poisonous dreams."
A boss rush and then the final boss should spell laziness like a lot of the rest of what the game did lately - this level is so short that 95% of this video's editing time

"In the words of some long-forgotten and not-so-long-winded poet: 'Kill it!'"
Short and sweet. I can dig it. It is sad though that I praise the game on not having its penultimate level pit me against damage sponges and the game responds by pitting me against a damage sponge. At least there's no ceiling for it to drop on me when I hide to dodge its lasers like the boss I compare it to.