Part 29: Chapter 5, Level 2

As you probably guessed when I mentioned the nightmares involved all of the Chosen, one of the Nightmare Levels' gimmicks is that the player character changes for almost every level. The good news: all four Chosen get at least one level as the "hero", so I get to show them all off without having to do a dedicated video for that purpose. The bad news: Ophelia gets next to no health or regular ammo, but a ton of Focus (edit for archive purposes: I misspoke in the video when I said Ophelia was supposed to have 4 Strength and 2 Focus - I misremembered how much ammo I was able to pick up when I tried her out sometime before the LP). But that's not too much of an issue, because...
The Weapons

A new magical weapon and the first of two new weapons in the Nightmare Levels, the Flayer is a magical hook and chain that exists mostly as another shout-out to Hellraiser. Primary fire sends out a chain that stabs into an enemy for a short time before pulling away to damage them further. Secondary creates a trap that fires multiple hooks into a victim all at once. Uses Focus as ammo, 25 per primary throw and 100 for secondary.