Part 6: Episode V: Memories Are Fickle

Right, then. Time to complete this needlessly violent little quest.

I just noticed Poshul has two tails... One is purple and one is pink. Have I mentioned I hate Poshul?

That shrill screech is distinguishable anywhere. Look who has arrived...

At least Leena is being honest she's not going to put out and is just stringing Serge along for material gain without working for it.

So it stands to reason they've been through Lizard Rock a number of times and seen the Komodo Dragons passively meandering about in the past. The passage from child to teenager is quite well realized in the point Leena went from:


Music: Reminiscence ~ Feeling Not Erased


Is it just a Japanese thing where childhood friends of the opposite sex make pacts at an early age and the girl will remember and harp on it for a decade plus after the fact? I think I told a girl when I was like eight that I was going to become an astronaut and if I became an astronaut I'd take her into space. I don't think she ever guilt tripped me for not taking for on a trip in springtime to Jupiter or Mars.

Yeah, no jo-

Jesus Christ! What kind of childhood did Serge have? He both nearly drowned AND was attacked by some fucked up Panther Demon? What else happen? Did the Origami Killer kidnap him at some point and that's why his father doesn't seem to be around?

We'll find ourselves LPing a late PSX era JRPG? Adulthood is weird.

Well, it's a medieval era technology based fantasy setting. It's a pretty good gamble you'll be dead from monster raids, outbreaks of war, or disease before you hit 30.

Leena's endless prattling is interrupted by some fucked up dialogue not in a preordained dialogue box. This demands investigation.

Apparently, only Serge can hear the phantom voice and he is freaking the fuck out.

So, who's ready for some abrupt plot advancement? Anything to shut Leena up for a few minutes.

FMV Serge's do-rag seems to take the leap into being straight up pink.

Serge has a 'Nam flashback to the day he escaped a demonic big cat by fleeing into the ocean where he was nearly dragged to a watery grave by Sharktopus.

Oh yeah, and there's a tidal wave coming. Probably should have mentioned that earlier.

Serge's fight or flight reflex kicks in and summons forth a plot device to escape the dire situation.

Sucks to be an overly chatty ginger or an atrociously designed canine.

And so the world sort of is enveloped in dark energy before reverting back to normal sans wall of water bearing down on our stoic hero.

Also, Serge drops dead. Huh... Short game...
Serge met up with Leena at the beach and offered her blood sacrifice. She returned the favor by rambled on nearly incoherently about the sea and memories and the like until nature decided she needed to put a lid on it. A giant tidal wave presumable killed her and Poshul but luckily Serge had some magic shit happen and everything is okay. He then had a heart attack and lost consciousness.

Beach Scene FMV

Music: Reminiscence ~ Feeling Not Erased