Part 19: Because We Hate Endings
Update 18 - Because We Hate Endings
We're removing one Christian Crusader for a Catholic Priest. I'm not sure how to feel about that.

Why not check out Le Phood again. I have a feeling something's different around here.
**Not Pictured: another ambush**

Who's that in the red?
Walter McCalaster posted:
Walter McCalaster, once upper echelon TransTech management, is now busy waiting tables. He is arrogant, condescending, and even deliberately rude to most of the patrons. In short, he's your typical waiter in an overpriced uptown bistro.
Oh shit, Walter's here?

Goodnight, sweet corporate exec.

Now we're on our way to recruit Chuck.

Garrick is here, but if we talk to him, he asks to join us again. If we refuse, Rymma leaves our party, So we'll leave him be.

Take Object posted:
Chuck takes the Tackett Associate List.
We didn't do this earlier because it's required that Chuck join our party for a certain event. I wish that BloodNet wasn't so non-linear, if only to make the main plot progression actually make sense.

A green pendant you say?

This is the only time in the game where we're required to disassemble something.

Something must be hidden in the pendant.
Disassemble Object posted:
Chuck successfully disassembles the Emerald Pendant. The components are in your inventory.

We get two items from that: a useless pendant case, and this Emerald Looker Chip.
Emerald Looker Chip posted:
The chip found inside Deirdre Tackett's emerald pendant.
If you don't remember, a looker chip is a component inside of your decking interface. This is the only "upgrade" for it, and it's required for a plot-progessing event.

Something tells me that we need cyberspace access at this point. Sampson's lab is the closest place.

We deck in, and in the general plane we find...

An encounter! We haven't had one of those in quite a while.
Harley Shakespeare posted:
A Tin Soldier data angel spins nearby.
Harley Shakespeare appears very late in the game, but as far as I can tell, the encounter isn't actually triggered by anything. Sometimes the encounter doesn't happen until the just before the very end of the game.

At this point, we know that Incubus, the ultimate icebreaker, is quite real, and we need it for Stark to turn back into a human.

Give Object posted:
The Fake Incubus is placed in your decking unit's memory.
We certainly don't need the money, but I'm playing this game so you don't have to. I'll show it off.

We just need someone with a high hacking skill for this to work.
Assemble Object posted:
Chuck combines the two code modules into a functioning program. You hope this fools Nobotu.
Chuck's got a very high hacking skill. Charley does, as well. We should be good.

Winter Garden Theater is in Times Square.
It is a real place.

But I'm pretty sure it doesn't look like this.

Location posted:
Broadway's Winter Garden Theater is home to New York's longest-running performance, CATS. Due to the overwhelming number of the city's tourists attending the production, the entire show has been performed in Japanese since the year 2006.
We're actually on a timer for this quest. If we turn up late, the three mafia types would be gone and the deal would be called off.
Harley Shakespeare is in the yellow, in the left corner.
Harley Shakespeare posted:
Harley Shakespeare practically bounces off the walls from nervous energy.

Harley is a passive-aggressive racist.
There are two bodyguards around the mafia boss.
Cecil posted:
A beefy body guard tries to stare you down.

The other one is on the left.
Jamba posted:
One of Nobotu's formidable bodyguards stands at attention near his employer.

That's all. Let's get this deal done. The boss is in the middle.
Jonathon Nobotu posted:
A well-dressed, hulking African dominates the room. You quickly surmise that he is a leader in the Kenyan mafia.

Take Object posted:
Jonathon Nobotu takes the Fake Incubus.

Both Harley and Nobotu disappear, for some reason. If we didn't have the fake Incubus made, and we talked to Nobotu twice, he would have attacked us. He may still attack us - we have to leave the theater and return. If the fake Incubus was made well, we'll get the money. If it wasn't, he attacks us, along with his bodyguards.

When I said I had a feeling we could use cyberspace access, I was thinking about something else. Let's use Lazlo's, again. I'm also placing the emerald looker chip in our decking unit.
On the general plane, we find...

Another encounter.
Tackett Cybervision posted:
A cybervision of Deirdre Tackett appears before you.
This encounter triggers only if Chuck is in your party, and you've placed the emerald looker chip in your deck.

Who wants to reference the wizard of oz, of all things?

It sounds like Deirdre must be dead.

In any case, we need to go to this well.

You're only allowed access if you've
- Placed Tackett's Essence in your deck (which we found at TransTech)
- Have Chuck in your party

Could it be?

Location posted:
In the Lost Kids' WELL are the four young friends of Deirdre Tackett who have decked permanently into the net in order to protect Incubus from falling into evil hands.
We only need to speak to one of the lost children, but let's speak to them all.
Pat posted:
Pat, the youngest and meekest of the Lost Kids', seems to be shielded by the others.

Aside from Sally, they don't have much to say.
Violet posted:
The data angel of Violet, one of the Lost Kids, is glad to see you.

Lou posted:
Lou, one of the Lost Kids, is a young, but tough data angel. He's annoyed by your presence and the fact that you can deck out of the net.

It all comes down to Sally.
Sally posted:
Sally, Deirdre's favorite of the Lost Kids, is waiting for you in the Lost Kids' WELL. Like the others, she was once under the care and direction of Deirdre Tackett before decking into the net permanently and relinquishing her body, making the ultimate sacrifice in order to protect Incubus.

She's alive?! Where is she being held?
Give Object posted:
The Incubus is placed in your decking unit's memory.

There's nothing else to do in here.

But we do have the real Incubus. Doesn't look like much. Wasn't it supposed to be the ultimate icebreaker?

Anyway, let's return to the theatre to get the money. Or get shot.

Harley is still gone.

If not, I'm sure Stark would gladly sell the real one.

Transfer Money posted:
Jonathon Nobotu gives you 50000 dollars. You now have 587194 dollars in your account.

Then he leaves, but his bodyguards stay behind...?
We only have one thing left to do.

Go back to John Harker. We could have removed Chuck from our party after we received Incubus, if we would have done that earlier. We only need Mother Mary and Incubus with us.

Remember what that statue looks like.

I wouldn't have felt good about removing Chuck from our party if we did this earlier.

Here we go.

We still don't know where she is.

I'm extrapolating this, but what I think we're doing is using Incubus, the ultimate icebreaker, to break down the security system of whatever vampiric virus that's infecting Stark. Then we can have Mother Mary exorcise it from him.
Isn't vampirism a virus in Shadowrun, as well?

Let's get to it.

One screen down on the general plane...




Something comes out of the red circle...

A pillar...

Which morphs into...

Is that supposed to be a vampire..thing?

This looks like something I could make in a 3D modelling program in 10 minutes.


Hey, those sprites look a little familiar.

Incubus is sentient, all of the sudden?

Someone immediately interrupts us... is supposedly making these cybervisions of our enemies and allies that we have to fight.

Thanks to Incubus, we now have an the option, Get Weapon and Armor.

Up to this point, we've gotten by in BloodNet with only the occasional change of weapons/armor for certain fights. This changes with the last section of the game. Each enemy has a specific weapon--which we can still see with the status option--and a specific type of armor. Essentially, the last section of BloodNet is like playing rock-paper-scissors, except have half the information of what the opponent is going to do.

The Cybervision of Lash is using an Assault Rifle, so we'll equip Kevlar Coveralls on Stark. The problem, then, comes when deciding which weapon to use. We have no idea what armor Lash is using, so it's just a guessing game until you come across the weapon that works.
I have played through the ending section enough times to know which weapon to use for each opponent.

We are given a choice between every weapon in the game. In dealing with Lash, we'll stick with the sawed-off shotgun.

We've seen enough of BloodNet's combat that I don't think it's necessary to make a bunch of animated GIFs to show it off.
The futher problem with the ending sequence is BloodNet's insistence that, no matter the relevant weapons skill score of Stark, he must always occasionally miss. It seems to be completely random. The fight with Lash lasts several rounds, much longer than it should, since Starks keeps missing.

Stark ends up taking 44 points of damage from Lash's assault rifle.

Melissa is next.

She's using a White Noise blaster. That means we should equip a Force Field (yes, that is actually a type of armor in BloodNet) as armor. Since Melissa is a vampire, we'll equip a blessed soul blade as a weapon.

That took like 15 rounds because Stark kept missing. So much for being a combat specialist.

We never bothered with Nimrod 7, but he's the third enemy.

We'll equip a refraction shield to counter his laser rifle.

The sawed-of shotgun is a safe bet for a lot of these enemies.

Nimrod doesn't have a death animation, for some reason. There are no remains we can pick up from these enemies, if you were wondering.

After those three are dealt with, we have to walk to the next area of the WELL.
But this area...
Location posted:
Dracula's cyberrealm is unlike anything you've ever encountered in the net or the real world. There is no logic, no perspective, and no order. Yet you feel as if the entire illusion is being tightly controlled by its master, and that you are held captive.
Sounds scary. Let's leave.

"To the Death?" I guess there's nothing else we can do but go forward.

Looks like we have three more enemies to deal with.

Not Sir Anias!

He is equipped with a blessed soul blade, and there's no armor that can help against that. The only strategy that works is to place stark far enough away from Sir Anias where you can take him down before he takes you down - which requires that you choose the correct weapon.

Which is the sawed-off shotgun.

Really? This guy? He ambushed us when we went to Banks Verbatim's apartment/warehouse. This was the best Dracula could do?

The captain is using a weapon called an "electrical storm".

Beats me what armor is effective against it.

But the sawed-off shotgun is the weapon I chose. I'm pretty sure that you can use any weapon that falls under the same category as the sawed-off shotgun (assault rifle, 9mm pistol, etc.), but the shotgun is the best.

This is more like it.

He's using a Flame Thrower, which means that he's the only enemy in the game that uses one. I don't know what armor to use against it.

This is getting stupid.

Location posted:
Dracula's illusion stretches out before you--chaos, visual anarchy, and an element of unbridled whimsy.
Let's continue.


Coincidentally or not, Dracula's voice is the same as Abraham Van Helsing's.

Well, that's pretty disappointing. They couldn't even make a custom sprite for Dracula?

Dracula will just try to bite you, so pick the Cross as armor. Predictably, the blessed soul blade is the weapon you'll want to choose.
Are you ready?!

Dracula goes down in one round. Some final boss.
Immediately after dracula's death...

What? What's happening in this picture?

Oh hey, it's that vampire bat thing.

It flies forward and disappears.

Dracula's WELL implodes...

Free her from where?! And didn't Incubus already help us?!


All we knew about Incubus before the ending sequence was that it was "the ultimate icebreaker", and now all of the sudden it's sentient and wants to destroy New York and take over cyberspace?
What a contrived plot twist. I recently reread the OP, and I don't agree with what I wrote at all about liking the game. BloodNet is not a good game. It's terrible. There was just as much broken about it that worked, everything had some sort of little bug to it, the dialogue wasn't good for the most part, and the ending is really bad.
There's something else, though.

The last area of the game has a green arrow, meaning that it was supposed to lead into some other area. Either that or it would have just led back to the previous area. This is pure speculation, but I imagine that the people who worked on BloodNet were under a strict enough time/budget limit that they had to cut whatever original ending they had in mind.
We ended the game at 91% humanity. Here's the game over screen if it hits 0%:

Wikipedia says that there was a sequel developed called "BloodNet 2000", but it was never released. Who knows, and who cares. BloodNet is something best left forgotten. It could have been good, but it messed up in every area that counts. Let's never speak of this again.