Part 9: Episode VII (Part 2): Ways Are Parted

The market has decided and Kid is getting ditched. But, she's not going into the sunset quietly. this is suddenly giving me a vibe that bringing her along will end with Serge getting robbed and his throat slit as he's sleeping.

So there is a second prompt to tell Kid to beat it. But, that's not it... The game really wants you to take her.

Yup, it takes three entire negative responses for Kid to finally get the message and give up with the "but thou must" bit.

So, there's nothing really detrimental to blowing off Kid here, other than coming off as kind of a dick. Indeed, from a gameplay standpoint it is the correct decision.

And with that Kid runs off to a new recruitment point in the second town of the game. What, did you think the chick on the front cover of the game would be completely avoidable?

As punishment for being a jerk to Kid: Poshul survives her freefall onto the rocks below. Ugh... Thankfully, we'll be able to be rid of her for good not long from now.
The next morning...

Apparently Serge crashes for the evening in storeroom of the random guy living in the parallel dimension version of Serge's house. That was nice of him.

A short while later Leena waltzes into the room. Apparently this shack is a popular teenager hangout spot. Granted there's only

Leena then proceeds to show off she can get mad air. She used to play for the Arni Village JV Basketball Team, you know.

This to me. Apparently our new objective is traveling to this Termina joint... Who knew?

Music: Victory ~ Spring's Gift

And so the alternate, more likable Leena has joins our party. Choosing Kid back at Cape Howl locks you out of picking Leena up at any point in a playthrough. It is one of the many obscure dick moves the game pulls.

There's not even a real reason why Leena doesn't joint or anything. She doesn't get jealous you pick up a half naked blonde while checking out a kid's burial site. She just stays forever on the dock saying Serge ought to go visit the grave up on the cape.
It's worth noting that if we didn't pick up Poshul in the Home World, the Another World Poshul will join alongside Leena. Chrono Cross likes to occasionally throw in the package deal character sets. I think the most you get at one time is around four in the span of ten minutes.

Leena's traits include being our first Blue Innate character that also focuses on magic, being one of those ordinary anorexic girls, and fighting with a spatula. How quaint.

Alright then, you lead the wa...

Tune in next time when we ditch this godawful mutt bastard for good before we even leave town.