Part 12: Episode X (Part 1): Break-in Plans Are Made

Welcome to the northern half of the main island of El Nido. Our objective, the port town of Termina, rests on the coast to the west. But, let's check out what other locales are in store for the part while venturing into this new location.

Due north is Viper Manor. This place is going to be pretty important in the near future, if you cannot guess we'll eventually break into the foreboding castle overlooking town.

Unfortunately, at the moment the gates to the place are barred and there are guards posted telling us to piss off. Oh well...

To the east of the manor is apparently a dimly lit forest. And huh...that fortress in that volcano south of it is giving me a weird sense of déjà vu... I wonder what that is all about?

This way too is inaccessible as Humongous has laid claim to the region. Maybe if we come back with some gasoline later he'll let us pass.

So off to Termina it is. You'd think a "port town" would have space for more than two boats to dock...

Upon entering town we are forced into eavesdropping on a conversation between a flower merchant and an almost definite future party member. They proceed to have a very dull chat.

Music: Another Termina

So apparently the knight just then was Glenn. I somehow doubt that is the last we'll be seeing of him. Especially seeing as he's featured prominently in the attract trailer...

In any case, the party is slightly banged up from the previous area. I refuse to ever use consumable elements post-battle for healing because the game is very retarded about squandering them; as in wasting an entire tablet to heal 2 HP of damage and the like. So, a quick trip to the inn is in order. By just murdering everything I've seen, Serge already is rolling in about 4,000 G so 100 for a quick heal is chump change.
A quick rest and save later...

Kid is waiting for us just up the stairs into town. Apparently when she meant "I'll be heading to Termina" she really meant "I'm going to Termina get your ass there ASAP sheesh."

And with that Kid trots off temporarily. Kid will normally just run off when Serge and Leena approach if the party doesn't take a pit stop at the no-tell motel first thing.

Termina is quite a bit larger than Arni Village was and there's a decent amount to explore. But, we might as well lace the next plot thread instead of just doing the tourist thing. Doing that is as simple as climbing another set of stairs.

I think that's against the law in public...

The janitor making unintentional masturbatory euphemisms will gush about Master Viper for a while upon speaking with him.

Another World's El Nido was apparently never invaded by Imperial Porre and Master Viper and the Acacia Dragoons are the ruling regime.

He also goes on and on about how Viper Manor is a really swanky pad and there's no way anyone could ever break into it as it's guarded by nothing but badass soldiers and only upstanding citizens of Termina are invited and filthy tourists should take a hike and so on and so forth.

So of course Kid immediately wanders up and declares our new objective is to bust into the place. Sure, why not?

We can once more blow off Kid here if Serge likes being a dick for no real reason. She gets slightly more annoyed this time.

Refusing again will cause her to get pissed off and leave. But, there's really no reason to do so at this point since it just means not picking up a decent character and the next section making less sense. So, what the hell...

Right, so this gizmo works just as described. We now have the option to never use Poshul again.

I like to think there's an unseen narrator who is just kind of a dick mocking everyone's accents when they join our ranks.

I'd just like to point out that Leena and Kid are the exact same height but Kid is six pounds heavier. Yet, Leena is apparently an average build but Kid is considered skinny. Right...

Sorry, Lucky D. You're getting the benched for the time being. Leena still has a few minor encounters in Termina we'll get to in a bit. Besides, Serge is clearly established as a ladies' man and voodoo dolls impaled with a three foot iron nail sends the wrong vibe.

So, before doing the whole tour of Termina thing let us explore our options as far as breaking into Viper Manor goes. The first stop: the bar. It's five o'clock somewhere.

Our first possible option is getting loaded in the back of this dive. But first, there is a townsperson that will fill us in a bit on one of the apparent highlights of Viper Manor and indeed a central plot MacGuffin of Chrono Cross.

Ezio from Assassin's Creed 2's cousin is chilling out at the back of the bar. Might as well see what his story is.

I get the feeling this guy's definition of happy hour begins in the AM.

So our first potential option is the magician by boat. Let's not get too hasty deciding. We've got two more choices we ought to explore before looking where sailors hang out with maybe-Magus.

West of the main square is the staging area for the fair that is being held in Termina. There are a few demi-human (the catch all name for sentient humanoid creatures in Chrono Cross) workers milling about and a supervisor throwing out a bit of casual racism about those damn lazy

Serge and company can board the only boat docked in the harbor to discover the second potential path to infiltrate Castlevania.

Apparently popular local rock star Nikki is AWOL and the band leading the rock concert during the festival cannot rehearse with him absent. I wonder what happened to him.

Ah. A drug fueled bender. You'd think lead vocalists in a band would be more responsible around alcohol and narcotics.

Suddenly a

So our second option is to hope the least dressed woman we've met thus far can give Lord Humongous and his cronies enough feeling in their pants to lure them away so we can track down a rock star that snorted one too many lines of coke and wandered into the woods... Welp, there's one more option on the other side of town we ought to check out before going with anything rash just yet.
Heading to the eastern half of Termina...

In case you were wondering what this wayward Nikki fellow looked like, he's the guy on the banner at the bottom of the screen. Umm...yeah... Before we venture forth, let's take a quick pit stop and see what the hell is going on with those demonic eyes in that tent.

Meet the fortune teller. She's a pretty interesting character as she can read the fortune of every last character in the game and has a different little monologue for everybody. Might as well give in to a little bit of fluff. Let's see what Leena's fortune is.

Let's see Serge's fortune...

The northeastern part of town houses a blacksmith where our third potential option is camped out.

But first, let's check out the crafting system of Chrono Cross.

You cannot simply purchase new weapons and armor in Chrono Cross. Materials must be gathered out in the field (by defeating enemies and finding them hidden in chests) or by disassembling outdated or spare equipment.

The key component in forging weapons (and thus the rarest) are metals. At this point in the game Copper is the best material we'll come across with Iron being the next step (and bone being the weakest and default equipment.) Each character in Chrono Cross can only use one type of weapon. Though, there are multiple characters that use the same set.

In our current party Serge and Kid are both uniquely equipped characters (Swallow and Dagger respectively.) Leena uses kitchen utensils and that's a fairly rare trait (I think there's only one or two other characters who uses that and we saw most of 'em during the prologue.) Poshul and Lucky Dan both use "gloves". Gloves are the catch all equipment for non-standard melee characters. As such, there's about a dozen plus glove users in the game and material and spares of those weapons will be tossed out in droves.

Anyway, it's always a good idea to have Serge be given priority with new equipment as he's the only guaranteed party member. The copper swallow gives him a slight boost to attack and hit %.

Serge can go bug the resident

In the back room of the smithy the party can locate the third and final flamboyantly dressed option for their new quest.

Apparently Monsieur Frenchman never thought to look in the backyard as a kid is parading about with it literally ten feet away.

Well, kid. Looks like you're guaranteed to be a gullible sucker if someone can just wander up and go "dude...I know someone who wanted that..." and you hand it right off without a second thought.
Returning to Pierre...

And so our third and final option for entering the forbidden Viper Manor is via the front gate alongside a Frenchman who is almost definitely full of shit. These...really aren't the best three options we could hope for...are they...? But, you've got to work with what you have, no?

Please use spoiler tags in regards to the immediate effects of the decision. Discussing gameplay traits is cool.



Well, what is it going to be...?

Guile Official Art - The most fabulous of all Alliance Approved Magicians.

Nikki Official Art - Voiced by Travis Touchdown doing a Dracula impression.

Pierre Official Art - French with a capital baguette. Wait, no...

Another Termina

Glenn was the real name of amphibian swordsman of Ye Olde Middle Ages -- Frog. The Glenn of Chrono Cross is just named after him. No relation otherwise.
- Early in Chrono Cross' development Guile was meant to be Magus from Chrono Trigger. However, that was dropped before the final release of the game and as it stands he's just a really powerful Black Innate mage. However, Chrono Trigger DS features a new ending controversially tying into Chrono Cross in which Magus is retconned into actually being Magus after all (from another timeline/dimension...with a mind wipe...) Maybe... It's best not to over analyze it since as far as Chrono Cross is concerned he is either a mind-wiped Magus that has absolutely no barring on the overall plot or he is just some random magician that has equally little to do with the plot.
Guile's Japanese name is Alf. This is a reference to Alfador, Janus' (a young Magus from the Dark Ages) cat. Said cat somehow survived Lavos blowing the Kingdom of Zeal to hell and spent its remaining days chilling out in what was left of the planet below.
- Nikki's Japanese name was Slash as a reference to the Slash of Guns N' Roses. Of course, the English translation of Chrono Trigger already had a completely different character renamed to Slash for the same reference leading to his renaming in the English version of Chrono Cross...
The Hero Medal originally appeared in Chrono Trigger and was wielded by a child in the Middle Ages, Tata. It turned out he just found the thing out in the wilderness and was about as heroic as the shit I took this morning. It remains to be seen if Pierre has a similar story...