Part 6: plot_dump.txt
Update 5 - plot_dump.txt
While we're in the area, let's check out Sampson's Lab.

Tackett's journal said he was a cybernetic engineer, but now he's a cybergeneticist. Let's talk to him. Hopefully he'll be able to help us with something. Interestingly, if we examine him, it says he's "younger and stronger than expected."

This game is full of cyberirony.

Thankfully we ran across the one scientist who knows about a cure. Funny that he was only mentioned as an offhand comment in Tackett's journal. If anybody else knew that there was a cure, you'd probably hear of it elsewhere.

Another absolutely meaningless Nietzche reference. The connection between the concept of Übermensch and BloodNet is very strenuous at best. I'm only left with the thought that this is an attempt at posturing by the writers. They made the effort to try to seem philosophical by all these name-drops, but upon closer examination, nothing extends beyond the shallow surface. Again, posturing. Still, if someone wants to write about how I don't interprite Neitzche's aphorisms correctly (as if an aphorism can be incorrectly interpreted), and defend the writers of BloodNet, I'll gladly be proven wrong.

The Praxis 2300XC is a quest item. I assume you could also use this to deck if you, for whatever reason, sold off the required parts of your deck to a vendor. Speaking of decking, that's something we should do right now.

On our way to the FATS, we run across another dragon soul box.

Wait, come back! I'm so lonely!

Whatever. It might marginally help to upgrade our cloak when we get a better one, but it's rare that you're caught decking. I'll show it off if it happens, but then I'll have to reload a previous save because you lose everything in your decking inventory. Also, like Scream Wipe said, they leave you to die in a cage.

Let's visit ttheat before zarathustra.

This means that we need somebody else's essence before we can get in. Since this is a TransTech well, it's probably someone from TransTechnicals that has the essence we need.

Security not showing up means that either it was an empty threat or a programming error. Whatever the case, nothing happens. Off to zarathustra.

Sampson betrayed us. He must be attacking us in reality. We can't search his well, which is what we need to do, until we deal with him. However, unlike our implant says, we can go do whatever in the net without consequences. We'll exit anyway.

Old Abe wants to diablerise us. We can't let that happen, so now it's go time.

I teased combat earlier, and now we get to go into the gritty details of it. First thing is every battle is to place our party members. Stark is required to be in every fight, but we can skip as many of our party members are we want. There's no reason to skip any unless they're plot relevant NPCs that suck at combat.

I placed Stark next to Sampson, and placed everyone else in the corner. Note how they all look the same.

It's fist important to note that there are two types of combat in BloodNet: Descriptive, and Quick. Quick is where you let the computer make terrible decisions for you and you get to watch your party die in three rounds. Descriptive is where you give order. We'll get more into it in a second. I'm just going to quote the manual again to explain these options. We'll go from bottom to top for convienence.
The Manual posted:
COMBAT SETTINGS: This option permits you to oggle the quick combat message function, combat sound, and combat music on and off.
Combat messages are vital in understanding what's actually happening during combat. Combat sound is terrible - you get to listen to DOS shotgun sounds and shit. No thank you. Combat music isn't even an option for me since I didn't set up the music.
The Manual posted:
RETREAT: Selecting this option will produce a menu asking you to specift wheather all or some of your characters are to retreat. The selected characters will flee towards the nearest exit of the screen. If the whole party retreats, you will be returned to the New York Subway map. Whenever the entire party retreats, there is a chance that a member of your party will grow frustrated with your leadership and leave.
There are some times when a certain enemy will prevent anyone from retreating. Rarely, an enemy will retreat. I've never had a party member leave after retreating. That stuff about fleeing to the nearest exit is just rhetoric.
The Manual posted:
QUICK COMBAT: Enters quick combat. ... Combat will continue until one party is defeated or until you strike the ESCAPE key.
It's important to note what the manual fails to mention: the escape key must be pressed in the middle of a round to stop the next one from occuring without giving you the chance to issue orders. You can't just press escape after seeing the combat message - that just closes the message and continues combat. Do you see the problem there? You can't stop combat when you want to switch tactics unless you press escape before you know you want to change tactics. The same thing still applies if you're in descriptive combat.
The Manual posted:
The manual's explanation of view status is very long-winded. All it does it let you see the Hitpoints, equipped weapon, and action for the next round of whichever character you have the pointer over. Resume combat is self-explanatory.
Issue orders let's us select a character to tell them what to do. It also let's us view the status of anyone before we select a character to issue orders to. This is the option we'll choose right now.

With this cursor position, we can see both Sampson's and Stark's status, but if we click, as expected, we'll be giving orders to only Stark.

Top to bottom this time:
The Manual posted:
Defend Position: The character will maintain its current position and attack only those NPCs that occupy a position adjacent to it or any NPC that targets the character. This is the default command for all characters when they begin a combat sequence.
We'll get into aquire target in a little bit.
The Manual posted:
Free Combat: Selecting this option allows the computer to select a target for a given character.
The Manual posted:
Manoeuvre: Allows you to move to a different location ... The speed ... depends upon the situation in combat
The speed with which a character moves, and the distance a character will move in a round, seems to be completely random. It's awful.
The Manual posted:
Bite: This option is only open to characters who are vampires. ... The vampire will manoeuvre next to the target and attempt to bite it. The vampire must hold the bite for at least two and perhaps more rounds for it to be fatal.
The manual fails to mention that biting diminishes Stark's bloodlust, which is very important. Stark can indeed bite vampires, and vampires can bite him.
Use item is limited to items in the specific character's inventory, as expected. Interesting about Choose Weapon is that it seems to be bugged. It only let's you switch between one-handed weapons.
The manual is surprisingly vague about Exert Will, only mentioning that it's a vampire-only option and that the will scores of the vampire and target have something to do in its success or failure. All it does is render the target immoble for its duration. Bite does the same thing.
We'll tell Stark to bite sampson.

We'll tell MAX BAX to aquire a target.

If we click, it will choose Sampson, since he's the only enemy between the two. If both Stark and Sampson were enemies, we'd get a drop-down list prompting us to select which one we want to target.

Body is the default setting and will give the character's attack a chance to land anywhere on the target. Don't bother with it. The only reason to choose head, or any of the leg or arm options is if the opponent is wearing armor impervious to the type of damage your character is dealing, and then only if it doesn't cover their arms or legs. There is a seperate slot for head armor. Remember, for the most part there are only two types of damage to worry about : firearm damage and lazer damage. Anyway, MAX BAX is going to target Sampson's torso. We won't worry about anyone else.

Sampson apparently had 110 total hit points, but only 50 points of damage did him in. This is the part of BloodNet's combat that makes the least amount of sense, and the manual doesn't touch on it at all. I'm not sure what determines the order of combat, but I thought that Stark would go first. Oh well. Turns out that Sampson wasn't wearing any armor whatsoever. It also turns out that a shotgun/lazer rifle blast to the torso is all it takes for almost all enemies in the game. You can see that distance doesn't seem to matter at all when using ranged weapons.

After combat, we can take what we want from the fallen enemies. Nothing really noteworthy here.
Now that Sampson's taken care of, we're allowed to search his lab.

Most areas don't have anything hidden, and you're just wasting time if you search them. The few areas that do have hidden items normally house items that are vital quest items. There's no way to tell which areas have items and which don't. We're picking up:
Coveralls which have a patch on the right shoulder indicating that it's "property [sic] of the Metropolitan Museum of Art." Sounds useful. We'll head there eventually.
Both the Schonbrun 52 and Use Utsukushii 66 cybergenetic arms. Most of those empty spaces in the equipped items menu are for cybergenetic limbs. What's interesting here is that this Schonbrun 52 is the only one of its kind in the game. Apparently there was a time where there was supposed to be more than one of each cybergenetic limb. The limbs are useful for making a cyborg body for elvis (you only need one leg, one arm, one cyborg body, and one cyborg head), but they're also useful for attaching to party members. We've got to go to a special doctor to do it, and it takes a lot of time and money. What's the payoff? The manual doesn't say. I'll tell you, though: for every limb attached, a selected stat tied to each limb is randomly increased from 10-30 points. It wouldn't be so useless if we actually knew which stat would be increased beforehand, and exactly what the stat does, but since we don't, it's a waste of time and money.
Sinusoidal Pulse Gun Plans - I've never bothered to use the gun.

There's also a cyborg torso which I forgot to pick up because it's obscured by the gray of the big robot body in the background. Whoops.

Back in Sampson's well, Lash Givens searches the area and finds a text file.

Sampson Text File posted:
A text file written by Ludwig Sampson. The key lines inform you that Sampson believes the effects of vampirism can be reversed if three conditions are met: 1) the vampire must kill its progenitor, the vampire who created him. 2) a priest, rabbi, imam, or some other holy person must perform an exorcism on the vampire's body and, the most difficult to attain condition, 3) the vampire must possess Incubus to excise the vampiric aspect while he is rendered as a cyberspace entity.
1) Sounds like we really need to get in touch with the lost kids. If they have INCUBUS, we need to find them.
2) We need to find someway to get to old Abe.
3) Find some "holy person" for an exorcism. Whatever.
Let's get to it. But first..

I said I would get Bonton in our party, so let's first get some Red Lifters.

Location: The sickly sweet smell of burning opium fills this narrow alley. You struggle to control your temper. You hate drug dealers.
This is the place.

Each vendor has 24 items total for sale. They all have the same car with the "i

We'll get some Red Lifters, which "give the user the feeling of immense strength."

A pair of Mirror Shades. I wanted to see what they do. Turns out the manual tells us.
The Manual posted:
Mirror Shades: Can protect a character from a flash bomb's effects. They also make the user look cool.

And lastly, we'll buy some Instapigment. All that does is make Stark not look like a vampire for 24 hours. We need this for reasons.

Back at the Abyss, it's you-know-what time.
Transfer Money: Bonton Himishaka receives 5000 dollars. [also red lifters.] You now have 88272 dollars in your account.

He comes with a fuck-ton of useless drugs. We'll equip him with a Kevlar Vest and 9MM pistol, both of which he came with.

The Kafka conspiracy might have information that could help us. We should check them out.

The first person we'll talk to is called Coover Tristan.

He's unimpressed with things in general.

This should be good.

I guess he never read Matthew 10:34.

I'm shocked the writers didn't make a God is dead reference.

We won't be able to do this in a non-violent way for a while. If we don't do it non-violently, the kafka conspiracy won't like us. If we do, we can get Coover Tristan to join us, but that's for another time.
Rides Naked posted:
And yeah, dear god, this writing... interestingly the references in the Coover conversation primarily reference modernists/concepts associated with modernism more than anything else. Wallace Stevens and E.E. Cummings were both deans of modernist poetry. Barthes' "Death of the Author" essay came during the transition from his structuralist period to his post-structuralist period (the latter being the one identified with postmodernism), and is mostly a recapitulation of the intentional fallacy, a critique made in the late 40s and early 50s by the (quite modernist) New Critics anyway ( Jesus is, well, jesus. The only really clearly postmodern/poststructural thing referenced there is Eco's works on semiotics.

Art is never understood in its time.

More posturing.

It's gonna be the cyberballot or the cyberbullet. In this case, the cyberbullet.

I don't know about you, but I'm very impressed.

Yes. Let's just get this over with and leave.

This sounds a little familar.

Call me crazy, but that sounds like there could be one of the lost kids up at the Electric Anarchy. I think we know our next destination.

They're located up at the very top of Manhattan.

Remember, Garrick Fizz is supposed to be here.

The first person to talk to is the guy who's punching that kid.

Nai Hilistick. Ha... Ha...

What government? Aside from this comment, I could swear that the writers were, knowingly or not, writing about an utterly tyrannical rothbard-esque dystopian future.

That certainly doesn't sound good.

We should really get him out of here.

This conversation happens even if you never went to Tackett's well or went the the Kafka conspiracy. When I first played the game, I ran across the dialogue by accident and was pretty confused.

We need some sort of proof. If we talk to him again...

Weird that a kid would know exactly what transtech proof would convince him. Now we're going to talk to someone named Phracktle.

Another side-quest. And now we're about to get another one.

We need what she's offering, so yes.

We need this for Coover Tristan's quest. Considering we've got a tin soldier soul box, this might seem like a rip off. We'll see.
Two more people to talk to.

We'll hear her out, but this is not worth it.

The wrath ray is worthless when all it takes to kill most enemies is a blast to the torso. I wouldn't trade a badge even if I had an extra one, and we don't even have one.

Last is Garrick.

Garrick would ignore us if we didn't have Rymma with us.

Interestingly, if you listen to the tindeck link, it's Stark's voice actor that voices Rymma's lines here.
So, thread, do we want Garrick in our party?

Vote Yes/No if you want him in the party, and then vote for who you want him to replace if he does join the party, even if you voted no.
Main Quests
-Bring Chuck the TransTech list of Deirdre's associates.
Visit the Red Crosse Knights in the north end of Manhattan
Find a Holy Person
Kill Abraham Van Helsing
Side Quests
Collect the other two pieces of Charley Flyer's mind.
Visit Timmy Goldfarb down at the Autonomy Dogs
Penn Martinez will help us with complex computer code
Get Hakim a Praxis 3000
Non-violently steal a multi-channel transmitter from the Icon Robbers and bring it to Coover Tristan.
Put the possession next to Cyril Thorpe in Cafe Voltaire.
Get someone to vouch for us so we can talk to Lenora Major
Meet Zeus at NYU
Trade Sis Konfigg a Level Four Cloak for the WELL address of the New York Bank.
Get into well TTHEAT
Find a way to get into TTHQ
Trade a Dragon Soul Box to Phree Taught for sleeping gas.
Kill the TransTech security director for 10,000 dollars from Phracktle K. Oss.
New Location Gained
Icon Robbers
TransTechnicals Security