
Let's Play Bravely Default: Where the Fairy Flies!
Bravely Default is a JRPG currently exclusive to the 3DS, created by small developer Silicon Studio and influenced/published by behemoth company Square Enix (published by Nintendo when released internationally). Though originally intended as a side Final Fantasy title, early in development Silicon Studio decided to make Bravely Default into a brand new franchise, mixing Final Fantasy elements with their own vibe.
What Is This Game About?
Friendship, beating up bad guys, being heroes, avenging destroyed hometowns, and saving shiny crystals.
Widely hailed at its release as being a worthy successor to SNES-era JRPGs, the truth is more rocky. Bravely Default has great strengths -- sweet background art, a lively translation, an upgrade of the Final Fantasy 5 job system, the ability to turn off random encounters -- as well as massive flaws, especially in the latter part of the game.
I can't recommend playing the game unless you are in the mood for melodrama, mind-numbing repetition, and an... awkward ending. Not as strange as a Yoko Taro game, but it makes an attempt.
How Will This LP Work?
This will be 100% screenshots (with a few pieces of concept art) and writing. Focus will be on showing off all major event paths in the game and entries from D's Journal (the in-game encyclopedia).
No story spoilers for Bravely Default or its sequels. Talking about jobs mechanics is fine, just don't get into where the jobs come from until they're gotten. To keep things clear, here's a handy list:
Do Not:
-talk about the sequels regarding the story.
-talk about events that have not yet been shown in the LP.
-wink wink nudge nudge at future events if you know what's going to happen.
-talk about the stuff that's been shown in the LP.
-theory-crafting for what might possibly happen next, so long as you appear to be genuinely guessing.
-compare Bravely Default to other works, so long as it includes no spoilers and the off-topic conversation doesn't get too extended.
-talk gameplay mostly without restriction, so long as it does not include spoiling story.

- Entry 3: Everything's Not Great
- Entry 4: Mostly Tutorials
- Entry 5: Meet a Special Character
- Entry 6: Tiz Finds the Plot
- Entry 7: Shopping, Chatting, Building, Stabbing
- Entry 8: Surrender at the Southwest Lake
- Entry 9: Pyromania and Social Oddballs
- D's Journal: Overview
- D's Journal: Enigmatic Writings
- Entry 10: In Which the Party Fights Ganon's Knockoff Cousins
- Entry 11: Through the Silence, a Single Punch
- Entry 12: Mortal Heroes
- Entry 13: The Party, Take Two
- Entry 14: Edea and the Poorly Designed Building
- Entry 15: Ahead on Our Way

- Entry 16: Ominous Bad Guy Fortress Interlude
- Entry 17: Wherein a Guy in a Funny Outfit Yammers On
- Entry 18: Serious Opinions Buried in My Video Games?
- Entry 19: Tiz Arrior and the 40 Thieves
- Entry 20: How to Fail at Dramatic Buildup
- Entry 21: Where the Wind Sleeps, Corrupted
- Entry 22: Saying Hey to All Our Buddies
- Entry 23: The Vestal and Her Guards
- Entry 24: Waggling Eyebrows
- Entry 25: The Wind, Awakened
- Entry 26: Time to Pay
- Entry 27: Let's Be More Grounded

- Entry 28: Worst Trade Route Ever
- Entry 29: Giant Naked Bunny Lady
- Entry 30: Where the Water Sleeps, Silenced
- Entry 31: Let's Risk Lives for the Prettiest Dress
- Entry 32: A Scene Worthy of Florence Foster Jenkins
- Entry 33: A Bloody Beauty Contest
- Entry 34: Gotta Have Blue Hair
- Entry 35: The Other Hidden Village
- Entry 36: Silent Gardens
- Entry 37: Dark and Grim
- Summoning 101: Wind and Water
- Entry 38: Gallivanting About
- Entry 39: A Rose as Red as Blood
- Entry 40: Twilight Reunion
- Entry 41: Beneath a Clouded Sky
- Entry 42: Something in the Water
- Entry 43: The Water, Awakened

- Entry 44: The Grand Old Ship
- Entry 45: Journey to the West
- Entry 46: Enigma-sensei
- Entry 47: Sword vs. Shield
- Entry 48: The Good Wife
- Entry 49: It's Probably Pirates
- Entry 50: Axeing Around
- Entry 51: Dead Men Tell Tales
- Entry 52: The Power of Love
- Entry 53: The Bard's Trail
- Entry 54: Flight of the Canaries
- Entry 55: Let Me Show You My Sword Collection
- Entry 56: Fire Vestal Dreams
- Entry 57: Amateur Firewalking
- Entry 58: Flame-Forged
- Entry 59: Where the Fire Sleeps, Buried
- Entry 60: The Fire, Awakened
- Entry 61: Nothing Gained
- Entry 62: Adopting a New Outlook
- Entry 63: The Adventure of the Dead Man's Banquet, Part 1
- Entry 64: The Adventure of the Dead Man's Banquet, Part 2
- Entry 65: A Sinking Feeling
- Entry 66: Xtreme Boat Repair
- Entry 67: The Grand New Ship

- Entry 68: The Land of Immortal Mistakes
- Entry 69: The Healthcare Debate
- Entry 70: Sugar, Spice, Hate, and Death
- Entry 71: Interviews with a Vampire
- Entry 72: The Bloodied Legacy of Braev Lee
- Entry 73: Taking Command at Eternia Central
- Entry 74: Alone at the Top, in the Dark
- Entry 75 - Part 1: Did Someone Ask For Exposition
- Entry 75 - Part 2: *Exposition Continues*
- Entry 75 - Part 3: What's a Fantasy Without a Prophecy?
- Entry 76: Tower Offense
- Summoning 201: Lightning and Ultimate
- Entry 77: Where the Earth Sleeps, Vanquished
- Entry 78: The Light, Awakened

- Entry 79: Everything's Still Not Great
- D's Journal: Alternate Writings, Part 1
- D's Journal: Alternate Writings, Part 2
- Entry 80: Do Over
- Entry 81: In Honor of FF5's Influence, Tiz Should Rightfully Be Called 'Butts'
- Entry 82: High and Dry in Harena Desert
- Entry 83: Welcome to the Mountains
- Entry 84: A Quiet Moment
- Entry 85: Old Info, New Info
- Entry 86: ......
- Entry 87: Exposition? What's That? (feat. Vampire DeRosso)
- Entry 88: Ruining the Good Times
- Entry 89: Edea Lee: Her Father's Successor or Genocidal Maniac?
- Entry 90: Go Into the Light

- Entry 91: Old, but Wiser
- Entry 92: Killing Spree!
- Entry 93: A Changed Man
- Entry 94: The Countdown
- Entry 95: Second Chances in Another World
- Entry 96: To Go Where No Vestal Has Gone Before

- Entry 97: Trials, Tribulations, and Treasure
- Entry 98: Here Flies the Turnabout Fairy
- Entry 99: The Courage to Think and Act on Your Own

- Entry 100: Beyond Acceptable
- Entry 101: Morbid Misinterpretations of Pop Songs
- Entry 102 Part 1: A Very Lee Family Reunion (sans mother Mahzer)
- Entry 102 Part 2: Alternis Saves the Day (the Party Also Exists)

- Entry 103: The Essence of the RPG
- Entry 104: Side Story Memories
- Entry 105: We are the Demons
- Entry 106: The Asterisks in Use
- Entry 107: The Eternal Battle
- Entry 108: The Four Crystals, Awakened Once Again

- Entry 109: A Look Back
- Entry 110: Wherein the Party Does Everything According to Plan, Apparently?
- Entry 111: Without End
- Entry 112a: Those who Bravely Fight
- Entry 112b: Those who Blindly Default

- Let's Learn Jobs: Freelancer
- Let's Learn Jobs: Monk
- Let's Learn Jobs: White Mage
- Let's Learn Jobs: Black Mage
- Let's Learn Jobs: Knight
- Let's Learn Jobs: Thief
- Let's Learn Jobs: Merchant
- Let's Learn Jobs: Time Mage
- Let's Learn Jobs: Spell Fencer
- Let's Learn Jobs: Ranger
- Let's Learn Jobs: Valkyrie
- Let's Learn Jobs: Summoner
- Let's Learn Jobs: Red Mage
- Let's Learn Jobs: Pirate
- Let's Learn Jobs: Performer
- Let's Learn Jobs: Salve-Maker
- Let's Learn Jobs: Swordmaster
- Let's Learn Jobs: Ninja
- Let's Learn Jobs: Arcanist
- Let's Learn Jobs: Spiritmaster
- Let's Learn Jobs: Templar
- Let's Learn Jobs: Vampire
- Let's Learn Jobs: Dark Knight
- Let's Learn Jobs: Conjurer