Part 41: Episode XXXVII: Slam
Music: DilemmaNote: Thank fuck for some new music finally.

So at last we are in the inexplicably limited access Grand Slam area. We do not actually have to participate in this apparent Iron Man tournament as the Sage of Marbule is dicking around in this very room. But, it's actually the only somewhat fun section to be found on this old tug boat. So let's take a look.
Heading down to the tournament arena...

You know how the guard was going on about how this was a deadly blood sport and there was no guarantee of survival...? Yeah...that was a bit of a misnomer... You see, it's not actually dangerous whatsoever to Lynx and company at all. For you see, the Grand Slam is actually...

A glorified Pokémon tournament! Sure, why not? Entry to the event is free of charge and there are fabulous prizes (note: not actually that fabulous) and possibly a new party member to be garnered from victory in the monster cage match.

Our opponent for this battle of horrific creatures (and the occasionally demi-human) is the reigning champion bunny girl Janice. Take a wild guess whom we'll be picking up for winning this entire thing.

Our available monsters for the tournament are tied to Sprigg's Doppelgang summons. This is pretty much the reason we've been dragging her around to Earth Dragon Isle and Fort Dragonia earlier. For the battles Lynx is allowed to select three monsters to pit against Janice's team of three. We don't actually get to see what Janice is busting out until the fight begins. But her selection is always static and the player can run away to reset the match if they do not like who they picked.
For the first round I'm taking a soul stealing ghost, a lion/bull fire spewing hybrid, and a violent 8-year old's crayon doodle for filler.

The first round pits Lynx's creatures against a Beeba -- primitive tribal rival of the dwarves from Hydra Marsh (go slavery!)

A sentient piece of bubble gum.

And a rival lion-bull beast. Copy

The biggest threat of the fight is the Taurminator as it is built like a brick shithouse and hits like a mach truck. But, there is a trick to easily neutralize the ornery foe:

Wraith's can cast a rather buffed version of Hellsoul with a fairly good chance of hitting. Hellsoul is akin to Death from Final Fantasy and our big brown opponent isn't particularly resilient against the magic strike.

The result: the heavy hitter of the enemy is one-shotted before it even gets a single attack off.

Following that, our own Taurminator can violently rape what remains of Janice's squad for a very, very easy victory.

TotalChaos is just there as cheerleader for the group. What? Monsters need moral support too.

Victory in the first round nets a Stamina Belt accessory which heightens the equipped character's stamina regeneration. Pretty handy.

It's worth mentioning that monsters cannot be reused for each round. Once they've been used, they're out for the rest of the gladiator event no matter if they were slain or not. For the next round I'll be using the goblin with a penis shaped head, a creature from the blue lagoon, and Lynx's body builder cousin.

For the secondary round Janice is retaliating with a googly-eyed bat.

The ever popular golden robot model.

And Fantasy Longshoreman X.

This is probably the hardest of the three rounds. The Spearfisher is fairly resilient and likes to use Blue innate elements that cause the freeze status effect. CatBurgler has a couple of strength buff elements and its role is basically just pounding the shit out of the thing and hoping for the best.

The Cybot is the real problem as it is a goddamn health sponge with a massive 1800 HP under its belt. It kicks like a mule too doing upward of 100-150 HP of damage with its special techs and upward of 50-75 HP with just normal attacks.

The Lagoonate (hey...haven't we seen somewhat less corporeal form...somewhere?) is basically assigned to pounding non-stop on the Cybot. Lagoonate can dish out around 100+ HP of damage with each heavy hit and it is locked into 99% accuracy with each turn. This still means a large amount of time chipping away at the yellow android of doom wall of health. But, it's better than nothing.

The SnibGoblin is pretty much useless offensively and is just left to picking away at the equally useless bat foe. SnibGoblin has been brought to the fight as a support unit. Its element grid is full of healing spells and buffs to back up the other two units as they do all the heavy hitting.

Really, the thing to win this round is to hope you get lucky with the Cybot sticking to physical attacks and not deciding to bust out any techs before the goblin can heal. If you make it through this round, you've pretty much got the tournament in the bag.

Round 2 nets Lynx a Resistance Belt which...well...take a guess...

For the final round I'll be taking my own shiny golden robot, one of the birdmen who were beating up Ziggy forever ago, and one of the three-eyed miners we found beneath Earth Dragon Isle.

For this final leg of the competition, Janice has in her bullpen a skeletal flying bird of some manner.

Her own angry rock star hating birdman.

And a cute little element absorbing critter.

This round is far easier than the last one. The strategy is basically having Cybot beat the shit out of everything.

And having the Fossicker equally kick the living shit out of everything. For a thing with stick legs it puts the burly robot to shame in terms of physical damage. We're talking 100-150 per hit.

The massacre order should go skeleton bird, bird man, and forest critter. The key thing to remember is just never to cast elements on the Cuscus and it'll just sit there idly the entire fight waiting to be murdered.

The grand prize for victory in cruelly forcing animals (and lesser races) to battle to the death is a Dreamer's Scarf. This grants the wearer of the fabulous ability to...begin the battle with one level of their element grid already filled.

Lynx and his entourage are unimpressed with Janice's despair attempt to leave. The bunny girl leaps across the arena and stops them...

What?! A female with weight in the triple digits?! Janice, you fat disgusting whore! (BMI 16.3. She's even more underweight than Kid who is considered "thin")

Alright. Enough dicking around playing Monster Rancher. We've a janitor to catch. The possible Sage of Marbule is out sweeping the outer deck outside the entrance to the Grand Slam.

Being that said sage is a tremendous cock, we're forced to chase him in and out of several hatches until he'll finally stop and talk to us and advance the plot.

And so the local janitor sage takes up arms with his trusty broom.

It ends poorly....

Seriously, the fight was over in less than a minute. Hell, I forgot to equip elements on Janice and it wasn't remotely an issue. But hey, it's been a while since a decent level-up. Or at least, it feels like a while being trapped on this godawful ship.

The sage hands over to Serge a...fiddler crab... Sure...sure, why not?

Nikki busts in out of nowhere for more really, really boring chit-chat. The skinny version:

The sage wanders off...

We can now freely travel over to the Magical Dreamers' ship. On to Nikki's cabin...
Music: Zelbess (Not again! Noooo!)

The rest of the band gets behind the moronic idea and begins setting up for the "gig" and wander off... Irenes stops Lynx before he too leaves...

Pfft... If her build wasn't "mermaid" then it would almost certainly be "buttertroll". 115 lbs...? I didn't know we were recruiting puffer fish.
Returning to the casino...

Without the whole cheating mechanism in place (since Fargo apparently cannot muster the effort to replace a handle crank) Sneff is cleaning up at the roulette table to the point he's able to pay off his debt to Fargo and escape his indentured servitude. Good for him. Maybe he'll have enough left over for some dental work.

If we head on over to the backstage performer's room of the bar we can find Sneff saying his goodbyes to the juggler pirates as well as

But, he immediately reconsiders and decides to stay anyway.

He joins the party too. But, to be honest he is one of the very worst characters in the entire game. It seems even he knows nobody is ever going to use him.

And that is all there is to be done aboard the Zelbess. It is going to take a while for Ziggy to set up his rock opera and Fargo just stays in his cabin being a moody asshole with not much care for the imminent demi-human uprising.
Oh well, shame that... At last we're free of this godawful chapter!

Janice Official Art - It must suck to have hands bigger than your entire torso.

Janice Concept Art

Irenes Concept Art
