Part 76: Guest Of Honour
Part 76 - Guest Of Honour

That reaction wasn't like Nanami.
Normally, rather than laughing and letting it slide, there was no doubt that she'd get pissed off and preach at me, "Don't say that kind of thing, moron!"
Well, it wasn't like I cared....
It didn't matter. If she wouldn't kill me, I no longer had any business with this Nanami. I wouldn't mind if she vanished right away.
Seira-tan and I gazed at each other. If Seira-tan were three-dimensional, she would surely be delighted to grant my wish.
If I were going to be born as a delusionary existence anyway, I'd have wanted to be born in the second dimension....

Hmph, she'd treasured such a thing? How comical. From my perspective, there had to be a limit to how comical she could get.
When you got down it, it was something I'd given her. That sort of thing had no value.

For starters, there was reason to suspect whether or not I'd given Nanami the bracelet in the first place. Even that event may have been imaginary.
Therefore, nothing in this world had any value. Nothing appearing in my memories had any value.

OST: Pity

Head lowered. Fists clenched. Nanami muttered.

What.... you've come barking up the wrong tree if you're gonna accuse me. Because I'm a delusionary existence.

All I stared at was Seira-tan's smile.
There was no need to hear out what Nanami had to say. No point in listening. Because I'm a delusionary existence.


She sensed no one nearby.
Which was natural enough, considering "what kind of place" this was, but when she thought about what waited ahead for her, Rimi ended up wanting someone to be here.

Immediately in front of her was a soundproof door, the kind found in movie theaters. Coldness came floating from the crack beneath it. Along with a white mist akin to dry ice.

An eerie noise resounded faintly through the room's spacious interior. It was low, a sound like a beast growling. A sound signifying that the "device" was in operation.

A voice responded to the antipathy in Rimi's monologue.
The instant that voice reached her ears, Rimi felt her soul quake.

Rimi's instincts harbored terror. Trembling surged up from the depths of her heart.
Hateful memories assaulted her. Her shadowed past seemed about to resurrect itself.
Shaking her head lightly and clenching her Di-Sword harder to endure it, Rimi swept her gaze toward the direction where the voice had come from.

Nishijou Nanami was being held captive there.
Her torn uniform, the blood-soaked bandage on her right wrist, her limply hanging head. Her horribly pallid complexion.
She made such a painful sight, Rimi lost all words.
Like the crucified Jesus of Nazareth.
No, that which captured Nanami wasn't something one could call a cross. It was a long way off, with so much malice filling its shape.
All the evil in this world--
All the chaos in this world--
All the corruption in this world--
It wouldn't have been an exaggeration to say that it represented all of them in a tangible form.

That man--Norose Genichi--had a placid manner of speaking, but his voice encompassed a blade-like sharpness.
Frantically keeping herself from sinking down on the spot, Rimi glared at him.

Norose's suggestion confused Rimi.
She was bluffing now, but the instant she saw Norose's face, her heart had awoken to fear, and her legs had begun quivering. Incapable of moving, she called out to Nanami, pinned up there.

Nanami's head twitched.

Midway through Rimi's sentence, Nanami's face contorted in anguish. She went white and took ragged breaths.

With a slither. Nanami's body slipped down from the cross.

Lying down, lifting only her head, Nanami made her gaze drift about. As if she were searching for something--

Staggering upright, this time she began feeling around the area with her left hand.

He was silently watching Rimi and Nanami's exchange, a mocking smile on his lips.

A bloodstained bandage. It almost looked as if her hand were connected.
But one scarlet droplet after another dripped and fell from it, without stopping.
SFX: Drip, drip, drip...

She needed treatment quickly--
On the reverse side of her sense of urgency, Rimi wasn't able to draw any closer. Because approaching Nanami also meant approaching that man. It frustrated her so much, she found herself on the verge of weeping.

Together with her cry of lamentation.

With the drop at its core, a material like some kind of mineral came flying out of nothingness.
Almost as though an inorganic carapace were ripping through a rift in space.
In the blink of an eye, it came together to form a single shape.

Or else--
Standing perpendicularly, as though to reject everything before it--a sword.

Nanami held that sword to her chest as though embracing it. Her tears overflowed in sorrow, falling toward it. The Di-Sword blinked a brilliant red, as if it were her pulse.

OST: Pity

Nanami was crying. Even while she hung her head and fought to withstand it. Tears kept falling from her bitterly.
I took a single glance at her. Then soon returned my line of sight to the ceiling, resuming the task of counting up the rusty spots.

I see.... It was as Nanami said.

Rimi wasn't the one in the right. Nanami was the one in the right.
If Nanami were the real thing, then so was I.

I extended my hands toward Nanami. Nanami's existence was now my sole hope. Hers was the only existence that could deliver me.

If Nanami's warmth were real. I could prove I was myself.
The forlornly weeping Nanami wiped her tears,
Looked at me with reddened eyes, put on a tearful smile,

I nodded. Over. And over.

Wanting to feel her warmth as soon as possible. I slowly circled my arms around the body that came leaping toward my chest.
Tighter, Tighter--


The blood dripping from the bandage on her wrist slid slowly down the gutter formed by her sword.

Rimi's question was aimed at Norose, who feigned being a mere bystander.
No matter how much she glared at him, his face remained cool.

In spite of her thinking she had to save Nanami, her feet remained rooted to the floor and wouldn't move for her.
Norose, on the other hand, was the very picture of calm as he appreciatively caressed Nanami on the head.
Nanami hasn't shown any reaction. Face lowered, she repeated her shallow breaths.

The night Nanami's hand had been delivered to Takumi's room.
After Takumi trembled in humiliation atop the roof of O-Front and collapsed there.
Rimi had retrieved the hand from inside his fridge.
Now "Shogun" had it. He had preserved it, freezing it so it wouldn't rot. The bangle, too, was there--

Nanami's voice, whose words had also sounded like those uttered in delirium, grew more and more savage.

Norose's abrupt interjection. Rimi inwardly clicked her tongue.

Rimi lowered her eyes.

In opposition, Nanami raised her gaze. Light had returned to her once-empty eyes. It was so fiery as to be described as deviant--

It was as though the lights had been cut.
Rimi didn't know whether it was something done deliberately, or an accident.

Rimi murmured, as if to encourage herself.
Her voice made the air tremble, but it soon melted into the darkness.
She noticed she had stopped hearing that growling sound from "Noah II."
--She hated the dark. Because it made her recollect memories of "that time."
Rimi turned her head. What spread out before her was an endlessly deep darkness. Not a single thing one might call light existed there.
Could she see nothing because her surroundings were dark? Or was she not seeing anything because her vision wasn't working?
She lost even her sense of up and down.
She no longer had understood where she was.
Darkness invaded her five senses, and she lost her ability to distinguish her own physical body.
Or else it was as though her flesh had transfigured to vapor.
As though her consciousness were spilling out of its vessel.
The past and the present melted together, and her memories began intermingling.
When was now? When was the past?
A single beam of light shone into a world, covered in a perfect blackness.
In the center of that circular spotlight. Rimi hugged her knees.
Rimi looked at this from the midst of the darkness.
It was the same as that time--
That time--
Rimi had possessed nothing. Before she knew it, she was being confined and tortured. Her psychological agony was worse than the physical agony.
Hellish days. Days of only enduring it.
Rimi knew nothing of who she had been before then.
When and how had they imprisoned her? How long had they been torturing her?
Rimi didn't know. She had a feeling that it wasn't amnesia.
She felt as though--the instant she unexpectedly awoke, the consciousness known as herself had been born.
Maybe the personality that had resided in this body until then had wanted to escape the overwhelming hardship, and had committed suicide inside her own delusions.
And maybe the current Rimi had then been born as a new personality.
Maybe there had been many different personalities before her.
Maybe even the name "Sakihata Rimi" was in truth something different each time.
--To myself, I don't exist.
She sensed something moving in the darkness. Rimi stood up and dragged herself toward its presence. When she moved, the spotlight followed her.
The real identity of that presence--
Was a dead Rimi, lying down there. Without looking at Rimi, Rimi murmured,

Rimi's eyeballs twitched wildly. Tears overflowed incessantly from the corners of her eyes.
Her Di-Sword slipped and fell from her hands. Rimi sank down in place with a thump.
Like a child, covering her face with her hands, feebly shaking her head.
--I'm sorry.
--I didn't last.

SFX: In the background, the sound of a Porter Noah II Terminal can be heard.
Nanami had disappeared without a trace.
She had dissolved into bubbles before my eyes. She hadn't existed as anything of substance.

Tears made my sight go fuzzy. No matter how I wiped them and wiped them, they kept welling up.... hot droplets.
But even this heat. And even the emotions making me weep.
Were delusions.
Because I myself was a delusion.

I myself didn't really know who I was talking to. But in any case, I wanted someone to listen to me, and I didn't care who.

Ahh, just as expected from a wife of mine.... Seira-tan always showed me tireless devotion.

I harbored no doubts about doing so. Seira-tan was the only one who would never betray me. Because she was my bride. Because she wasn't a 3-D girl.

This sound was my Messiah. The key to my salvation, inviting me toward a more restful land.
Holding Seira-tan, I began walking in the direction the noise was coming from.

When I seemed about to catch up, it would rapidly go far away. When I seemed about to lose track of where it was coming from, it would approach me and wait for me.
Like it had a will of its own.
A sound with its own will--
It was evocative of "Shogun," and his face flickered at the back of my brain, but I soon stopped caring either way.
Whether or not it was him, I didn't mind who it turned out to be, so long as they were going to kill me.
I also stopped thinking about what the sound's true form might be. I was going to die in a little while anyway, and I was a delusionary existence, so there was no meaning in my pondering it.
Making the inside of my head a white blank, I all but unconsciously reeled my way after the sound, like a moth swarming in the direction of light.

SFX: Wherever Takumi has wandered, there's a lot of people and they're very excited about something or other. The Noah II Terminal can still be heard, but the crowd makes that difficult.
I had a start.

I realized the tumult came from the astoundingly huge crowd of people flooding this intersection.
They were pretty much packed together like sardines. Everyone was pushing and shoving, like on the morning train to work.
It was an even greater number of people than at the time of my live broadcast from atop O-Front.
Come to think of it, Grim had posted about it in our chat. That there'd be a major party at the scramble crossing tonight.
Seira, what's going on? I only have nasty memories of this place. Why'd you take me here....

Besides, where's the person who's supposed to kill me?

A stunningly large crowd. On this chilly autumn night.

This is the final Delusion Trigger. From the next update on, it's more or less a straight line to the ending (or an ending). Make your choice:
Positive, Negative or Neutral?