Part 11: The TransTech Raid
Update 10 - The TransTech Raid
Sorry, Renfield. Others in the thread don't like you as much as I do.

Back to this Sarcophagus quest. In order to solve some of these quests involving multiple items, we have to play by the hidden rules of BloodNet's terrible UI. It doesn't make a whole lot of sense, but we have to drop the Sarcophagus.

You might think we have to drop the dirt, but no. That would make too much sense. We have to use to dirt inside our inventory to affect something not in our inventory.

With that done, Resting in Renfield's apartment will restore Stark's health as well as everyone else's. I've never actually rested before, and I'm not doing it now.

There are two more places we should go before we get to the main event. I probably should have done this earlier. We're first going to go visit Stark's old gang.

Location posted:
You suppress the memories you have of these streets where, as a young man, you loitered as a member of the Flux Riders.
Those were bad times. Loitering is a most unforgivable act.
Oona Flyte posted:
An eighteen-year-old girl's face reflects a cynicism that should only come from decades of disappointment.
Apparently, conditions haven't improved for the Flux Riders.

Incubus could be a self-aware AI? Or is this just a rumor?

This is a worthless trade. You'll see why soon.

I don't think we've seen anyone with a bindi yet. It's time to fix that.

Why not.
Give Object posted:
The Data Spider is placed in the inventory of Ransom Stark.

We'll have to visit Sid & Nancys, some time.

Fat inspector gadget is clearly the leader of the Flux Riders.

Try again, in english this time.

Oona mentioned the Black Aggots. They're hiding out in the bad ass Strawberry Fields. You don't want to get on their bad side.

This place is weird.

I don't understand the name. Maybe they're trying to be edgy by making a name that sounds like black faggots.
Location posted:
You walk into a nightmare of revving engines, garish light, evil, totems, and rage gangers with a passion for breathers and bashing. Once a symbol of love and brotherhood, Strawberry Fields has become a battleground, with the IMAGINE mosiac marked off as an arena.
I'm glad the writers had the courage to regard evil in the same vein as revving engines.

She's the cousin of Stive? Why did the writers feel the need to make that a thing?

You've seen the type of intelligence this place attracts. What does that say about Stark? Let's talk to that guy in the middle of the ring. Stick.

That guy on the left is the leader of this mensa meeting.
Shock Maraud posted:
A hulking rage ganger casts a menacing glare at you. The scents of beer, opium, and motor oil swirl around him.

Unsurprisingly, Stark says this even if you didn't visit the Flux Riders and talked to Oona.

As I'm sure you can guess, the target is Stark. Just talking with him gives us another time limit: we have two in-game days to bring Shock that dbase -- if that amount of time passes, Van Helsing supposedly gives him the dbase -- or else he'll send assassination squads to kill us. It takes the form of an ambush any time when you travel to any location on the Manhattan map. If we bring the dbase to Shock, he wants to join us. If we refuse, he'll send his guys to kill us. If we agree, he'll leave in 3 days and send his guys to kill us. If you ever play the game, don't bother talking to Shock. The only reason to do it is to get the well address, ANTIBODY, which you can just go to without hearing it from Shock himself. The same thing goes for any other well.
Anyway, let's rudely interrupt those two lovers sucking face.

What does the other one have to say?

No and we're leaving.

It's best to get some better protection before we fuck TransTech.

We're buying kevlar coveralls for everyone, and selling some old armor, including the now useless museum coveralls. We've seen buying and selling - there's no reason to show it again.

This has been looming for a while. Let's recap the reasons for going here:
- Chuck needs the TransTech list of Deirdre Tackett's associates so he'll trust us. If it's not physically in TransTech, there a good chance we can get the hardware we need to into the TTHEAT well, where it may be stored digitally.
- Phracktle K. Oss (Electric Anarchy) will pay us $10,000 to whack the security director.
- Mother Mary wants us to convince Bill Dougan to stop holding the church financially hostage. His office is at TransTech.
- We need to kill Abraham Van Helsing, according to Sampson's text file. He could be there.
- Damean Tocque (that old guy from the Museum) told us to look up Emily Esaki at TransTechnicals so she could show us around the Hellfire Club. We didn't need her help, but why not talk to her anyway.
- Kimba West wants us to bring her Fiber Optic Cable. If it's as valuable as she says, there could be some at TransTech.
- Bertrand Foucault wants us to get some sort of blood-synthesizing nanotechnology so he can feed without killing. He says he'll share it with us. I don't understand why he can't just drink those bottles of animal blood.
- There are also a fuck ton of other quest items we haven't found anywhere. TransTech might have some of them, or they might not. We'll just have to find out.

Keep that statue in mind. We're immediately accosted by a security drone.


We first heard about Notional Labs from Larry Owen, and then fromTimmy Goldfarb. We'll have to see if we can get into their office.
All three of these people will be gone by the time we leave this screen.

We already have clearance, but let's hear what she has to say since it's not expensive.

Transfer Money posted:
Elaine Bigelow receives 100 dollars. You now have 116330 dollars in your account.

We already did that. Chances are you already visited Central Park before getting a TransTech badge to get in here. BloodNet tries to cover its bases, but does a fairly poor job at it. Elaine leaves the room, but there are two more people Stark can bother.

I think that's the closest we're going to get to one of those Alex Jones types in BloodNet. Too bad this guy's fear is understandable, while Alex Jones is fucking crazy. Let's talk to the last one.

Then she leaves BloodNet entirely. I don't get it. We're going to exit into the next screen.

We travel between sections of TransTechnicals with this screen similar to the main menu. We'll hit them from bottom to top. We can still be attacked when traveling between areas, but the chance is a lot lower with the precautions we've taken.

Three items are visible.
Buzzsaw: This high-tech weapon projects a laser beam to deliver nanomachines into a target's bloodstream. The nanomachines are designed to sever capallaries, causing internal bleeding. Lethal if enough strikes are made.
You're fucked if you're ever hit with this. There's a bug with the gun where the damage multiplier doesn't stop when you exit combat. When you reenter combat against another enemy, the damage starts up again with the multiplier where it was previously, and it goes up from there. This isn't worth using because it takes too long.
Nanoblast: This high-tech weapon projects a laser beam to deliver nanomachines into a target's bloodstream. The nanoblast consists of of three nanocharges and a detonator programmed to link up with a target organism and explode. Requires four hits to be lethal.
and 4 Nanoblast Micromissiles: Three nanocharges and a detonator for a nanoblaster. Four hits are required for the nanoblaster to be lethal.
Four hits is three hits too many. It doesn't help that the ammunition is really expensive. Contrast that with the sawed off shotgun: one hit is lethal, and ammunition costs $25 from a vendor. We'll be picking up all three of these items, by the way.
There are two people working in the lab here.
Cara Watson posted:
Hovering near Dr. Framp is a young woman who you assume is the doctor's research assistant.

She's very happy to tell us off. Will the good doctor do the same?
Dr. Framp posted:
An old man with a cybernetic head plate looks up from his work and winks at you with his one good eye.

After a search, three more items are revealed.
Service Nanomachine: A vial of plasma. You read the label and learn that it contains nanomachinery designed to service electronics that have been implanted in the human body, particularly electronics that affect the brain. The plasma must be injected into a body to be effective.
According to Dr. Frank, this could be of use to fix someone with a malfunctioning implant. Barque mentioned that Larisa's psych implants were malfunctioning, so it follows that this is one of the items we need to cure Larisa Mayne's madness. One of the items. We don't have the other two. Braque mentioned that she was suffering from a "mild depressive condition", so we need to find some anti-depressants. The item description of the Service Nanomachines said that it must "be injected ... to be effective", so it sounds like we need to get a syringe. Auntie Personnel only carries the syringe.
Wireless Effector: Circuitry designed for the wireless transmission of information.
This doesn't have any implimented function.
Blood-Producing Nanotech: A vial containing nanomachinery capable of synthesizing human red blood cells.
Bertrand Foucault wanted these.

This is why we need the electronic lockpick.

Good thing the other two in the room don't care.

Location posted:
The air is stale in the cluttered storeroom, but you hardly notice in your rush to search the shelves for technology that might be useful.
There's a Fiber Optic Cable and a Praxis 3000 on the ground.
Fiber Optic Cable posted:
The expensive and carefully guarded cable manufactured by TransTech and used at the Company's discretion in linking approved cimputer systems to the network.
For Kimba West.
Praxis 3000 posted:
This decking unit is a product of cutting-edge cyberspace technology.
Hakim needs this to put broken minds back together.

A search reveals an Azrael Soul Box, which will go right into Stark's decking unit, and a Level Four Cloak, which we'll trade for the WELL address of the new york bank. We just found a shit ton of quest items in two consecutive rooms, and we got them with hardly any trouble. BloodNet tries to be an adventure game, but it doesn't really know how to handle adventure game quests. The Azrael soul box was also a quest item for a shitty trade I'm not doing.

Our next stop is Bill Dougan's office. I'm sure Walter Macalaster won't come up in the conversation at all.

Location posted:
The office is ill-lit and gloomy. The metallic walls and floor and the molded plastic furniture are devoid of softness. You are comfortable in the low light, but shake your head in wonder over how you once worked in a place like this.
And the man and the chair and we should talk to him
Bill Dougan posted:
A middle manager sweats in his cheap suit. His hair is unkempt, his breath is bad, and his nervous facial tic acts up when you converse with him.

Again, we weren't given any item.

Such a hero. Add murderer for hire to Stark's list of faults, including attempted rape.

We know already. He's at the hellfire club. We were just there.

From talking to Dougan, Walter's office opens up. Only half the W lights up, for some reason.

We can talk to him again...

Nothing ever comes of this. Strangely, at this point in the game, Walter is, at the same time, always in his office and always in the hotel. A search reveals a lapel pin that we'll take. Occasionally, NPCs will prevent us from searching, but not here.

I wonder if the dialogue with Emily Esaki will be any different now that we've already visited the Hellfire Club.

Location posted:
The office of a TransTech executive is dark, vast, and intimidating. It is clear that the owner of this office does not wish to make visitors feel welcome.
Emily's at her desk.

She sticks around the office, but we'll see her at the Hellfire Club if we go there again. If we search the room, there's another lapel pin. We're not going to bother doing that - we only need two. One to get in and one for that guy at the club who wants it.

The last available location is the security office. It turns out that this location is essential, and we only got it by talking to Phracktle K. Oss. If we would have talked to Garrick, with Rymma in our party, before Phracktle K. Oss, he would have been mad and wouldn't have given us the location. Then we would have broke the game.

If we talk to him again...

Oh, combat. Let me spare you all of this.

We win with one shot to the torso.

The machine pistol uses .44 rounds. It counts as a jury rig weapon, and I've never gotten it to fire properly. The only other noteworthy item we get is the TransTech Security Cloak. This is needed to get into TTHEAT, not an essence. Even though, in both cases, it will only say that we have incompatible hardware.
The TransTech Security Cloak is listed in the game files as being below the level one cloak. I'm really not sure if it's any better or worse than the level one cloak, because I only use it to get into TTHEAT.

After a search, which we couldn't do before the security director was dead, we find another pile of quest items.
Tackett's Essence: Deirdre Tackett's essence chip, a backup file of her cyberspace identity made by TransTech during her days with the Company.
We need this for a later quest.
Wrath Ray Plans: The design plans for a Wrath Ray gun.
This was offered as a trade reward, but it's not worth using for reasons previously discussed.
There's the Tackett Associate List, which we need to bring to Chuck.
Tackett Associate List posted:
Known associates of former TransTechnicals employee Deirdre Tackett, Ph.D., subversive and cybercriminal: Ludwig Sampson, Ph.D., former TransTech colleague; Ransom Stark, victim of Tackett's neural experimentation, may be mind-controlled and dangerous. Tackett has taken in five orphans, harmless, with the exception of the eldest girl--skilled programmer, may have observed Tackett's code.
Next is a Cybercrackdown List
Cybercrackdown List posted:
10 Most Wanted for Cybercrimes against TransTechnicals: Deirdre Tackett, Hakim Maghsoudi, Garrick Fizz, Ransom Stark, Lenora Major, Sis Konfigg, Lazlo Greene, Charley Flyer, the cyberidentities "Zeus" and "Elvis".
We've heard of all these people except for Lazlo Greene, who's location we've now unlocked by reading this list. It doesn't make sense. If TransTech knew where he lived, why wouldn't they just go and get him?
The last item is a Dragon Soul Box. We need this to get Phree Taught's sleeping gas.

We might as well pay Lazlo Green a visit, while we've got him on the mind.

Location posted:
The smell of dirty laundry and rotting food overwhelms you. The windows are sealed shut. The only well-maintained object in the room is a top-of-the-line computer system.
Lazlo yells at us as soon as we enter.

He's like Howard Hughes mixed with (a more rational) Alex Jones. I guess I spoke too soon when I said Daryl was the closest we get.

Remember, we got it from Lash Givens.

Take Object posted:
Lazlo Greene takes the Insul Suit.

If we do find Morph Codes at Notional Lab's cluster, MOZART, this will let us use them.

From talking to Lazlo, we now have access to the Notional Labs office at TransTech. I don't know why. He didn't tell us any more information about where it was in TransTech HQ that Timmy Goldfarb or Larry Owen did.

A search reveals a gas mask. This is a quest item. We could have bought one earlier, but this one is free. Anyway, there's cyberspace access in Lazlo's place, so it's time to visit some of these WELLs we haven't seen so far.


Sure they are.

This is after a search. Most of these are just non-essential text files.
Jason Von Senden's Records posted:
You read security's file on Jason Von Senden. Important excerpts: "Personality schema dotted with disorders including intense flashes of paranoia . . . mood swings frequent . . . given to wildly violent harangues during which syntax reveals textured mosaic of neurotic impulses." "Is phenomenally gifted programmer, but instabilities made him deletable when task group was dissolved."
We met Jason at Central Park. He said he'd have some information after we give Kibma that cable.
Tackett's Security Records posted:
With great interest you read Security's file on Deirdre Tackett. Important--and surprising--excerpts: "Since her association with the Company ended in 2084, Tackett has joined the underground . . . using her genius to evade discovery by the Company. "Tackett's value to the Company is without question. A major design influence on cyberspace core architecture . . . research on extending human interaction with cyberspace yielding promising results at time of disassociation with company." "One of a handful of people who could possibly have played a role in development of the Incubus program, should Incubus in fact exist." "Tops Star Chamber's rogue techs list." "Apprehension guidelines: bodily harm approved if necessary, but brain tissue and fundamental essence matrices must be preserved for cyberspace dissection."
Incubus. What could it be?
Stark's Security Records posted:
With great interest you read Security's file on you. Excerpts: "Executive Star Chamber identifies Stark's continued existence as dangerous to the Company's power and profits. Formerly a cyberspace sentry for the Company." "Onset of Hopkins-Brie Ontology Syndrome necessitated termination." "Condition apparently controlled with aid of neural implant." "Implant almost certainly obtained from Deirdre Tackett." "Disappeared into warrens for several years. Recently reemerged as a rogue operative. Armed and dangerous. Probable possession of cyberspace deck. To be taken alive if possible, dead if necessary."

Braque Picaro's Records posted:
You read Security's file on Braque Picaro. Excerpts: "Subject is ninety-four years old, but maintains the energy of a man forty years younger through the intercession of designer narcotics and implant technology." "Reputed to have made fortune as a software fence and arms dealer . . . a willingness to trade in any illegal commodities". . . "Convicted in 2065 for computer bank robbery. Served four years in prison." "Currently travels the globe as a gambler in the company of two young people, Larisa Mayne and Griff Spater."
Bank robbery? Maybe that's something he can help us with if we credit Braque with curing Larisa.
Kimba West's Records posted:
You read Security's file on Kimba West. Important excerpts: "Deleted from the Company's Domicile subsidiary when development of Prometheus chip made her design group expendable." "Psych profile indicates moderate will and malleable emotive schema. Despite participation in Company training seminars, she has turned disgrunt . . . . Currently agits in Great Lawn camps." "To be under close surveillance."
What is this prometheus chip? I swear it doesn't ever get resolved.
There's also a Data Cage Key. It's the only item we'll bother to take with us, since it's required for a quest and the only one of its kind. That's all that's in this cluster.

There's another piece of Charley Flyer's mind in here. C.Flyer.persnlity Searching the area reveals the Rimbus Database.
Rimbus Database posted:
An enormous database of Rimbus Pharmaceuticals' extensive product line.

This is the well that requires a specific TransTech essence. Now we're going to go back to TransTech and check in on Notional Lab's office.

This is what one of those TransTech security ambushes looks like. This time it's a little different, though.

A security guard and a security drone (whatever that is) immediately retreat from combat. Does anyone find it weird that the TransTech guard uses the same portrait as the Hellfire club's guard? If the writers weren't so bad, I would have said it had to do with that same private security company having a monopoly in the "free" market Rothbard loves so much.

This is a little weird. There's one security drone to fight, but it's invisible.

It's somewhere around where the cursor is.


Uh, yeah, sure. We're from security. Don't mind that fight we had with the security guards a second ago. Even if we say no, there's no apparent change in the outcome. The dialogue is different, but it doesn't matter anyway.

Sure, we'll be right on that. What does the other person have to say?
Noelle Conway posted:
A woman sits at her desk. She manipulates a cyberspace deck and is apparently interfaced with the network.

Anyway, in the room there's a 32 TB Memory Chip, which will go into Stark's deck, and a second Level Four Cloak, which will also go into Stark's deck.

We need to search the location for more items, but Noelle won't let us. She's not around at night, so rather than murder them and take a big humanity loss (which I'm sure Stark would love to do), we'll come back later.
Wow, that was a hell of an update. That took a while to write, so forgive me for the wait.
Main Quests
Chuck (Electric Anarchy) wants us to get the TransTech list of Deirdre's associates
Mother Mary (Cathedral) wants us to Investigate Bill Dougan
Kill Abraham Van Helsing
Visit the Red Crosse Knights (175th Street)
Side Quests
Collect the other two pieces of Charley Flyer's mind
Penn Martinez (Houston Rovers) will help us with complex computer code
Hakim (Houston Rovers) needs a Praxis 3000
Coover Tristan (Kafka Conspiracy) wants us to non-violently steal a multi-channel transmitter from the Icon Robbers and bring it to him
Cyril Thorpe (Cafe Voltaire) wants us to put something he calls "the possession" next to his physical form
Zeus wants to throw down at NYU
Kimba West (Central Park) wants a Fiber Optic Cable
Larisa Mayne (Plaza Hotel) needs a cure for her madness
Bertrand Foucault (Plaza Hotel) wants a blood-synthesizing nanotech
Find out what's up with the two pieces of the amulet we are in possession of
Tit for Tat
Phree Taught (Electric Anarchy) will trade sleeping gas for a dragon soulbox
Phracktle K. Oss (Electric Anarchy) will pay us $10,000 to kill the TransTech security director
Sis Konfigg (Doom Pilots) will trade a Level Four Cloak for the well address of the New York Bank
Wyche Gibbons (Museum of Modern Art) will trade $4000 for the book, Mystics of Catal Huyuk, from the New York Public Library
MEDIUM is Cyril Thorpe's personal WELL
TTHEAT supposedly holds TransTech records on "half the people in the city." We need a specific essence to get in
MOZART is Notional Lab's WELL. It supposedly holds morph codes
New Locations Gained
New York Public Library (in Times Square)
PurpleXVI posted:
In a callback to pages and discussions past, it turns out that Wondermark is as dismissive of post-modernism as I am.
And a lot funnier about it, too.
I feel like you're opening a can of worms with that image, but it is pretty funny.
Main Quests
Bring Chuck (Electric Anarchy) the TransTech list of Deirdre's associates
Incriminate Walter McCalaster for Bill Dougan, in order to help Mother Mary
Kill Abraham Van Helsing
Visit the Red Crosse Knights (175th Street)
Side Quests
Collect the other one piece of Charley Flyer's mind
Penn Martinez (Houston Rovers) will help us with complex computer code
Bring Hakim (Houston Rovers) the Praxis 3000
Coover Tristan (Kafka Conspiracy) wants us to non-violently steal a multi-channel transmitter from the Icon Robbers and bring it to him
Cyril Thorpe (Cafe Voltaire) wants us to put something he calls "the possession" next to his physical form
Zeus wants to throw down at NYU
Bring Kimba West (Central Park) the Fiber Optic Cable
Find more shit for Larisa Mayne (Plaza Hotel) to cure her madness
Bring Bertrand Foucault (Plaza Hotel) the blood-synthesizing nanotech
Find out what's up with the two pieces of the amulet we are in possession of
Bring Shock Maraud the Rimbus Database
Meet Emily Esaki at the Hellfire Club
Lazlo (Lazlo Green) wants to destroy the Morph Spawner from the BLACKWOOD WELL
Tit for Tat
Phree Taught (Electric Anarchy) will trade sleeping gas for a dragon soulbox
Collect $10,000 from Phracktle K. Oss (Electric Anarchy)
Sis Konfigg (Doom Pilots) will trade a Level Four Cloak for the well address of the New York Bank
Wyche Gibbons (Museum of Modern Art) will trade $4000 for the book, Mystics of Catal Huyuk, from the New York Public Library
MEDIUM is Cyril Thorpe's personal WELL
MOZART is Notional Lab's WELL. It supposedly holds morph codes
BLACKWOOD supposedly contains a Morph Spawner. We need a specific essence to get in
New Locations Gained
Sid & Nancys (W. 125th Street)
Walter McCalaster's Office (In TransTechnicals)
Lazlo Green (Times Square)
Notional Labs (In TransTech)